August 13, 2023
First week of school logistics
Meet the teacher
Meet the teacher for all students is Tuesday, August 15th from 2:00-3:30. Students will have the opportunity to meet their teacher, see their classroom, and drop of school supplies.
Please follow this time frame for attending:
2:00-2:45 Families with last names A-M
2:45-3:30 Families with the last names N-Z
First Day of School
Students' first day of attendance is Wednesday, August 16th. The first bell rings at 8:30, second bell at 8:45, and dismissal begins at 3:45.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival: Staff supervision outside begins at 8:25 a.m. The first bell rings at 8:30 and that is when the doors will open for students. Students walking or being dropped off at the car line will line up and enter by door 14. Please do not leave your student outside before supervision begins.
Car Line Dismissal: Students who are being picked up by car will exit door 14 and wait along the side of the building for their car. If you are picking up in the car line, enter from the south on Merbach. Cars going north on Merbach will not be allowed to make a left turn into the parking lot. There is a crossing guard stationed there and will ask you to pull around. Please do NOT park in the small lot and get out and wait for your child. This causes congestion in the dismissal line. We also ask that you pull up as far as possible to fit as many cars in the line as possible. There are 3 licensed staff members to assist your child getting in and out of the car as needed. Please be courteous to all other parents picking up and follow these procedures for dismissal. We appreciate your cooperation.
Walker Dismissal: In an effort to keep our students safe and clear up the sidewalk by the car line, we will be dismissing all walkers from door 1. Please move up to door 1 as much as possible to keep door 14 and the sidewalk by the parking lot clear. Thank you.
Busses: Students who ride the bus will enter and exit the building through door 6. We have certified staff monitoring students' arrival and dismissal at the busses.
Large Lot Access: The large parking lot is for bus drop off and pick up only. Please do not park in the large lot to drop off and/or pick up your child.
Street Parking: Street parking is available for the first day school ONLY. Please remember that on a normal school day, the city does not allow parking along the street.
Please be patient with us the first few days of school as we get everyone safely where they need to be. This process might take a little longer the first few days until we establish routines.