833 Young Scholars
Nurturing Potential, Sustaining Support
November 2018
Happy November!
This month in Young Scholars we've been busy practicing our visual thinking skills.
Thinking visually has a lot to do with shapes and patterns. The good news is our brains love patterns and are already really good at finding them in the world around us.
In fact, our brains will seek out patterns without us even having to try. However, if we can pay closer attention and notice when patterns come our way - and then to look for more - we can strengthen the connections in our brains and improve how they work.
Try it! Take a look at the picture of tree branches below and see how many shapes and patterns you can find.
Young Scholars works with students, families and schools to increase...
This Month in Young Scholars
Visual Thinking Conversation Starters
The really cool thing about patterns is that they can be found almost anywhere - in artwork, nature, and even in the pages of a book! This month, I've included questions that can help your Young Scholar pay closer attention to the patterns in the books they read and then to start looking for more.
Try out some of the questions below with your Young Scholar. You might find that once you start, you'll be seeing patterns everywhere!
Visual Thinking
Questions that Encourage Visual Thinking
Visual Thinking Cube
Check It Out!
Information, Resources and Opportunities for Your Young Scholar
November Resources
Give your Young Scholar time to study the patterns in the artwork below and then ask the following questions:
1. What's going on in this picture?
2. What do you see that makes you say that?
3. What more can you find?
The questions seem simple but can lead to some really interesting and surprising conversations!
Huichol Yarn Painting
Madhubani Tapestry
Artist Eduardo Kobra’s Bob Dylan Mural in Minneapolis
About Me
Hi All!
My name is Colleen Redmond, and I am thrilled to work as the 833 Young Scholars advocate and lead teacher.
I'm a mom of two teenagers, a wife, small business owner, avid biker (the pedal kind), book enthusiast, and beekeeper. Plus, on top of all of that, I have the happy job of implementing and growing the Young Scholars program here in 833!
I've been lucky enough to teach in South Washington County Schools for over twenty-five years and have had the incredible opportunity to be a part of the lives of so many students and families over the years.
Now, as part of Young Scholars, I have the honor of working with the amazing staff, students, and families throughout 833. I am so very excited to work with and support you and your Young Scholar. I can't wait to see where the journey takes us!
Contact Information
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, thoughts, or needs!
Colleen Redmond