Hornet Headlines
December 2022 Principal Newsletter by Erika A. Krohn
Principal's Message
Happy December!
During November, we finished off first trimester! All scholars who passed 40 or more iReady lessons got to participate in a popsicle dance party. We also honored scholars who showed excellence in academics and citizenship at the 1st Trimester Awards Assembly. We sent Veteran's Day cards over to be shared at the Field of Valor. Seven Handy scholars were awarded with a gift card for a Thanksgiving feast for achieving a goal or showing excellence in the areas of academics, attendance and attitude from our GRIP team. GRIP Greeters also started welcoming students each morning at the gate. We held our PTA Membership Drive. Congratulations to Mrs. Badalian and Mrs. Housky's classes for earning a pizza party for the most memberships. Our 6th graders led us in a Spirit Assembly all about showing Gratitude. I hope all of our Handy families enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving Break.
December is the perfect month to focus on the core value of Generosity. Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. All students will participate in a Talking Circle to learn more about what it means to be generous. Also, all students will be taking the iReady 2nd Trimester Benchmark in Reading and Math prior to Winter Break. I am excited to see big gains in student achievement!
Follow Handy Elementary school on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for weekly happenings at Handy! Please scroll down to see a complete list of December events.
I encourage every Handy scholar to give their best effort each and every day because: Learning today makes a brighter tomorrow!
With gratitude,
Erika A. Krohn, Principal
10 Things to Know About Math
- Math is important and it’s important to help young children develop their mathematical thinking. A child’s math knowledge at the start of kindergarten predicts later academic achievement better than early reading or attention skills.
- Math is part of children’s everyday lives. Taking advantage of each of these math moments develops math learning. Each math moment is like a charging station that helps children become ready for more math learning.
- Math is measuring, sorting, building, noticing patterns, making comparisons, and describing the environment, as well as counting and knowing the names of shapes. There are many ways to incorporate math learning into everyday moments.
- Talking about math is also important and every bit of math talk helps. Research shows a small increase in math talk, such as asking about how many objects there will be if we add one or take one away, brings big results.
- It’s important to believe your child can get better at math and develop mathematical skills. Growth mindset, the belief that we can keep learning and getting better at math, is very important in supporting children to become mathematicians.
- When children focus on problem solving rather than on getting the right answer they learn more.
- Parents’ mindsets about math influence children. Children notice when adults feel anxious about math or say things like “some people are just not good at math. ” Girls in particular pick up on attitudes held by female adults. Instead of saying “I’m not good at math,” try saying, “Let me try to figure that out.” Focus on problem solving. Your words and attitude matter!
- You can foster a positive attitude toward math: Find ways to incorporate enjoyable math activities and math talk into regular activities like cooking, setting the table, and going for a neighborhood walk. Find math activities that YOU enjoy and feel confident doing.
- Change can be hard. If math makes you anxious, accept your feelings and thoughts. Keep working towards your goals. Think about who might have influenced your own math attitude.
- It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes help us learn! Focus on problem solving and using mistakes as an opportunity to promote growth mindset, “Let’s try again.”
Allison Master, PhD, research scientist at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington
AVID Ambassadors
Under the guidance of Mrs. Chavez, a select group of 6th graders are honing their leadership skills as AVID Ambassadors. AVID Ambassadors are important student leaders on our campus. They have been trained to tutor kindergarteners twice a week in reading and math. When Handy hosts visitors and important guests, AVID Ambassadors welcome the visitors and give them an overview about our school and programs. They help plan Spirit Days and make signs to advertise. Some AVID Ambassadors do the Morning Message and Flag Salute on the loudspeaker each day. Handy AVID Ambassadors exemplify Excellence in Academics and Leadership!
AVID Ambassodors: Alison T., Lupita M., Leyla M., Itzaynanna N., Sherlyn L., Mariana S., Aileen M.
Save the Date: Handy STEAM Night-January 24
LCAP Survey
Help us continue to refine programs, services, and improve student achievement through our Orange Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP.) There is still time to fill out this survey!
Orange USD is collecting anonymous responses from parents, teachers, principals, and students to allow them to provide input on the LCAP. Become a critical partner engaged in providing an outstanding 21st century education for all students. OUSD truly wants to hear from you on this survey as these results will guide the (LCAP) for the upcoming school year. Your opinion matters!
Please click on the link to fill out the survey:
December Events
- December 1-new core value: Generosity
- December 2-Spirit Day-wear holiday hats and/or socks
- December 5-16-iReady Benchmark #2 Window
- December 5-14-Holiday Gram Sale-$1 or $3
- December 6-PTA Meeting at 8:30 A.M.
- December 9-Spirit Day-wear holiday sweaters or colors
- December 14-GRIP Mentor/Mentee Gingerbread House Party, 12:45-2:15
- December 15-School Site Council Meeting, 2:45
- December 16-Spirit Day-wear holiday pajamas
- December 19-January 6-Winter Break, return to school on January 9, 2023
Handy Elementary School
Website: https://www.orangeusd.org/handy-elementary-school
Location: 860 N. Handy St. Orange, California 92867
Phone: (714) 997-6183
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Handyelementary/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Twitter: @handyelementary