May 12, 2023
The Principal's Corner
Also, a special Happy Mother's Day to anyone who is a mother! We appreciate and acknowledge all that you do to support your children!
The Week Ahead
Dates to Remember
5/13 Saturday School 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM
5/15 Term 4 Progress Reports Available
5/16 MCAS Testing Grade 10 Mathematics Session 1
5/17 MCAS Testing Grade 10 Mathematics Session 2
5/23 College Fair and Campus Tour at Bridgewater State University
5/23 Last Day of Classes for Seniors
5/23 NHS Ceremony 7:00 PM
5/24 Senior Final Exams 8:00-11:00 AM
5/25 Senior Issues 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
5/26 Senior Class Meeting 9:00-10:30 AM
5/25 Senior Grades available
5/26 RHS Junior & Senior Prom
5/29 No School Memorial Day
5/30 MCAS Science Grade 9 Training 8:10 AM
5/30 Graduation Practice 9:00 AM
5/31 Senior Breakfast, Parade to Elementary Schools & RMS, Yearbook Distribution 8:15 AM
6/1 Early Release PD @11:20 AM
6/1 Senior Academic and Athletic Banquet 7:00 PM
6/2 Graduation Practice 9:00 AM
6/2 Graduation 7:00 PM
6/3 Saturday School 9:00-12:00 PM
6/3 Rain Date for Graduation 11:00 AM
6/6 & 6/7 MCAS Testing Science for Grade 9 Students
6/7 Academic Hall of Fame and Underclassmen Award Ceremony 7:00 PM
6/12-6/16 Final Exams
MCAS Testing Next Week
On Tuesday, May 16th and Wednesday, May 17th, all grade 10 Rockland High School students will take the Mathematics portion of the MCAS Exam in the morning. Passing the MCAS Exam is a high school graduation requirement. Test-takers need to bring a charged Chromebook and their power cord to school on the dates of testing. Grade 10 students must be in their assigned exam room on time, no later than 7:55 a.m.
Students not taking the Grade 10 Mathematics MCAS Exam (primarily grades 9, 11, and 12) must report to their first class by 10:38 a.m. (arrive at school, reporting to the cafeteria, starting at 10:30 AM).
All Ears Jazz
Chorus Performs!
Final Exam Info
Final exams for grades 9-11 students begin on Monday, June 12th, and conclude on Friday, June 16th.
During our final examination period, regular class sessions will be suspended. Students taking two exams in one day must arrive before 9:00 a.m. and remain in school until the conclusion of the second exam period at 1:30 p.m. Students taking only one exam on any given day must arrive on time for that exam and may leave campus when the exam period is concluded. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria from 11:00-11:30 AM.
The schedule of exams is as follows:
Monday, June 12th
9:00-11:00 AM- A Block Exam
11:30-1:30 PM- B Block Exam
Tuesday, June 13th
9:00-11:00 AM- C Block Exam
11:30-1:30 PM- D Block Exam
Wednesday, June 14th
9:00-11:00 AM- E Block Exam
11:30-1:30 PM- F Block Exam
Thursday, June 15th
9:00-11:00 AM- G Block Exam
11:30-1:30 PM- Make-Up Exam Block Exam
Friday, June 16th
9:00-11:00 AM- Make-Up Exam Block Exam
The last day of school, Friday, June 16th, is a ½ day (make-up day) for students and a full day for faculty. Lunch will not be served on this day. Buses will run on a regular schedule throughout final exams. If students do not need to make-up exams, students do not need to report to school on Friday, June 16th.
8:00-9:00 AM Extra Help for Students with individual teachers
9:00-11:00 AM A.M. TWO-HOUR EXAM
11:00-11:30 AM Lunch
11:30-1:30 PM P.M. TWO HOUR EXAM
1:30 PM Student Dismissal
1:30-2:25 PM Extra Help for Students with individual teachers
All students are required to take final exams during the exam period. If an alternative arrangement is needed for medical reasons, the student should contact the assistant principal or principal to pick up a final exam make-up pass.
Exams will be two hours in length.
Underclassmen's Final Exam grades will be recorded in a separate column on the final report card and will constitute 10% of the final grade.
Students must remain in the testing classroom until the end of the exam period. Students are encouraged to bring reading or other school work in case they finish exams early. Students cannot get dismissed from an exam once it has begun.
A student who reports to school after 9:05 AM must report to the main office and will not be allowed into classrooms for testing without the permission of a teacher or administrator.
Unified Kickball!
Travel Club
The Travel Club will be hosting an information meeting on Tuesday, May 30 at 7 p.m. This meeting will present trips for 2024, 2025, and 2026 and explain how to enroll if interested. Email Ms. Walsh at kwalsh@rocklandschools.org with any questions, and please RSVP and get meeting details at this link: https://bit.ly/3p41CxQ
Recent Articles From The Veritas
Students attend summit to help Rockland build inclusivity
Boys' Tennis looking towards tournament
Girls' Tennis focuses on positivity
Boys' Lax looking at record-setting season
Middle schoolers contribute to girls' lax program
Softball putting in practice time with new coach
Baseball seniors want to finish career strong
Spring track athletes forming strong bond
50th Arts Festival a showcase of RPS talent
Summer Reading 2023
Students are encouraged to participate in summer reading prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Selected titles, listed below, are available via Sora. All students have access to Sora; if you need help logging into your account, please review these log in instructions.
Students who participate are asked to read one of these titles, assume the role of their favorite character, and create an Instagram account. The account will have to include the following components:
Character name
Profile Quote taken from the book that reflects your character’s identity
Five (5) posts that your character would post that include:
Images reflecting an important scene in the book
Images reflecting your character’s personality
Hashtags explaining the images
Responses from other character to your characters posts
Students will use Canva to complete their projects. Completed Instagram posts should be emailed to jkemp@rocklandschools.org by September 15th.
All students who complete the summer reading assignment are invited to participate in a Library Takeover! Students will be called down September 28th during Dog Block to participate in a book chat and see their redesigned covers on display! We will discuss and critique the titles.
The Agathas by Kathleen Glasgow
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alfak
Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
SGC Summer Camp Information
RHS Stuco is hosting a summer camp to welcome new members and to start planning for the 2023-2024 calendar year. At camp students participate in student led workshops, ice breakers and compete in team building challenges. They spend time in class meetings to discuss important ideas their graduating class plans to accomplish that year. Members also spend a lot of time in their prospective committees working on event planning for the fall activities. This year's camp will be held on August 14th, 15th & 16th. Student council members are also expected to attend the Leadership Conference on August 17th.
RHS Students Attend Diversity Summit in Weymouth
On Tuesday, May 9th, Ms. Burgos took 9 students to attend the Diversity Summit held at Weymouth High School. Students were able to attend topics learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The workshop included keynote speakers, art displays, and small-breakout presentations. Some of the workshops included presentations such as the History of Hip-Hop, the Stigma of Mental Illness in Asian Americans, and Congenital heart defects.
Athletic Updates
A congratulatory newspaper article on a great accomplishment for boys senior lacrosse captain, Lucas Leander!
Quick Links
Rockland High School
Email: jharrison@rocklandschools.org
Website: https://www.rocklandschools.org/o/rockland-high
Location: 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-0541
Twitter: @RocklandHS