The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School -March 2022
School Announcements
Upcoming Dates
Monday, March 7 - NO SCHOOL- Pulaski Day
Tuesday, March 8 - 6th Grade Field Trip to the Challenger Learning Center
Friday, March 11 - 3rd Nine Weeks Grading Period Ends
Sunday, March 13 - Daylight Savings Time Starts (Spring Forward)
Monday, March 14 - Kindergarten Screening at Franklin (by appointment)
Monday, March 14 - PTO Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 16 - Report Cards Emailed to Parents
Monday, March 21 - Sports & Activities Pictures
Thursday, March 24 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Farm Frenzy Field Day
Friday, March 25 - Student Half Day - School Improvement
Friday, March 25 - Father/Daughter Dance sponsored by PTO
March 28 - April 8 - Illinois Assessment of Readiness State Testing (Grades 3-6)
Thursday, April 7 - Illinois Science Assessment (Grade 5)
Friday, April 8 - 2:00 Dismissal
April 8 - 17 - Spring Break
Tuesday, April 19 - Mother/Son Bowling sponsored by PTO
Friday, April 29 - Lifetouch Spring Pictures
Monday, May 16 - Spring Music Concert, 1:30 p.m.
Parent Survey
The 2022 Illinois Parent Survey will close on March 11, 2022. This is a state mandated survey that all Illinois Schools are required to administer. If you have not taken the survey already, please take a couple minutes to do so today. Thanks for your help!
Survey Link: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent
Kindergarten Screening Information
Sports & Activity Pictures
IAR Testing
Franklin students in grades 3-6 will take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) during the weeks of March 28th - April 8th. Students who miss portions of the tests will have make-up opportunities during the week of April 18th-22nd; however, attendance is strongly encouraged during the original testing days, as it is best for students to test with their peers in their normal testing environment.
The IAR and ISA will be given first thing in the morning with two or three test sessions each day. You can help your child do their best on the test by:
making sure your child’s Chromebook is fully charged at the start of each day;
making sure that your child attends school on the days of testing;
making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep before the testing;
making sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast on the mornings of testing;
reminding your child to ask questions if he or she does not understand the directions;
letting your child know that you and the school have confidence in his or her ability to do their best; and
advising your child not to worry about the test, just do their best!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or call the school office. As always, we encourage our students to do their best every day.
ISA Testing
Franklin students in grade 5 will take the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) on April 7, 2022.
The ISA aligns with the new Illinois Learning Standards in science. This assessment helps
families understand how well students are performing academically and see whether they are on track to succeed in college. The assessment also satisfies federal accountability requirements.
The ISA has three sections and is untimed. The average student time-on-task is estimated at 120 minutes. We encourage you to talk with your children about the importance of doing their best on the ISA, while communicating that the assessment yields only one piece of information about them and their school’s progress. Students’ attendance, classroom work, homework, projects, performance on local tests, participation in sports and extracurricular activities, and contributions to the school’s climate and culture all help them grow and learn.
Spring Pictures
ALL students are eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch at school this year. Two choices will be offered each day.
Students have the option to eat breakfast at school between 7:45-8:20 a.m. Lunch times vary by grade level. The 40-minute lunch period includes time for lunch and lunch recess.
Father Daughter Dance - March 25, 2022
Mother Son Bowling - April 19, 2022
Character Word of the Month - Fairness
Character Counts!
Our school embraces the Character Counts Character Education program. Each month our school will focus on one of these traits, providing class lessons and discussion, relating the traits to literature, and recognizing when students make good choices and demonstrate these positive traits. Please encourage your children to show their good character at school.
*Fair does not mean that everyone is treated equally, but that everyone gets what they need.
*Treat people the way you want to be treated.
*Take turns.
*Tell the truth.
*Play by the rules.
*Think about how your actions will affect others.
*Listen to people with an open mind.
*Don’t blame others for your mistakes.
*Don’t take advantage of other people.
School Contact Information
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243