Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary
January 2024
The mission of Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
School Improvement Goals
All students will demonstrate growth in the writing process.
All students will demonstrate growth in the math process.
As we enter this holiday season…
We wish you peace, joy, and laughter.
Happy 2024!
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!!
We are hoping that this is the best year yet at HMR. We have much to celebrate and be grateful for and our students continue to grow academically and socially. We hope you enjoyed your break and we look forward to this brand new year!!
Mrs. Ostrom
Mrs. Shultis
School Wide Plan
Our Schoolwide plan will be put on to our public website soon. This is a document that will change and grow with our students' needs.
PTA Reflections is BACK!!
HMR PTA is proud to be participating in the National PTA's Reflections Art Program this year! This year's theme is "I Am Hopeful Because..." Students can submit their entries to one of the HMR offices by January 18th, 2024. Learn more from this Reflections FAQ.
We are hosting a Family Art Night for students to come work on their projects with the school's art supplies:
January 16th, 6pm-7pm: Family Art Night at Horace Mann in the Art Room
Please join us for Family Art Night to learn more about the program and create some art with your child!
Fargo Public Schools 2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2024 opens online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration on February 1. Your child must be age 5 by July 31, 2024 to attend school in the fall. Registration is a two-step process: STEP ONE: REGISTER ONLINE Complete online registration forms at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration.
For assistance, please contact your child’s school to schedule an appointment to complete in-person. STEP TWO: SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION Upload or bring the following documents to your child’s school by August 27 to finalize registration. • Child’s certified birth certificate • Child’s immunization record with 5-year shots • Document (i.e. current city utility bill and bank statement) that includes parent/guardian name and current address for verification If you do not know which school your child will attend, call 701.446.1043 or check online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/boundarymaps. If you need help in PowerSchool (Fargo Public Schools online registration software), please call 701.446.1006
PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting is currently being rescheduled. We will let you know when that meeting will take place. Thank you for your understanding.
Winter Weather Preparation
Please provide outdoor clothing that will protect children from the winter elements. Children will go out for recess on a daily basis unless the temperature and/or wind chill hits -10 degrees. I want to emphasize the fact that we will not allow a child to leave the school for early storm dismissal without having contact from a parent indicating that the child/ren have permission to either walk home or ride the bus. If you pick-up your child during an early storm release, we ask that you physically enter the building so we can confirm they have adult supervision.
2nd Semester Milk Break 2024
Mid-Morning Snack Break will run from Jan. 16th – May 24th, 2024 The cost for Second semester milk is $28.00. This fee applies to all K-5 students who pay full price for breakfast/lunch. Reminder, mid-morning milk is optional. Payment can be made on SchoolPay or in a labeled envelope with cash or a check. No refunds will be given unless moving from the district. The choices are 1% White Milk or Fat Free Chocolate Milk. Students who receive free or reduced breakfast/lunch will receive a free beverage for the mid-morning snack break.
Calendar Committee Needs You!
The Calendar Committee will begin meeting in January to develop the 2025-2026 school calendar. The Calendar Committee will be comprised of elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers and principals; central office administrators; a school board member; parents; and students (one student from each high school). Their charge will be to develop a draft 2025-2026 school calendar. The Calendar Committee is still in need of parent volunteers who would be willing to serve. If you are interested in serving, please contact Amy Nojang at nojanga@fargo.k12.nd.us by January 17.
After School Activities
Horace Mann Mondays:
2nd Graders Chess (please sign up in the office) 3:00-3:30p.
Roosevelt Mondays:
5th Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Roosevelt Tuesdays: (subject to change due to staff meetings)
3rd Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Roosevelt Thursdays:
4th Grade Afterschool Gym 2:40-3:30
Dates to Remember!
January 15: Skate City 6-8 p.m.
January 16: Mid-Morning Milk second semester starts; Family Art Night (PTA Reflections) @
Horace Mann 6-7 p.m.
January 18: AIMS Testing @ Horace Mann
January 23: STEM Club @ Roosevelt MECHANICAL (first 20 registered)
January 25: 5th grade Ski Trip @ Detroit Mountain 7:45 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Horace Mann/Roosevelt Elementary School
Jackie Shultis, Assistant Principal
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/HMR
Location: 1025 3rd Street North, Fargo; ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-4600 701-446-5300