Family Weekly Update
Collins Community
We had another successful week at CMS. We wrapped up our Winter ELA and Math STAR Assessments and mixed in a community building PEP Rally in between. Please be sure to read through our newsletter as we head into the last week of 2023!
Thank you,
Week Ahead
Monday - Day 2
Tuesday - Day 3
Wednesday - 4
Thursday - Day 1
Friday - Day 2
Upcoming Winter Break
Salem Public School will be on Winter Break December 25th to January 2nd. We will return to classes on Wednesday, January 3rd.
Center Belonging
PEP Rally
We had our 5th PEP Rally of the school year on Wednesday. Students participated in a number of games and activities including Hula Hoop Relay, Tug Of War, Musical Chairs, Teacher Wrap and Old School Dance Off. Students competed but also displayed sportsmanship and camaraderie throughout the event.
House Points
The House Point Race is heating up as we head into Winter Break!
8th Grade Expos
Salem High School Visit
On Monday, and Tuesday Salem High School came to Collins Middle School to showcase their Student Activities and CTE programs. SHS has a variety of clubs, activities and athletics that many high school cannot not compete with. Our 8th graders were be able to see and ask questions about all the opportunities at SHS as they begin to prepare for 9th grade.
STAR Assessment
Math and Reading
Over the past two weeks students have taken both the STAR Math and Reading Assessments. STAR is a dynamic standards based assessment that allows us to monitor individual student growth in specific academic domains. Teachers use the data to plan instruction and differentiate lessons based on student need. The assessments have also been an early indicator of achievement on upcoming MCAS assessments. We will be sending home the STAR Parent Report with students this week. I will be available on Wednesday from 5-6pm via zoom to answer any questions about the report.
Instructional Priority: Targeted Small Group Instruction
This year our educators have been working hard at implementing targeted small group instruction. Here are some of the benefits:
Increased Collaboration Among Students:
In our Teacher Happiness Report, we surveyed teachers in districts about their satisfaction. High workloads and low compensation were two of the key factors, with relevant PD coming in a close third.
It Provides Individualized Instruction On A Smaller Scale:
With small group instruction, teachers have the opportunity to provide individualized instruction on a smaller and more direct scale than they can when teaching an entire class.
Students may be grouped homogeneously (putting students at the same level together) or heterogeneously (grouping students at different levels) and either way, teachers can spend one-on-one time to help students progress.
It Increases Student Engagement:
It may be all too easy for some students to disengage during whole class instruction. With limited opportunities to ask questions or share their thoughts, they may feel intimidated and allow their minds and attention to wander. In small groups, students can have a say in how they learn and may feel more empowered to let the teacher know when they don’t understand something or have an idea to share with the group.
It Increases Opportunities For Personalized Feedback:
Teachers may find it difficult to provide personalized feedback in some situations. Small groups make it easy for teachers to give students the one-on-one attention they need, to observe their learning in action, and to provide constructive feedback. Students take personalized feedback and use it during whole class instruction and when doing homework, so the result is improved student outcomes.
It Boosts Student Confidence:
Finally, small group instruction helps students gain confidence. For example, when teachers allow students to drive lessons by choosing how to learn or even by teaching one another, students become aware of their abilities and grow in self-esteem. Students who participate in small group instruction are more likely to feel confident when participating in whole class discussions as well as in small groups.
Ms. Fitzgerald's 7th Grade ELA Class
Student Holiday Giving Tree
Wellness Team
The Wellness Team has put together our annual Collins student Holiday Giving Tree. We would like to share our sign up genius link with you all now in the spirit of the holiday season. We use the items we receive to supplement gifts for some of our more less fortunate students and families. Please consider supporting a Collins student this year.
Please check out the link here. Instructions are listed on the link.
Parent Teacher Organization
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: December 20th 6-7pm - Cafeteria of CMS. There will also be a virtual link.
Positions were elected for the upstart PTO Wednesday night. The following people were elected:
- Angel Nelson - President
- Amanda McLaughlin - Secretary
We are still looking for a treasurer. If you are interested please let us know!
English Learners Parent Advisory Council
Who are we?
We are ELPAC!
We are parents or guardians of children who are learning English (ESL), or learning two languages (Dual Language) We also advise the school district and the School Committee about issues related to children who are learning English. All families of English Learners are welcome! We meet 5 times a year. If you are interested in joining us, we would love to have you!
2023-24 Meeting Schedule:
- Thursday, Feb. 8: ELPAC Meeting via Zoom (6-7:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, Mar. 27: Multi-Language Learner Family Night at Saltonstall School (6-7:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, Apr. 4: ELPAC Meeting via Zoom (6-7:30 p.m.)
- June 2024/Date TBA: ELPAC Meeting at Horace Mann Field (6-7:30 p.m.)
8th Grade NYC Trip
8th grade families!
Online payments for the 8th Grade NY Trip are now live! - Our unique code is collins24
NY Trip Online Payment Registration (English)
NY Trip Online Payment Registration (Portuguese)
If you have any questions while navigating this process, please feel free to reach out to Malcolm Pimentel, and Ben Chertok