Buckingham Brief
November 15, 2018
Looking Ahead...
** See cool kid stuff: Follow us on Twitter @CB_Buckingham
November 15- Young Engineers' Night 6-8pm CB East
November 16-Spirit Day- Medieval Enchanted Forest
November 20- Half day for Students Dismissal 12:10pm (Kindergarten 11:25am)
November 21-23- Thanksgiving Holiday
November 30- PTO Secret Shoppe 6pm-8pm
December 1-PTO Secret Shoppe 10am-12pm (Sat.)
December 10-14-Turkey Toss
Candy Collection For The Troops
Kindergarten Fun
Kids celebrate having words go from the Wait Wall to the Word Wall in kindergarten, meaning they move from learning the words to being able to use them more securely in their reading and writing. Go kindergarten readers and writers!
Thankful Thoughts
Young Engineer's Night
Young engineers’ night
When: Thursday, November 15, 2018
6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Where: C.B. East Lobby
Join us for an exciting night of hands-on activities with the Technology & Engineering Department in the Central Bucks School District including:
Aviation/Drones, R.C. Cars Race Track, Robotics, Electronics, Propeller Powered Vehicles, CO2 Cars, Roboman, Caine’s Arcade, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, Young Engineer T-shirt (Bring Your Own T-Shirt), Student Classwork Displays and more……
Come see what the C.B. Technology & Engineering Department has to offer!
Kindergarten Registration
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for the 2019-2020 School Year opens Monday October 29, 2018. Central Bucks School District is pleased to announce ONLINE REGISTRATION for new students.
Parents and guardians will have access to a secure, convenient and user-friendly system to register a new student. Please use the link below to register beginning Monday October 29, 2018.
Note: Once your registration has been approved, you will receive an email notification with a link to schedule an appointment to finalize your registration.