Tips For Online Success
Become a More Organized and Diligent Online Student
As an online student, it is crucial to communicate with your teacher. Since your teacher cannot see a look of confusion or frustration on your face, it is important to get in touch with your teacher right away when you need assistance. If you do not speak up and ask questions, your teacher will assume you understand the course content. If you have been absent due to an illness or family situation, communicate this in a timely manner so you and your teacher can work together to get you back on track. So, make sure you communicate regularly via email, synchronous session, or other means. Remember, teachers are not mind readers and it is up to you to keep them in the loop!
Synchronous Sessions
Synchronous sessions are a great way to:
- Interact with your online teacher and classmates,
- Review and reinforce course content
- Study and review for tests
- Ask questions
Organization is key to your success and GaVS provides tools to help you stay organized!
- Use the course checklist to keep track of your assignmnts
- Follow your course pacing schedule and complete tasks daily
- Stay ahead of schedule
- Attend a session to learn how to navigate your course (see below)
- Click on the PowToon below to learn more!
Study Environment
Did you now small changes to your study environment can result in more effective study sessions? Consider some of these study strategies:
- Sit away from distractions and under good lighting
- Study during the day
- Take breaks
- Join a study group
- Set a realistic schedule
Don't miss out...learn more about resources and tips to get organized in your online course by watching a super fun cartoon! Click on the PowToon link below to check it out!
Online Course Navigation Session
Having trouble navigating your online course? Did you know taking time in the beginning of of your online experience to become familiar with the new environment will save you time in the long run! Watch this recorded session to learn everything you will need to know to find your way around your GaVS course.
Parent Auditor Account
The parent auditor account is not only a useful tool for parents to stay in the loop with what is going on in their student's Georgia Virtual School course, but also a way to help keep their child on track in their online course. To learn more about creating and using the parent auditor account, please click HERE or talk to the course instructor.
Contact Us
Georgia Virtual School
Phone 404.657.0574
Fax 770.357.3704
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