Week 3 Part 1: App Podcasts
EDCI318 Technology for Teaching & Learning-SUMMER 2018
Tech EDGE episodes on Youtube, Media Hub, iTunes U, Google+ & website. You have options of where to view!
Checklist of Requirements for your App review/reflection
- You will add your video Reflection of Learning to SeeSaw,
- Actually you will record it right inside Seesaw.
- Think about your appearance when you record, look professional.
- Choose episode(s) that interest you. Out of 350+ episodes, I am confident there are plenty that should be of interest to you, no matter what you plan to teach.
- Watch the entire episode(s).
- Choose TWO (2) apps discussed that interest you and that you could use in your own classroom or as a teacher.
- You might have to watch more than one epidsode to find your 2 apps.
- Download and install the two (2) apps on your iPad.
- Teach yourself how to use each app.
- Figure out how each app would be useful in your classroom
- Record your PODCAST review about the two (2) apps you explored deeply.
- You just watched an example of a PODCAST, now make one of your own!
- You cannot discuss something you have not actually used!! SO try the apps, play with them, teach them to yourself.
- Assume you need to teach your students to use the apps (both of them).
- Sales pitch, convince us this is great app.
- Describe the App, what is the app for and what does it do
- Include an application in education details.....how you think each app could be used in the classroom (specifically your classroom) or as a teacher if that is the case. What are the strengths and limitations of the App, discuss what you think they are. Be specific an detailed, etc?
- Save your video podcast to your camera roll and upload it to Youtube. Instructions for how to do this are below.
- You will also add your video to Padlet https://padlet.com/ded318/podcastsummer18,
- TWEET your review directly from Youtube and include the hashtag #edci318 and the #AppReviews
Check out some examples from past semesters before beginning
Last spring this was a written reflection of Learning, but this summer, you are creating a Video Podcast, but the concept is the same.
Grading Breakdown Checklist
Grading Breakdown.
- 20 points- for 1st app discussion, what it does and at least one idea about how you could use in your classroom.
- 20 Points-for 2nd app discussion, what it does and at least one idea about how you could use in your classroom
- 10 Points for tweeting using our class hashtag #edci318 and #AppReviews. Tweet right from Youtube, your tweet will show up in our class feed for hashtag #edci318
- 20 points, Add your video to Youtube and then to the Padlet https://padlet.com/ded318/podcastsummer18
- Add the title: App Reviews Podcast
Add the Youtube App to your iPad
I have to approve your post before your. can share it to the camera roll. I will do this as fast as I can.
Create a Youtube account
If you have a gmail account, you already have a Youtuve Account, just login!! If you do not have a gmail account, you can create an account with any email. Make sure you keep track of your login and password, you will need it frequently.
Makre sure you are logged into Youtube, it is easier that way!!
Tweet right from inside youtube
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn