District 103
State Testing Information
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Each spring, our students at Half Day School and Daniel Wright Junior High School are required by the State of Illinois to take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness and the Illinois Science Assessment.
I. What are the IAR and ISA?
Here are some details for each assessment, including who is required to take the test(s), and the purpose of the assessment(s):
1) IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) - This assessment, consisting of both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math sections, is required by the State of Illinois to be taken by all third through eighth-grade students.
- The data from this assessment provides information to the State regarding how our schools are performing in the areas of ELA and Math.
- If you are interested in learning more about the IAR please view the Impact of Participation document.
2) ISA (Illinois Science Assessment) - The State of Illinois requires that this Science Assessment be taken by all fifth and eighth-grade students.
- The data from this assessment provides information to the State regarding how our schools are performing in science.
- The ISA aligns with our Illinois Learning Standards for Science, which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
While both the IAR and ISA assessments provide data that is helpful for identifying potential changes needed in curriculum or instructional approaches on a year to year basis, the results will not be directly used for adjusting instruction within this school year, as results generally do not get posted until after the end of the current school year. In addition, results of the IAR and ISA will not be utilized for placement purposes.
II. What will my student need in order to be prepared for the IAR and ISA?
Students will use the iPad they bring to school on a daily basis, as their testing device. Please assist your student with the following instructions to help ensure successful assessment administration.
Technical Requirements
Keyboards - Keyboards will be provided by the school via the district-issued keyboard case. Please assist your student in making sure they bring their keyboard/case with them to school on testing days.
Headphones - Wired headphones are required for ELA units on the IAR, and can also be used on the ISA for text-to-speech purposes. Students are required to bring their own iPad compatible wired headphones.
Free Space - Please back up or delete photos/videos that are not needed on the iPad. The recommended amount of free space on the iPad is 2 GB.
Fully Charged - Bring the iPad to school fully charged, every day.
Tips for a Successful Testing Experience
Prepare Physically - Students are urged to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast prior to testing.
Arrive on Time - If students arrive late to school, they will not be allowed in their classrooms until the testing session is completed, and a makeup session would be required.
How to Support your Child with Assessments - Visit our D103 Instructional Technology Support site to view some tips on how to support your child with assessments.
III. When will the assessments be administered?
Administration timeframes:
While it is best for all of our students to participate during the scheduled testing window, we also understand that some students may be ill, or experiencing symptoms of illness. In such a case, please do NOT send your child to school. Make up sessions will occur until students have completed all required testing.
Once testing results are made available by the State of Illinois, your child’s school will send them home.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us to successfully administer the spring assessments!
Craig Chatham, Director of Technology and Assessment
Katie Reynolds, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
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Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
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