Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, October 2022
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, welcomed all in attendance. Ms. Rose reminded the community that the Board and Administration continues to host informational sessions regarding the 2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, thanked Principals for their service to the District in light of National Principals Month.
Washburne students presented to the Board on their efforts to promote and host Autumnfest. The students shared their process to organize a successful event, that raised over $3,000 to support Henry’s Heroes, a foundation started by a former Washburne student to support epilepsy research.
School and District Improvement Plans
The 2022-2023 School Improvement Plan goals were presented to the Board. Principals shared details regarding specific actions and measures related to their goals. The District Improvement Plan will be developed based upon quantitative measures, acting as a complement to the other Strategic Plan reporting mechanisms. In order to maximize the district partnership with ECRA, the results will be used to set District Improvement Plan goals for this year to be presented at a future School Board meeting.
Informational Items
2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum Communications Update
An update was provided on communication and outreach efforts, including recent touch points with the community at civic and school events, the continuation of a fall series of Informational Sessions and tours, media outreach, and new informational materials. The Board and Administration will continue to meet with community leaders and organizations and provide timely communication and answer questions.
Safety & Security Update: Text-For-Help
Per the Safe, Secure & Healthy Schools Resolution, the Superintendent recommended a continued and enhanced partnership with Text For Help (formerly Text-A-Tip) as a third party resource to provide timely support for any student, staff or community member with a concern for themselves or others, particularly outside of school hours. The District will engage immediately in a public relations campaign regarding this resource to ensure clarity around how to access it.
Data Research Partner: Ecra Group
The Board received a recommendation to partner with ECRA Group, per an initial recommendation made by the Superintendent at the September 20, 2022 Board meeting as a part of her entry plan. The informational memo shares a synthesis of information gathered in search of an appropriate data research partner, (as well as the needs this partner will help the District fulfill).
Each fall the School Board approves an Annual Plan for the District that establishes areas of focus for the current school year. On October 11, 2022, The School Board, joined by Central Office Administrators, engaged in a work session meeting to discuss goal deliverables and connection to school improvement plans. The work of that meeting has been captured in this Annual Plan document and will serve as the mechanism for which updates will be recorded. This working document will continue to be updated as the plans are carried out and data is collected.
PTO Beautification Project at Greeley Elementary
The PTO has made a generous contribution to a beautification project at Greeley. The Board approved this project which will involve improving the landscaping around the building this fall and next spring.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Data Research Partner: ECRA Group
PTO Beautification Project at Greeley School
To view the entire Board Packet from the October 18, 2022 Meeting, click here.