Teaching & Learning 21
February 2024
News & Updates from PDE
Innovations Challenge 2024
In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), the Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness (OTDA) Project at Lancaster Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 announces an Innovations Challenge. This statewide competition challenges teams of students (consisting of 2-4 individuals) in grades 9-12 to use their problem-solving, creative, and strategic-thinking abilities to develop an innovative video encouraging teens and adults to become organ and tissue donors. Winners will be selected by members of the Organ Donation Advisory Committee (ODAC).
HS Graduation Requirements - Open Office Hours
PDE is offering three open office hour sessions to support understanding of the Pennsylvania HS graduation requirements. Office Hours are designed as open forums and not recorded. There are no introductory presentations unless new or updated information becomes available. (March 5, April 7, May 7)
Communicating about Annual State Assessment Participation for All Students: A Communication Toolkit
NCEO has released an updated resource, Communicating about Annual State Assessment Participation for All Students: A Communication Toolkit. This communications toolkit was developed by NCEO to identify and describe reasons why all students, including students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities should take state tests. The purpose of the toolkit is to provide a concise resource that state education agency staff, and district and school administrators can use when communicating with educators, policymakers, families, and students about why it is so important that students participate in state assessments.
It also contains materials that Individualized Educational Program (IEP) teams can use when making state test participation decisions for students with disabilities. This toolkit is intended to provide a neutral but useful mechanism to guide positive, thoughtful conversations about student testing participation.
The toolkit includes:
- Sample social media posts
- Sample letter to families
- One-page “ready-to-go” flyers
- One-page “ready-to-go” discussion guide for IEP teams
- Customizable slide deck
- Customizable flyers
Curriculum Resources
Engineering by Design (Available FREE to PA Schools)
Access Free K-12 Engineering by Design EbD curriculum which includes a learning management system, real-time online access to all course updates, additional interactive media, and online pre and postassessments. EbD is aligned to the ITEEA Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL). The K-12 PA Technology & Engineering Standards are nearly identical to the STEL (Click here to request access to EbD courses).
Locally, please reach out to Staff Development Facilitator, Tony Mirabito (mirabitoa@cliu.org) for questions or support with EbD Curriculum.
Fall in Love with FCS: February 14, 2024
The countdown is on to Family and Consumer Sciences Educator Day on February 14, 2024. Access this toolkit complete with lesson plans, social media toolkit, logos, and graphics to recognize your Family and Consumer Science Educators while encouraging others to consider this rewarding position.
College & Career Preparation
News from the College Board
AP Advocates Program – Please share with your AP Teachers!
If you are not already a member of the AP Advocates Program, we welcome you to join! The AP Advocates Program is a community of over 1,900 educators across the country who are passionate about expanding access to opportunity for students in their communities and nationwide. AP Advocates come together to connect with policymakers and share their stories about the impact AP has in their school communities.
You can learn more about the program by viewing our webpage. You can join the AP Advocates community by completing this form. Please feel free to share information about the AP Advocates Program with your colleagues.
Join us for a webinar on AP African American Studies
Great news! AP African American Studies will be open to all schools for the 2024-25 school year. To that end, you are cordially invited to join an “NYC Public Schools: AP African American Studies Panel” virtual session to learn more about offering AP African American Studies to your students. By attending this webinar, you’ll hear more about the AP African American Studies course from amazing teachers and students who will share valuable insight about their approach to teaching AP African American Studies and how the course has impacted their students and school community.
This webinar will take place Tuesday, February 6th from 9:00am -10:30am ET, hosted by College Board. Click here to register. Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues who may also be interested in attending.
Pre-AP Offer – Deadline 2/29/24
By offering AP® classes, you're preparing students for college-level coursework, but did you know that Pre-AP® is a great way to prepare students for AP? Pre-AP helps more students build the foundational skills and content knowledge they’ll need to thrive in Advanced Placement® courses.
College Board aims to ensure all students are ready with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to take their first AP course. To support this goal, we’re making all Pre-AP courses available, free of charge, to any school that enrolls 12th-grade students in AP Precalculus or 10th-grade students in any of these AP courses:
Complete this form by February 29, 2024. Then, beginning on March 1, 2024, place your order for the Pre-AP courses your school would like to offer.
Spring 2024 Testing
The transition to digital testing provides much more flexibility for test administrations. The 2024 spring testing window for SAT School Day, PSAT™ 10, and PSAT™ 8/9 is March 4–April 26. Districts and schools can test on any weekday during the window, including testing groups of students across different days.
Ordering for the spring SAT School Day, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 digital administrations is open in the SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR) system. Please review the Test Dates and Deadlines page, which provides the recommended dates to complete each of the steps based on your intended test date.
BigFuture School Benefits for Fall 2023 PSAT/NMSQT Test Takers
Remind students who took the PSAT/NMSQT® this past fall and provided their mobile phone number to check the BigFuture® School app for timely college and career information that will help them as they move into the second semester of the school year. If Connections™ was offered at your school and students opted in, they may also have messages from colleges interested in connecting with them!
eLearn21 at Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21 NOW offering Dual Enrollment
In partnership with the statewide CAOLA Consortium, eLearn21 is Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21's Virtual Learning Program. With successful programs to serve needs of full-time online learners, credit recovery, course acceleration, or even fulfill teacher shortage needs, the latest addition to our catalog include dual enrollment courses with our partners at Edison Learning. These dual enrollment courses are offered through a variety of colleges and universities such as Cedar Crest College, Moravian University, Gywnedd Mercy University, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, and many more!
Want to learn more or get students enrolled? Reach out to Eric Lech (leche@cliu.org) or Melissa Volcskai (voclskaim@cliu.org) to learn more.
Professional Learning Opportunities
CLIU 21 School Leadership Certification Program
We know that educational leadership and, more specifically, standards of leadership are competencies required for instructional success. "Instructional success" is defined by student learning and achievement. As educational leaders, it is incumbent upon us to develop exceptional leaders for the future. Best practices reveal the importance of developing educational leaders who are-first and foremost-highly skilled in facilitating student learning. We should be raising these leaders from within the ranks of our school system.
Qualified candidates will come together to collaborate and participate in a viable, cost-effective quality program designed specifically to meet the increasing demand around accountability and student achievement. The CLIU program is a comprehensive program one would expect and will be delivered using a rigorous, yet modernized approach.
Learn more about this K-12 Principal Certification Program at www.cliu.org/principalcert. Our next cohort begins in May 2024!
Scaffolding Algebraic Reasoning and Boosting Students’ Mathematical Retention
This intensive session focuses on equipping grade 5-12 math educators with two proven strategies to support algebraic reasoning and boost retention of essential mathematical concepts and skills:
Worked Solution Strategy and Spaced Learning Over Time.
April 9, 2024 - 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Presented by: Dr. Paul Riccomini, Penn State University
Register on CPE Tracker or at www.cliu.org/register.
Educational Technology Spotlight
Kami is an interactive learning platform empowering students and enhancing the way teachers teach, feedback, and assess. Whether annotating texts or documents, creating resources with multimedia components, or collaborating for learning, Kami supports student learning and engagement in a wide variety of ways. Learn more about Kami at: https://www.kamiapp.com/.
- Interested districts/schools will execute a consortium service agreement with Carbon Lehigh IU 21 at a discounted per student rate (over 50% off standard pricing).
AI 101 for Teachers
What is AI 101 for Teachers?
This is a free, foundational online learning series for any teacher and educator interested in the groundbreaking world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in education. Partners Code.org, ETS, ISTE and Khan Academy are offering engaging sessions with renowned experts that will demystify AI, explore responsible implementation, address bias, and showcase how AI-powered learning can revolutionize student outcomes. Join us on this journey of exploration and empowerment, and unlock the future of teaching with and about AI.
CLIU 21 Curriculum & Instruction/Educational Technologies
Please download the attached document below to see our team and their primary initiatives. You are always welcome to reach out to any member of our team for services or support.
Eric Lech, Director (leche@cliu.org)
Michael Heater, Coordinator (heaterm@cliu.org)