Wildcat Weekly
Willowdale Wildcats Have Heart!
New School Hours!
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
Principal Message
1. We appreciate you and your support and flexibility with Mother Nature this week!
2. Please mark Thursday, Jan. 25th on your calendar for Bingo for Books!
3. Students do not have school Monday, 1/15.
4. Looking forward to a full week of school soon! :)
5. Have a wonderful, safe, warm weekend with your families!
Join Us at Code Ninja!
Code Ninja is a Partner 4 Education with Willowdale and they are hosting a Willowdale night on January 19th.
"At Code Ninjas, we believe the world will be a better place when our children are writing the code. This doesn't mean we believe all our students will grow up to be programmers. It means the skills they learn while coding, algorithmic and computational thinking, leadership and creativity, to name a few, will benefit them for the rest of their lives."
Check out the website below!!
Dates to Remember!
PTO Corner
Join PTO Today!
President - Wendy Gibson
Vice President - Brittany Hoebelheinrich
Secretary - Jordan Fletcher
Treasurer - Bridget Perry
Lancer Hockey Fundraiser!
Join your friends in our very own Willowdale section at the Lancers Game on February 24th. Use the QR code to get a discounted rate and support our school. The more tickets we sell the higher percentage comes back to the school!
Spirit Wear for Willowdale
The link to order Willowdale Spirit Wear is open if you would like to order more Spirit Wear. Great gifts for Christmas! Plus, don't forget to TAGG your receipt from your purchase, a portion goes back to Willowdale PTO.
Join us after the next PTO Meeting to help plan the next Willowdale Carnival
Student Directory
The Willowdale Student Directory has been updated for the 2023-24 school year! Click here to open the directory in Google Sheets. Click here to open as a PDF. (You can use CTRL+F to search for a student’s name.) If you still need to update or add your info, please fill out the form here.
Please contact the Willowdale PTO or Bridget Perry with any concerns.
Order your 23-24 Yearbook Now!
Teering is running a contest. The promotion will run from January 8-31, 2024. To be eligible, participants must purchase their yearbook before January 31, 2024. Winners will be announced via Instagram by February 7, 2024.
- You must be at least 18 and a parent, teacher, or student who has purchased your 2023-2024 Treering school yearbook by January 31, 2024. See the link below for more information and how to register:
- https://blog.treering.com/unlimited-custom-pages-contest-2024/?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=TR+Birthday+Jan+2024&utm_term=unlimited+custom+yearbook+pages&utm_id=155538&sfmc_id=53962835
Do you have a student that will start Kindergarten in the 24-25 school year?
Please fill out the link below for your incoming Kindergartner student.
If you know of any families that will also have a Kindergartner, but do not receive the weekly newsletter, please send this to them as well.
Thank you so much,
Terri Hartley
Partners 4 Education
Proceeds from our Partners 4 Education and other family nights help fray costs for teachers/classrooms and help supplement funds that are not covered for field trips.
Willowdale teachers, staff and students appreciate all of the support from our families and Partners.
Thank you!
Willowdale Watch Dogs
All of the slots have been filled at this time. You can check back, some times there is a cancellation.
If you have a question or concern about this, please reach out to Terri Hartly at tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
You can still order shirts with the following link:
Calling all 4th & 5th Grade students!
Future Chefs National Challenge will begin. Fill out the the entry form to join the competition and the deadline is January 31st. You can print the entry form (below) and one will be sent home with students. Good Luck!
Tips to help you in the competition!
Lunch Menu & Important Information regarding Lunches!
Lunch for Monday, January 15th:
Lunch for Tuesday, January 16th:
1. Chili & Cinnamon Roll
2. French Bread Pizza
3. Chicken BLT Salad & Roll
4. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Wednesday, January 17th:
1. Crispito w/Cheese Sauce
2. Chicken Nuggets
3. Fruit N Yo To Go Box
3. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Thursday, January 18th:
1. Sweet & Sour Chicken w/Brown Rice
2. Hamburger
3. Blueberry Patch Parfait
4. Bagel Kidzable
Lunch for Friday, January 19th:
1. Spaghetti & Meatballs
2. Chicken Nuggets
3. Cheese Pizza Kidzable
4. Bagel Kidzable
Meal Prices for 2023-2024
Breakfast - $1.60
Lunch - $3.15
2nd lunch - $2.75
Adult lunch - $4.60
Milk - $0.55
January 2024 Lunch Menu
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
2023-2024 School Calendar
The School Board has already approved the calendar for the next school year, 2024/2025. The link to that school year is below: