CSinPA 7-12 CS Praxis Prep Pathway
About the Pathway
The 7-12 CS Praxis Prep Pathway helps educators prepare for the Pennsylvania 7-12 Computer Science (CS) Certification Exam (Praxis exam 5652) via an online, self-paced course. The Pathway engages educators in activities to develop foundational CS content area knowledge and skills via the online We_Teach CS program.
As a result of the Pathway, LEAs will have a CS-certified educator to offer a standards-aligned middle or high school CS course.
Pathway Eligibility & Expectations
This Pathway is open to Pennsylvania 7-12 educators who are teaching or will soon be teaching Computer Science courses.
To participate, educators must commit to meeting these expectations:
- Successfully complete the We_Teach online course (passing all module quizzes and final quiz with a score of 80% or higher)
- Register for, complete, and pass the PA 7-12 CS certification exam (Praxis 5652)
Upcoming 2022-23 Cohorts
There are four cohorts offered for the 2022- 2023 School Year:
Fall Cohort (Sep 30, 2022- March 31, 2023) Registration closed
Winter Cohort (Dec 31, 2022- June 30, 2023) Registration closed
Spring Cohort (March 31, 2023- Sep 30, 2023) Registration closed
Summer Cohort (July 1, 2023- Dec 31, 2023) Registration opens 5/1/23- 6/30/23
Summer Cohort Schedule
Pathway registration opens May 1, 2023, and will close June 30, 2023
As soon as your registration is accepted, you will be granted access to the We_Teach online course so you may begin your Pathway activities.
The Pathway ends on December 31, 2023.
By this date, participants must finish the We_Teach course and pass the PA 7-12 CS certification exam (Praxis). We recommend completing the Praxis registration ASAP, and select a date in early September
Pathway FAQs
Is Act 48 credit available?
Yes! Participants that complete all Pathway expectations will be awarded 70 Act 48 clock hours. Partial credit is not available.
What does this cost?
There is NO cost to register for and participate in the Pathway. Participants must pay for their Praxis exam registration ($120); however, we offer full reimbursement for qualifying educators.
- Click here for more information about the PaTTAN 7-12 CS certification exam reimbursement program.**
What's in the We_Teach course?
A basic outline of the course content and types of activities is available in the Pathway Information (Google Doc). Click here to open the document.
What If I feel stuck?
1:1 virtual, peer tutoring is available (no cost!) with a PA educator who took the Praxis Prep course and passed the Praxis exam. Click here for more information.
We are also offering a special Praxis Prep Workshop series consisting of 4 stand-alone full-day live sessions covering fundamental code-based topics included in the 7-12 CS Praxis exam. Participants can sign up for one or multiple sessions and attend virtually or in-person at our Pittsburgh or Harrisburg offices. Each workshop offers 6 Act 48 credits. Stipends are provided for substitute coverage, and travel assistance is available.
Contact us at csforall@pattan.net if you have any questions about the Pathway.
For more information regarding the PA 7-12 CS Certification and Praxis exam, please review our Certification & Exam FAQ document.