Hall's Corner
December 15, 2023
BHS will be closed December 23, 2023 through January 1, 2024 for Holiday Recess!
Brighton Believes Resources
Safe School Helpline
1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359
1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
TEXT: 66746, TIPS
Dear Bruin Families and Students:
Merry Christmas
We want to wish a Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating the holiday! The word Christmas comes from the Old English term Cristes maesse, meaning “Christ’s mass.” That was the name of the Christian worship service held on December 25. Christmas was traditionally a Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus, but in the early 20th century, it also became a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike. The secular holiday is often devoid of Christian elements, with the mythical figure Santa Claus playing the pivotal role. Christians and non-Christians partake in some of the most popular Christmas traditions, many of which have no origins in liturgical affirmations. These customs include decorating evergreen trees—or, in India, mango or bamboo trees; feasting (picnics and fireworks are popular in warm climates); and exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Below are links for kids to learn more about Christmas.
Hanukkah was celebrated Thursday, December 7 through Friday, December 16th. The eight-day celebration of Hanukkah is Judaism’s festival of lights. The holiday commemorates the rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days. The celebration includes lighting a nightly candle on the menorah, playing dreidel, and cooking foods in oil such as potato pancakes called latkes. Below are links for books about Hanukkah for kids, more information on the holiday, and a recipe for latkes.
Happy Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa celebrates African-American and African history, culture, and community. The holiday is celebrated from December 26 to January 1 and was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga.
One part of Kwanzaa is lighting the kinara, which holds seven candles: one black, three red, and three green. During the weeklong celebration, family and other community members gather each day to light a special candle representing Nguzo Saba, The Seven Principles:
- Umoja (Unity)
- Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
- Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
- Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
- Nia (Purpose)
- Kuumba (Creativity)
- Imani (Faith)
Learn more about the cultural expressions of Kwanzaa:
Kwanzaa books for kids:
See you in the New Year!
Be well,
T. Hall
BHS Service Projects - It Feels Good to Give!
Clubs Hold Holiday Flea Market
Fashion and Climate Club teamed up for a free holiday pop up shop where they offered upcycled clothing and craft items all made from student/ community donations! All items were free, but financial donations were collected to donate to a wonderful agency - Clean Clothes Campaign "amplifying workers voices in the garment industry." The event was aimed at promoting sustainable shopping with student-created wearable-art, learning about how together we can mitigate the negative effects of the fashion industry, and celebrate the holidays in the last week of school before break. Proceeds will go towards providing fair wages for sweatshop workers.
Catalysts for Change Club creates a Mural at BHS.
Catalysts for Change (CFC) is currently working with science teachers to create a mural in the science wing. The design will feature whales and is loosely inspired by the annual whale watch trip in May. CFC is dedicated to the beautification of and servicing for BHS. We're proud to announce this as our first big project!
Students in the News
Brighton High School students in Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra
Several Twelve Corners Middle School and Brighton High School students were selected to the 2023–24 Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra, the highest-level youth orchestra in The Hochstein School’s four-tier youth orchestra program.
The BHS students are: Noah Busch (violin), Deanna Caldarelli (violin), Joanna Frank (cello), Ella Hall (cello), Gabriel Kulick (percussion), Ceyda Lenio (violin), Peter Odhiambo (clarinet), and Henry Swing (cello). The lone TCMS student is Aurora Gray (violin).
Students compete annually for a seat in the orchestra, performing professional repertoire in at least three concerts throughout the school year. This season, the orchestra has students from 29 different schools coming together every Saturday morning for an accelerated musical experience. The orchestra will tour Italy in the spring.
BHS Student Tyler Martinovich Signs Letter of Intent
On Wednesday, Dec. 20, Brighton High School celebrated a student-athlete signing his National Letter of Intent, committing him to play NCAA Division I athletics next year.
Tyler Martinovich will be playing football at Merrimack College.
Congratulations to Tyler and his family, coaches, and teammates.
BHS PTSA Presents a Meeting with the Principal - Program Planning
On Thursday, January 17, 2024, join Dr. Hall at noon for a Zoom presentation and Q&A. Dr. Hall will be joined by Courtney Stern and Jennie Viggiani to share information on program planning, course selection process and timeline for 2024 - 2025.
He will also discuss graduation requirements, flex and lunch!
Join Via Zoom at
The 2024-2025 Program of Studies and Course selection guide is available at
Brighton High School Mountain Bound
The Brighton High School Mountain Bound program will be traveling up to the Adirondacks this summer for its annual five-day adventure, from July 15th to July 19th. This year’s program involves white water rafting, canoeing, hiking, swimming, stargazing, and some very exciting team building games. No prior camping experience in necessary, there are multiple levels of difficulty within each activity to challenge the first-time camper and the experienced hiker. If you are interested, would like more information, or have questions please contact Mr. Porta (jamie_porta@bcsd.org) for an information packet. The trip is open to current 8th graders through current 11th graders.
Check out the Counseling News for Senior Fall Happenings
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Nominate Someone for a Brighton Believers Award
The Brighton Believers Awards are presented to people who exemplify the five character traits highlighted in the motto, “Brighton Believes."
- Nominees must live or work in the town of Brighton.
- Nominees must demonstrate the character traits of Brighton Believes in their work, school, community involvement, public service, extracurricular participation, etc.
- Anyone may submit a nomination.
- There is no deadline this year, as we’d like nominations to come in throughout the 2023-24 school year.
To complete a nomination, please fill out this form (file below). You need not be limited by the lines in the form. You can submit your nomination by mail or in person to Brighton Believes Council, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618; or e-mail to Jeff_Green@bcsd.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Green at (585) 242-5200 ext. 5535.
Recipients will be recognized at a Brighton Central School District Board of Education Meeting on a date to be determined. The recipient will be invited along with the person who submitted the nomination.
Brighton Community Education
Brighton Community Education offers the following classes for high school students throughout the school year. If you have questions, please send an email to ce@bcsd.org or call the office at 585-242-5200, Ext. 5595.
SAT and ACT Exam Prep Boot Camp
Taught by Chariot Learning--Upstate New York’s most well-known and respected test prep organization--this SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. This class meets at Brighton High School multiple times throughout the year.Complete class information, meeting dates for each session, and registration are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. You do not have to be a BHS student to register for this class. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
New York State Driver Education
This course is offered at Brighton High School (BHS four times a year – fall, winter, spring, and summer. Brighton Central School District partners with a program coordinator and instructors who are Monroe One Educational Services (BOCES) employees. Dates for the next session are posted as soon as they are provided to BHS from BOCES. BHS students are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prepare to register for this course by reading general information about the current session here (see the Student Info Sheet). Complete course details and registration information are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
June Exam weeks schedule is here! Please get the dates on your calendars!
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
June 14 – June 24
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
School Picture Code
- BHS offered a second day picture makeup day on Friday, December 1. Parents/guardians who have not ordered can place an order using the Retake Event Order Code, 84702RF at https://inter-state.com/Order. This Order Code is different from the original Event Order Code.
- Students who were absent for Picture Day and had pictures on makeup day in October, please use the Retake Order Code: 79066MF to place your order at: https://inter-state.com/Order. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
Senior Picture Guidelines
The BCSD site for yearbook with Senior Portrait info is up to date. This is the link to our page
BATHROOM EXPECTATIONS – violations will lead to consequences.
- ONLY one person per bathroom stall.
- No loitering or hanging out in bathrooms. If students are waiting for available stalls or urinals, they should wait in the hallway or choose another bathroom.
- Bathrooms are for urinating, defecating, and attending to personal hygiene issues. They are not for eating, socializing, or vaping. Students have a right to privacy when using the restroom and should not have to navigate through students vaping or hanging out.
- Students should get in and get out. Period.
- Nicotine Vape use/possession will result in Saturday detentions, ISS, and treatment programs for nicotine addiction.
- THC containing vapes use/possession will result in out of school suspension and treatment program referrals for substance use/abuse.
- Selling of vape devices/drugs will result in long-term suspension.
We have stepped up our cleaning schedule throughout the day and have increased security monitoring of all bathrooms at BHS. We have heard you and we need your help to make all of our bathrooms clean, safe, and welcoming.
Food Services
Current COVID Guidelines
The CDC recommends that people who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home. Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin.
- If people test positive for COVID-19, they should stay home for at least 5 days and isolate.
- Isolation may end after Day 5 IF people are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication AND their symptoms are improving.
- Day 0 being day of symptom onset or positive test.
- If symptoms are NOT improving, the CDC recommends that the person continue to isolate until symptoms improve and they are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication.
- After the person has ended isolation and when symptoms have improved, the CDC recommends that people wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask through Day 10, OR until two rapid tests, taken 48-hours apart, are both negative.
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.