From District 41
Back to School Information
August 12, 2021
The first day of school is coming up quickly. We are looking forward to welcoming kindergarten - 8th grade students back on Wednesday, August 18, and PreK students back on August 25.
Return to School Plan - Please Review
Please review the Return to School Plan, which will be presented to the Board of Education on Monday, August 16. This plan includes details about what school will look like this year. We are sharing this information with you for your planning purposes but please note that it is subject to Board approval. There may be minor revisions based on the 8/16/21 meeting.
Thank you for your attention to this important information.
School Hours for 2021/22
1st through 8th Grade - 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Kindergarten AM - 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Kindergarten PM - 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
PreK/EC AM - 8:15 - 10:45 a.m.
PreK/EC PM - 12:45 - 3:15 p.m.
School Schedules and Class Assignments
Schedules and class assignments will be available in Skyward on Friday, August 13 at 4pm. Visit www.d41.org/skyward
2021-22 School Year Supply Lists
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Preparing your child with the right supplies is a great first step to ensure student success. Find your school supply list below.
- Abraham Lincoln- Ben Franklin
- Churchill
- Forest Glen
- Hadley Junior High
One-Time Health Check Self Certification Form
Parents will be required to attest to their commitment to conduct symptom monitoring at home daily and to keep children home who are sick or have been potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19. This will be a one-time sign off in Skyward prior to the first day of school.
When parents login to Skyward starting on Friday, August 13, they will find a form to fill out, a one time agreement, to comply with the self-certification requirements for the entire school year. Please fill this out for each child enrolled in District 41. It is vital that all students (regardless of vaccination status) stay home from school when exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. It is equally vital that you keep your student (regardless of vaccination status) home if a household member has COVID-19 symptoms, has tested positive for COVID-19, or is awaiting a COVID-19 test result and consult with your school nurse for further instructions from DuPage County Health Department prior to sending them to school.
Thank you for continuing to monitor the health of your child and for your cooperation in keeping them home when they are sick or have potentially been a close contact of someone who is ill or awaiting diagnosis.
Voluntary COVID-19 Screening Tests for Unvaccinated Students/Staff
The district is planning to offer COVID-19 saliva screening tests this school year for unvaccinated students and staff. The screening tests would be provided by SHIELD Illinois at no cost to the district. Specific information about providing consent for student participation and process details will be provided soon. The program will tentatively start on September 13.
Final Summer Session with the Board of Education
Two Board of Education members will be available this Saturday morning, August 14, at Blackberry Market in downtown Glen Ellyn. from 9 to 10 a.m. to meet and greet community members.
Crossing Guard Substitutes Needed
The Glen Ellyn Police Department has asked District 41 to reach out to parents for help. All full time crossing guard positions are filled, but they are still in need of substitutes. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Christine Miller, cmiller@glenellyn.org
Free Lunch at Schools for ALL Students
Parents of all children in District 41 do not need to make lunches this school year. A new lunch program will provide free lunches for all students this coming school year. If you would like to participate, an online ordering system will be available to make it as easy as possible for all families to review the weekly menu and place orders for their children.
For an overview of the District 41 School Meal Program CLICK HERE
Area Vaccine Opportunities and Clinics
- Dupage County Health Department "Where to Get Vaccinated" info
- Illinois.gov Statewide Vaccination Locations
Vaccination clinics:
Care Van traveling DuPage county
The DCHD Care Van provides free vaccinations to individuals 12 years or older. Care Van dates and locations posted HERE.
Vaccine walk-ins available at local retailers
COVID-19 vaccine walk-ins are available at Walgreens, CVS, Wal-Mart and Target. Walk-in vaccinations are also available at the Health Department’s Central Public Health Center at 111 N. County Farm Road in Wheaton between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays.
Health department partners with DuPage Medical Group
The DCHD has partnered with DuPage Medical Group to expand COVID-19 vaccinations to youth age 12 and older (and any family member who wishes to receive a vaccine). This includes those who are not patients of DuPage Medical Group. Schedule an appointment HERE.
Find us and like us on social media
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 493 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41