Let's Talk TPS
District Communication - September 17, 2021
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year
We hope that everyone has had a positive and productive start to the school year. Although we hit a few bumps in the road when preparing for 2021-2022, we were so happy to start on time in all schools.
This year, we are introducing a new format for our weekly communication that is designed to be filled with new information, reminders, and quick links to our website and other resources for those times when you want or need more information. In response to your feedback and comments, we are also changing the day of the week on which we send the newsletter. Starting next week, the newsletter will be sent on Wednesdays. We hope that this meets everyone's needs.
We welcome your feedback and hope that it helps you to stay up-to-date and informed about all things TPS.
Yours in Education,
Shauna C. DeMarco
Superintendent Tenafly Public School
A Little Hurricane Can't Get Us Down
SAVE THE DATE: Back-to-School Nights
Mark your calendars for this school year's Virtual Back-to-School Nights! These events will be held virtually at all school levels. Additional details will be available on the district website calendars and will be sent directly to parents from their respective schools.
COVID Communications
Virtual Instruction Guidelines
As per the NJDOE and the NJDOH guidance for K-12 Schools, only those students with COVID-related absences verified by the school nurse, principal, or designee that meet specific criteria, as outlined in COVID-Exclusion Criteria and Timeframes, are eligible for virtual instruction options.
For absences confirmed to be COVID-related, a link to virtual class participation is enabled and shared with the student/parent as soon as possible. Virtual participation may be limited and virtual links may not be available for all courses every day. Students absent due to illness are encouraged to email their teacher(s) with questions and/or for assistance.
The health of our students remains our primary concern. Students absent due to COVID who are not well enough for school participation should be tended to and provided with proper rest and care until they are healthy enough to participate. For any and all other absences, Policy and Regulation 5200 applies.
Daily Symptom Tracker
Safety First
Please follow the car line drop off and pick up procedures for each school and we ask for your patience as our new families learn the process. We encourage parents and students to leave with extra time and ask you to discuss with your children the importance of using sidewalks, staying away from work areas, and following the directions of adults.
- Mackay School - byoo@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Maugham School - jferrara@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Smith School - dgeorge@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Stillman School - glander@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Tenafly Middle School - jfabbo@tenafly.k12.nj.us
- Tenafly High School - jmorrison@tenafly.k12.nj.us
Follow Us!
Official District Facebook: @TenaflySchools
Official District Instagram: @TenaflySchools
Just launched! Official District TikTok: TenaflySchools