Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Board Meeting Summary
Friday, October 15, 2021
Wayland Union Schools Board of Education held their regular meeting on Monday, October 11 at Wayland Union High School. Haylee Jasinski, 12th grade, and Summer Morrison, 11th grade, participated as student board representatives.
Pat Velie, Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations, presented the budget report dates October 11, 2021. Mrs. Velie stated that she is currently reviewing the draft of the audit report and it will be presented to board at the October 25th work session.
Student board members Haylee Jasinski and Summer Morrision reported on upcoming activities at the High School including Hallowed Halls, the induction of 42 new members into the National Honor Society, the play “Superheroes” on October 22 and 23, as well as competition results for band, girls swimming, tennis and volleyball.
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Teresa Fulk, thanked NHS members for tidying up the Little Free Libraries all around the district. Fall assessments are done. Parent-teacher conferences were held last week. Attendance was good at the elementary level but we need to look at participation for the secondary level. SWIVL technology is up and running for students who need to be learning from home due to illness or quarantine.
The Superintendent’s report covered an update on the Strategic Plan process, the final report will be brought to the board in November. Dr. Hinds also discussed upcoming training that will be presented by Opportunity Thrive. There have been several great events happening throughout the district including Muffins with Ma’ams at Baker Elementary, the WEPA Walk-a-Thon, the Cat Walk at Dorr Elementary which raised over $12,000.00, a delivery of books for Steeby Elementary students form the Toys for Tots Literacy program, Pine Street student council kick-off, homecoming activities at the Middle School and High School and a very successful Debate Day at the high school. Dr. Hinds continues her community coffee hours at Simply Celia’s in Wayland this Friday and at Bell’s Colonial Kitchen in Dorr on October 22nd.
Other items covered were an explanation of COVID mitigation strategies, discussion and approval of an adjustment to the Secretary group pay scale, the need to purchase a new truck for the maintenance department, our annual summer tax resolution and field trip proposals for high school orchestra students to travel to New York City and middle school choir students to travel to Cedar Point to perform.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, November 8, 2021.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181