WMS Friday Forecast
October 28, 2022

Hello WMS Parents and Guardians:
A shorter message this week... Congratulations to the cast, crew, and directors of Frozen! Mrs. Bach produces a show like few other middle school directors. The high-quality performances that she is able to pull out of students shows us that ordinary kids can do extraordinary things!
Enjoy a beautiful autumn weekend!
WMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
Our Honor Roll recipients will be recognized on Thursday, November 3rd, with a ribbon, plus a treat at lunchtime from our fantastic PTO!
Please note: We may have some children who earn Honor Roll status but their name is not included on this list. This is because their parents have requested their children's names NOT be published, which includes being published as part of the Honor Roll here or in the newspapers. Changes to this request can be made either in the Home Access Center or with Student Services.
Congratulations to all of our RedHawks who worked hard throughout our 1st quarter of this school year. A special shout-out goes to those who were able to achieve Honor Roll status by earning either all A's or all A's and B's. All A's are on one tab, AB's are on another! See the bottom of the page to switch tabs.
Click the image below to view this quarter's Honor Roll!
Halloween Costumes
This year at WMS we are going to allow costumes on Halloween (Monday, October 31) because this falls on a school attendance day. Here are our guidelines:
If you are going to wear a costume, I also expect that you have come to school ready to learn on Halloween.
All costuming must happen at home. That includes any hair or make-up.
With make-up, we need to be able to know who you are-no full face make-up.
The costume must be school appropriate.
For students, there are no masks or inflatable costumes allowed.
There can be nothing that you carry around that is extra. (ie. props, fake weapons, scythes, clubs, dolls, etc.)
Teachers are expected to teach that day, though they may have Halloween themed lessons.
There will be no Halloween parties. Or candy. Or other treats. Because you will get enough junk at night if you trick or treat.
After Halloween, you can only bring a couple of pieces of candy per day. If you bring more, I will get it and I will eat it. And I don't need any more candy. And throw away your wrappers in the garbage, please.
COMFIES DAY November 1st - dress comfortably, in pajamas or lounge wear, but still school appropriate!
Mr. Loversky
Safety Protocols at Wredling
Wredling is lucky to have some great security features such as a “buzzer” system and vestibule area before fully entering the school. With that said office staff will be asking you a few questions before you are “buzzed” in to gain entry to the vestibule area:
What is your name and the name of your student?
State the reason why you are at WMS.
A sign will soon be posted by the buzzer that will include the following instructions:
Please face the camera and push the button - wait for us to answer
State your name and the name of your student
State the reason for your visit to WMS.
Pull the door when a click sound occurs.
Once inside the vestibule, you will be asked for your ID if you are gaining entry into the school and also to pick up your student. Your ID will be run through the Raptor system. We utilize this safety system for parents picking up their students, or those coming into the school. A visitor pass will be provided to all adults entering the building.
Ideally, if you know in advance you will need to pick up your student early, plan to send them to the office with a note in the morning. Include your pickup time and reason they are leaving. We will give them a pass for 5 minutes prior to your planned pickup time. Our hope is to have them here waiting in the office when you come in to sign them out.
Please be patient when picking up your student as there are many times the office is quite busy. It takes some time for students to be called out of class, go to their locker and walk to the office. WMS is a big building.
St. Charles Cares
STC Cares is BACK - Annual Fundraiser for Living Well Cancer Resource Center, November 2nd at 7:00pm in the Wredling Middle School Main Gym, $5.00 (Adults & Students) Children (5 and under free). Come CHEER on your favorite cheer and dance teams from Thompson, North, East and Wredling as well as TriCity Cheer!!
Parent University - First Phone
First Phone: A Pre-Tween’s Guide to Digital Responsibility, Safety and Etiquette
Presented by Dr. Catherine Pearlman
First Phone is a fun and informative illustrated kids’ guide to safely and productively navigating the digital landscape. Author Dr. Catherine Pearlman joins Parent University in a conversation on digital etiquette for children ages 8-12.
November 16, 2022 - Virtual
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Those who register can receive free copies of the book at St. Charles Public Library or by requesting a copy be sent home with their child. Recording will be available after the presentation
Suessical Jr!
Come immerse yourself in the wonderful, wacky world of Dr. Seuss! “Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat narrates the story of Horton the Elephant, who discovers a speck of dust containing tiny people called the Whos. Horton must protect the Whos from a world of naysayers and dangers, and he must also guard an abandoned egg that’s been left in his care by the irresponsible Mayzie La Bird. Although Horton faces ridicule, danger, and a trial, the intrepid Gertrude McFuzz never loses faith in him. Ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community are challenged and emerge triumphant!” – Music Theatre International
Nov 18-20, 2022
Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Hemmens Cultural Center, Elgin
Presented through arrangement with Music Theatre International
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303