Panther Press
March - 2023
March Calendar
7 K, 1st & 2nd Music Program, WMS 6:00 pm
15 Parent/Teacher Communications, 4:00-8:00 pm
16 Parent/Teacher Communications - No School
17 No School
20 Outdoor Ed Parent Meeting, WHS 6:00 pm
20 WestFest Strings Festival, WHS 7:00 pm
21 District Band-O-Rama Concert, WHS 7:00 pm
27-31 ALL Staff Appreciation
28 Spring Picture Day
28 PL Community Club Meeting 6:30 pm
3-7 No School
Calendar Change: Art Fair and Ice Cream Social will be held April 27th
You can link to the calendar at
Please check your email for the link to your child's Parent/Teacher Communications.
Each teacher has a seperate link.
See below for volunteer sign-ups to support our teachers.
Lunchroom Notes
Kinder Dates to Remember
Kindergarten Parent Meeting - April 20, 2023 6:00 -7:00 pm
Kindergarten RoundUp - May 5, 2023 9:00 - 11:00 am
Prairie Lane Community Club News
PLCC Save the Date Events:
- March 28th - Community Club Meeting
Suggestions or comments can be directed to
Important Directory Information:
Prairie Lane Elementary is no longer a Membership Toolkit subscriber. The committee decided the funds previously allocated for the online directory can be better utilized for other school items. It was a great option for an online directory and we will continue to explore other options available. We have pulled a current list of anyone who completed the directory information and are working on ways to distribute the information as needed safely and securely.
District Quick Links
School Board Authorizes Master Facilities Bond Phase II
In 2013, Westside Community Schools developed a 15-year Facilities Master Plan, identifying approximately $240 million dollars in work that needed to be completed throughout District 66 in the coming years. In 2014, voters approved the bond for Phase I of this plan, for $79.9 million dollars worth of work focusing on safety and security throughout all buildings and campuses, including new buildings for Sunset Hills, Oakdale, Swanson and Prairie Lane, and extensive remodeling work at Westside Middle School. All projects were completed on time and on budget.
At the February 21, 2023, Board of Education meeting, members voted unanimously to authorize Westside Community Schools to pursue Phase II of the Facilities Master Plan initially established in 2013. Extensive research and discussion involving the Westside Facilities Task Force identified top needs as part of this phase, with an estimated cost of $121 million dollars. This will be decided by our voters on May 9th through a MAIL-IN election.
Phase II will include:
- new schools for Westgate Elementary, Hillside Elementary and Loveland Elementary;
- repairs and projects at Westside Middle School, Westside High School and Westbrook Elementary;
- new storm shelter, gym and early childhood areas at Paddock Road Elementary and Rockbrook Elementary;
- and handicap accessibility at the ABC Administration Building, as well as needs at Underwood Hills Early Childhood Center.
The Bond for Phase II, if passed by voters, will require Westside Community Schools to increase the tax levy by a maximum of 4.9 cents. It is important to note our current tax levy is 9.9 cents lower than it was in 2018-2019.
- This would add $49 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $100,000 home.
- This would add $98 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $200,000 home.
- This would add $147 of annual, additional taxes to the owner of a $300,000 home.
Westside Community Schools leaders will hold at least 25 public meetings and tours across the district throughout March, April and May, to offer as much transparency and information as possible regarding this important initiative. Please click the button below for locations, dates and times. You may also email with any questions you may have.
The first meeting will take place Thursday, March 2 at Hillside Elementary beginning at 6:30pm; all are welcome to attend.
Be Safe, Respectful, Responsible !