Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
The pandemic has had a silver lining for many people who have discovered productive home-based work, improved their relationships and connected with people without the rigors of travel, writes Scott Eblin. "What have you done or are about to do that would never have even crossed your mind last Thanksgiving?" he writes. Full Story: www.eblingroup.com/blog/whats-your-pandemic-perspective-shift/
Week of December 7th - Recovery Phase 2, Step 2+
Monday, 6PM - Council Meeting (ZOOM)
Tuesday, 4PM - Municipal Court;
Tuesday, 6PM - Missouri Preservation Alliance Awards (VIRTUAL)
Wednesday, 10AM - Community Foundation (ZOOM);
Wednesday, 5PM - Historic Preservation Commission (ZOOM)
Friday, 8AM - NOON - Free COVID Testing @ Crescent Lake Christian Center
Worthy of Mention
- Shannon Stroud made the General Code's Municipal Clerk Honor Roll for 2020 - this is a recognition program allowing others to pay tribute to Municipal Clerks who give so much to their communities every day;
- Grace Wins Home & Studio/The Loft at Grace Wins was awarded the Keystone Award for 2020 by CCEDC. Keystone Awards recognize businesses that have made a significant contribution to Clay County's economy.
- Brent McElwee on Tuesday will receive Missouri Preservation Alliance's 2020 Honor Award for quality historic renovation of the Buckley Hotel at Main and South Streets.
Council Actions
Key Project Updates
- This has been a difficult year. Testing best strategies to avoid illness began with isolation in March, opening back up in June & wearing masks to slow the spread until a vaccine is available. Now, vaccines will be coming to some as early as mid-December, but it could take until the end of 2021 to reach everyone nationwide. There are 40M vaccines slated to go 1st to 20M healthcare workers/EMS nationwide plus residents in long term care; 2nd to essential workers; 3rd to 100M individuals with compromised immunities, persons 65+. Messaging will follow to alert for who, when & where vaccines are ready. State registries will track who has been vaccinated. Which vaccine you will receive & when will depend upon supplies. No plans include children under 18 for now; Vaccines will be FREE to all.
- The Planning/Zoning Commission will begin reviewing ordinances adopted in 1986. Many changes have taken place over the last 30+ years. A schedule for review & public comments is being developed to consider appropriate changes to improve the process for new construction, property uses & improvements.
- Vintage CID received 4 responses to their RFP to complete a hotel study needed to support the private investment for expanding # of hotel rooms. [FUNDING: Vintage CID]
- Community Center developed new Wellness Challenge, visit their website to learn how to team up for success with your NY resolution; visit the Wellness Café & find your favorite Smoothie.
- Golf restaurant closed for the winter; reminder that our small businesses & restaurants need your business, please keep shopping local.
- Bring Yard Waste to the Recycling Center on 12/12 & 19 between 9AM-3PM; the Center will close for the winter, reopening in March. [FUNDING: Refuse Rates]
- Grant funds were awarded earlier this year to build a 2nd Digester at the Sewer Treatment Plant creating redundancy in the treatment train; design & environmental reviews are complete; plans are under MoDNR review & Public Comment is invited on Environmental impacts until 12/21. [FUNDING: CDBG, CIP, Sewer Bond]
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752