Tarvin Times
Sept. 17, 2021
Our students are busy creating, problem solving, and collaborating. Ask your child what they are creating. Progress reports went home last Wednesday and parent conferences are coming in October. Look for a sign-up from your teacher.
Picture Day is Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. An order form was sent home last Wednesday. You can also order online at online.phottexasphotography.com order code: PTPUC. Virtual students will have an opportunity on a different day and will be held outdoors at Bible stadium. More information to come.
Students have really enjoyed the lessons with Apex. Thank you so much to those that have donated! We are really looking forward to stocking the innovation lab with robotics and other STEAM items to enrich our learners. The fun run will be on Friday, Sept. 24th during the grade level specials times. PreK will be at 8:40 am. If you would like to volunteer to mark laps and/or man the water table please complete this form. All volunteers will need to have completed the district volunteer application. https://www.leanderisd.org/volunteering/ If you want to cheer on your runner, complete this form. Park on the 1st-5th grade side of the school. A table will be set up at the gate to check you in. Please preregister using the links above.
Our campus will meet 3-4 times a year with families, business members, and community members to discuss Tarvin. It's a great opportunity to learn more about the campus and the families we serve. As a group, we review campus data, campus goals, and discuss the needs of our students and community. if you would like to serve, please reach out to christine.hilbun@leanderisd.org by September 24th.
Together in Learning,
Christy Hilbun
Apex Leadership Lessons
This week, students learned about leadership.
▶ Our first Apex leadership habit was Aspire.
It’s awesome to have big dreams and big goals – it helps us to strive for greatness. And when we aspire for greatness, we also inspire those around us to DREAM BIG too!
▶Second Apex leadership habit is Self-Starter.
Self-starters set out to accomplish things without being told to do it. They give themselves a little “spark” to get pumped up and motived to take on each and every day!
▶ Third: Apex Leadership habit is Own it.
There are two parts to “owning it” – First, we step up and embrace responsibility. The second part is being accountable for our actions, successes, and mistakes. No matter the moment, JUST OWN IT!
Literacy Partner
If interested, register with Education Connection as well as with LISD as volunteers.
https://education-connection.org/ and https://www.leanderisd.org/volunteering/.Grade level Newsletters
In order to help cut down the number of emails you receive, grade levels will have their newsletters here.
Early Childhood:Career Fair
Parents, We only have one volunteer signed up to be a presenter at our Career Fair. We need many more volunteers in order to make our Career Fair happen! Please consider sharing a little about your career, and educating our students on the many more career options that they have!
To sign up, please fill out the form below:
Tarvin Wins First Place!
Girls Club
Please contact Mrs. DeMoss at lisa.demoss@leanderisd.org or (512) 570-8214 if you would like to sign your daughter up for this group.
I Will Change the World by.... Reflections Program
The Reflections Program encourages children to find their own voice through various mediums of artistic expression. With this year's theme, "I Will Change The World By...", students are encouraged to make their message clear through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Entry forms will be available in the front office and the Tarvin PTA Facebook page. All entries must be turned in no later than October 31. Students can turn in their projects, with their registration form to our Reflections submission bin in the community room or by email to tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. All entries will be reviewed in November and selected projects will be advanced to the regional level of judging. Questions? Contact tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. For more information: click here.
Important Dates
Sept. 22nd: Picture day
- Early release 1:25 PM
Sept. 24th: Apex Fun Run
Sept. 29th: Early Release 1:25 PM
Oct. 4th: Tarvin Spirit Night at the Grove
Oct. 6th: Early Release: 1:25 PM
Oct. 8th: End of the 1st Nine Weeks
Nancy Tarvin Elementary School
Friday: Future Friday-wear your favorite college or high school shirt
Email: Christine.hilbun@leanderisd.org
Website: https://tarvin.leanderisd.org/
Location: 1280 Logan Del Way, Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 512-570-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/TarvinElementarySchool
Twitter: @TarvinES