Home of the Hornets!
*Principal's Newsletter: January 1-31
Hornet's Monthly Quote:
“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” —J.P. Morgan
Mission: Roswell High School's mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
Monthly Updates: Please check back weekly for updates!
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
- PSAT scores are now released! PSAT Score Video
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday: January 16
- Professional Development Day: January 17
- Student Remote Learning Day: January 17
- North Fulton County College Fair (Host Site: Roswell High School)
- Roswell Roots, Student Art Exhibit: February 1
- 3DE-Magnet Applications: Now Accepted!
Important to Know: School Information
- Student Success Skills-Parent News
- Roswell Teen Podcasts Link
- College Support Days: Tuesday and Thursday!
- Senior News
- Join PTSA
- Digital Learning Days (Asynchronous)
- No School Days
- Senior Information/Graduation
- OSP Payments
- Here Comes the Bus App
Student and Staff Highlights!
- Academic Highlights
- Student Highlights
- Staff Highlights
School Meetings!
- Stakeholder Meetings
Action Items
- Student Code of Conduct (Review & Sign)
Hot Buttons!
- Register to Volunteer
- Student/Parent Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Advanced Studies/TAG
- Parent/Student COVID Portal
- Fulton County Schools Calendar
- Fulton County Meals Application
- Roswell High School's Website
Community Resources
- Scholarship Information & More
Happy January!
Principal’s Update: January 9-January 20
Happy New Year! Welcome back to the second half of the school year and the start of the new year. I am so thankful to return to such a great team, a supportive learning community, and dynamic students. Our staff and students returned to school in the most hornet-like fashion: Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn!
I want to thank each of you for the work you have done supporting your child’s education at Roswell. Although this unique year has brought some challenges early on, I am encouraged that we are resilient. We continue to make adjustments to meet the needs of our students and our learning community. It is the flexibility and the commitment to excellence that keeps us moving forward!
I have very high expectations for each of us as we begin the second semester and I look forward to chasing our goals, alongside our students and staff. I encourage parents to continue to dialogue with your students about their goals, as we begin to make our way to the finish line, revisiting the goal is a very important step in accomplishing it!
Thank you for all that you do to partner with our team of teachers, support staff and administrators to ensure a successful and memorable experience for each and every Hornet!
Instructional Focus Questions: What are the instructional priorities within our Professional Learning Communities? How do they align to the goals we have set for the semester? Are the goals within reach?
Principal's Newsletter Updates**
PSAT scores are now released! PSAT Score Video
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday: January 16
Professional Development Day: January 17
Student Remote Learning Day: January 17
North Fulton County College Fair (Host Site: Roswell High School)
Roswell Roots, Student Art Exhibit: February 1
3DE-Magnet Applications: Now Accepted!
From Good-to-Great-to-Unstoppable! Let’s go HORNETS! #Commitment Matters
January's Principal’s Newsletter: Click here to stay connected!
Your Partner,
Principal Miley
Email me: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
Principal's Newsletter Updates
SGC Elections: February 1 - March 24
PSAT Scores: Released!
Congratulations on taking the PSAT/NMSQT! Your scores are now ready! studentscores.collegeboard.org.
How to Access Your Scores
If you provided your email address on your answer sheet on test day, you’ll receive an email notifying you of when your scores are available. The email will have a unique access code that will connect you to your scores online.
January 16, 2023: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Throughout January 2023, thousands of Atlantans will celebrate and honor the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Get involved and help us build Dr. King’s “Beloved Community.”
Student Remote Day: January 17, 2023
- Asynchronous Learning Day for All Students!
- Professional Development Day for Staff!
- The Front Office will have limited operations!
North Fulton College and Career Fair: All students enrolled in North Fulton County Schools are Invited to Attend! January 30, 2023 (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
Event Date: January 30, 2023
Time: 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Host Site: Roswell High School
Roswell Roots! You are invited to attend INSPIRED, A Student Art Exhibit! February 1, 2023
3DE Leadership Academy! We are accepting applications for our 3DE Magnet Program!
About Our Magnet Programs
Fulton County high school students interested in concentrated studies in Mathematics and Science, Visual or Performing Arts, International Studies, Business, or STEM are encouraged to enroll in one of four magnet programs.
- 3DE’s multifaceted approach to learning uses case methodology to integrate real-world connectivity into the standard high school experience. This universally effective approach to learning is the anchor for interdisciplinary pedagogy, relevant connectivity, and authentic project-based application that is delivered in every 3DE school. The result is a high school experience that reflects the dynamic pace of activity and interconnectedness of life beyond the classroom walls.
Roswell High School (Late applications accepted through): February 17, 2023
Important to Know: School Information
Student Success Skills (SSS)
January 18, 2023
Dear Parents,
This week of Student Success Skills lessons will focus on Respect. Students learn about how respect is demonstrated through communication and behavior.
From ReThinkEd: “Respect involves inclusiveness and status. We all have a need to belong, and respect provides us with the sense of belonging. Respect is demonstrated through communication and behavior. We show and are shown respect through the way we talk and act toward others and how they talk and act toward us. We show respect differently depending on the person and his or her position. Effective social skills include an understanding of appropriate respect of the group dynamics – the roles each person has within the group.”
The literature for the lesson can be found here:
Grade 12: Respect, Relationships, and You
Have a great week! Let your student know you are part of their support system!
Use this link to find information on how to connect to the Rethink Ed portal from home. CLICK HERE for access to instructions on Rethink Ed for parents.
Thank you for your support!
Roswell High School
Student Success Skills Champion
College Support Days @ the NEST: Tuesday and Thursday during 4th Period!
When you’re getting ready for your higher education journey, whether it’s a 2- or 4-year college, career training, or something else altogether, it can be hard to know where to start. Insight on how your peers are preparing for life after high school can help.
Below are seven steps high school seniors from across the country have taken to get ready for higher education. Use this as a checklist when preparing for college. Click here to learn more.
Senior Information : January 30, 2022
- Scholarships are available; check out the Community Resources section of the Newsletter!
- More Information: TBS Soon!
Senior Information! January 16, 2023
Senior Updates
- Seniors in need of midyear transcripts (1st semester final grades) for college applications please complete your transcript request in Naviance. The midyear transcripts will be available to send to colleges as requested.
- Seniors, if you are planning to attend technical school or a 4 year college, have you applied for FAFSA? If not please complete the FAFSA application https://www.gafutures.org/federal-aid-scholarships/fafsa/.
- Seniors, have you applied for any scholarships, please check out the available scholarships in Naviance. We are constantly adding new scholarships
Senior Information! January 9, 2023
Senior T-Shirts: The Senior T-shirts are ready for distribution. If you paid your student’s “class dues” which are the same thing as the “graduation fee”, your student can pick one up next week during any lunch Tuesday or Thursday. As a reminder, the RHS Graduation Fee for 2023 includes:
- Specially designed Roswell High School Gown
- Cap and 2023 tassel
- Diploma and diploma cover
- Senior T-shirt
- Senior Picnic & Lunch
- Senior Graduation Activities
- Venue fees
The Graduation Fee is currently $190.00 and there will be a further $15.00 price increase as of April 1, 2023 for ship-to-home delivery cost of gowns. You can find the OSP link for paying dues on Roswell Home Page under Students and Families-> Seniors.
Post Secondary Options: Choosing the right post secondary option is important. Students, are you undecided on possible future career opportunities? BigFuture offers a great opportunity for future career exploration. Students can start exploring more than 1,000 careers by taking a free career quiz. After completing a short survey about their interests, students will receive a list of 30 potential careers to explore. Explore Careers – BigFuture | College Board
Financial Aid Information: Seniors have you applied for Financial Aid yet? The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the main application used to apply for federal or state-supported financial aid to pay for a college education. Completing and submitting the FAFSA is free, easy and provides you access to the largest source of financial aid available.
Financial aid covers expenses like tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation and other college-related expenses. The FAFSA can be used to determine eligibility for:
- Federal Student Aid – Pell Grants and student loans.
- State Financial Aid – HOPE Scholarship and Grant programs.
- Institutional Financial Aid – Institutional Scholarships offered by a college.
- Private Financial Aid – Private Scholarships provided by businesses or other organizations.
For more information, view the FAFSA Overview and How to Fill Out the FAFSA videos provided by Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education.
Go Hornets!
Counseling News: 9th-12th Grade
Tips for A Successful Second Semester
By Aleena Islam,
With the new year comes a new semester of high school classes! It seems like just yesterday school was starting, but it’s already time for second semester.
Join PTSA! Parent, TEACHER, and Student Association (PTSA)
Take a moment and join the RHS PTSA today. Just follow the link https://roswellhsptsa.new.memberhub.store/store
We will soon begin the raffle of surprises! But, you must be a member to receive a surprise!
Digital Learning Days for All Students!
FCS No School Days!
Online School Payments: School Fees!
Welcome to the Fulton County Schools Online School Payments (OSP) portal. This service is provided to parents and community members to facilitate payment for school fees for a variety of products and services. For further information or to request additional information, please contact the main office. As part of the onetime setup of your student account, you will need to enter the student ID number. This number is indicated on your student’s report card and is also used in the cafeteria line. While some purchases are not specifically for students and may not require the ID number, in most cases you will also need the student ID number to complete the transaction. If you have questions regarding the student ID number, please reach out to your school’s front office.
School Highlights!
Great News to Share! Click here to share your great news!
Staff-of-Excellence! Congratulations!
Please join me in celebrating our Staff-of-Excellence!
- August: Beverly Michaud
- September: Ali Ahmed
- October: Crystal Clark
- November: Deb Carstens
- December: Whitney Sweet
Beverly Michaud
- Media Paraprofessional
Ali Ahmed
- History Teacher
Crystal Baker
- Interrelated Teacher
Deb Carstens
- Counseling Professional Assistant
Whitney Sweet
- Interrelated Teacher
FBLA Regional Leadership Conference
CTAE Construction Program: Congratulations!
Help us congratulate the Region winners for Teamworks and Welding Fabrication!
Teamworks top 10
Berkmar High School
Chattooga High School
Heard County High School
Madison County High School
Murray County High School
Rome High School
Roswell High School
Statesboro High School
Tift County High School
West Laurens High School
Welding Fabrication top 8
Camden County High School
Chattooga High School
Cherokee High School
Floyd County School College and Career Academy
Jones County High School
Lee County High School
Sumter County High School
White County High School
Fulton County Schools Technology Competition!
- 3D Modeling-Engineering
Roswell Westling competing at Johns Creek in the Region 7 AAAAAA Duals! Let’s Go!
Congratulations Alex and Tyler! So proud to have you and our entire team representing RHS Swim & Dive!
Consul General Mio Maeda and Consulate Guests Visit Roswell High School!
PAGE Star Program: Star Student and Teacher
The Star Student is the Senior with the highest SAT score in one sitting. This year it is Stone Smith with a 1570! The student then gets to select the Star Teacher. This is the teacher who has been most influential in their life. Stone has selected Christie Chilton. Both student and teacher will receive a special recognition oath the PAGE Banquet in the Spring. Our star teacher and student are also recognized during our Honors Night Program. Congratulations Stone Smith and Christie Chilton.
3DE Culminating Event with Business Partner, Iron Mountain.
3DE hosted their second culminating event with students and our partner, Iron Mountain on campus this week. Students worked through a five-week case challenge anchored in our core competency of Critical & Analytical Thinking. Working as members of Iron Mountain's Sales Team, students were faced with the decision-forcing question, "How does Iron Mountain balance managing relationships with their bottom line?"
Across our 3DE classrooms, students used the analytical tool of a decision tree to not only make decisions but also to understand concepts and demonstrate their skill with the tool both in their content courses and in providing their rationale for case challenge deliverable solutions.
Our 3DE teachers created learning opportunities for students to sharpen their behaviors in Objective Analysis though
· Evidence and Data Significance
· Challenging Bias
· Real-World Limitations
As part of the Culminating Event, students had the opportunity to apply their critical and analytical thinking skills in a collaborative way. Using FCS's Traveling Museum resource of Breakout EDU boxes, student teams uncovered clues in an engaging and enriching escape-room-like adventure.
Students then headed to the auditorium to support our top four winning teams as they pitched to Iron Mountain judges their solutions outlining how to manage a customer relationship. Iron Mountain judges were so impressed with our RHS freshman, they couldn't select just one team as the winner, and we had our first 3DE case challenge tie. Super proud of our students and teachers for such an amazing feat in just our first few months!
Unstoppable HORNET AWARD!
What is the Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award?
Each month Principal Miley selects 2 students who exemplify what it means to be a committed Hornet who represents characteristics we hope that all our students will embody.
- What does it really mean to Commit to the R? This commitment is exemplified by a student who is dedicated and steadfast in representing their school, community and family with pride and honor, through respect, responsibility and a readiness level that is difficult to define. They simply become unstoppable in their quest! An unstoppable hornet defies the odds and rises to the occasion when others are not looking, and even sometimes when there are onlookers; modeling excellence is often observed.
Congratulations to our Unstoppable Hornet Principal's Award Recipients:
October: Austin Edler (11th) and Christopher Slemmer (12th)
November: Taylor Voglesonger (10th)
Stakeholder Meetings!
School Governance Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 11 @ 4:00 p.m.
- Review the Agenda (TBS)
- Review the Minutes (TBS)
Community Meeting: January 18 @ Holcomb Bridge Middle School (9:30 a.m.)
- January 18: Holcomb Bridge Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- February 15: Sweet Apple Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- March 22: Mimosa Elementary (9:30 a.m.)
- April 19: Crabapple Middle (9:30 a.m.)
- May 17: Elkins Point Middle (9:30 a.m.)
Action Items!
Student code of Conduct: Review & Sign (NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION!)-All New Students are Required to Review & Sign!
What is the Code of Conduct?
The Fulton County Student Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook contains some vital information that will help your child understand the expectations of the Fulton County School District.
- All students above 10 years of age and their parents, guardians, or other person having control or charge of the child is asked to sign acknowledging receipt of the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.
ACTION: Use the link How to sign the Code of Conduct
Community Resources
Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships!
Cobb EMC Community Foundation (14 $5,000 Scholarships) - Friday, February 24: Application Deadline Cobb EMC Community Foundation Scholarship | Cobb EMC
Walter Harrison ($1,000 Scholarship) - Tuesday, February 7: Application Deadline (Need Based)
Walter Harrison Scholarship | Cobb EMC
(NEW) Line Worker (1 $5,000 Scholarship) – Friday, April, 21 Application Deadline
Apply for the Emerging Leaders Program (Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce)
Have a rising High School Sophomore or Junior at home?Looking for ways to develop their leadership skills?
Apply for the Emerging Leaders Program
Virtual Information Session
Wednesday 2/22 | 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Prospective students and their parents are invited to join us virtually to learn about the program. During the session, you will receive an overview of what’s involved, hear stories and insights from current Emerging Leaders students and their parents, and have the chance to ask our team questions.
Excel 2023 Scholarship Program
Applications for Excel Federal Credit Union’s 2023 Scholarships are opening now for those students who will continue their education after high school into an accredited college in the Fall.
The below QR code will take the student to our Scholarship Information Page where there will be detailed information and a link to apply for one of three $1000.00 scholarships for the 2023 school year.
Also, if you would like full page flyers announcing the scholarship application with the QR code and additional information, please let us know how many you would like, and who we can send to, and we will get them to you.
In addition, here is a link to the Scholarship information page https://www.excelfcu.org/scholarship/
Thank you for promoting the scholarships for those students at your school. We have made the application process easy.
The Will To Live Foundation
The Will To Live Foundation, a Johns Creek based 501(c)(3) non-profit is beginning it’s 13th year! John and Susie Trautwein with the help of the kids at Northview High School, founded the foundation in October of 2010 after Will Trautwein, a 15 year old freshman at Northview, lost his life to depression and suicide. The foundation’s mission has always been to raise the awareness of teen suicide in our communities. John Trautwein has given motivational speeches throughout our school system, about the power of Life Teammates in our lives to help create a culture where it is “Okay to not be Okay” and talk about it – with a goal of erasing the stigma of mental illness.
The Where There’s A Will There’s a Way 5K - a fun run for hope is the signature event of the foundation, and it’s 13th running will be held this coming February 4th here in Johns Creek at River Trail Middle School / Shakerag park (as it has in the past). The money raised by this event has not only funded the implementation of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program in every public school in Fulton and Cobb county, but in high schools all over the country. Here is the webpage for the event if you need more information. https://will-to-live.org/willsway5k23/
Students from our Will To Live Club will be contacting your school to get permission to deliver and hang the 5K posters in the next couple of weeks. As always, this fun run has a “team theme” and you can sign up as a team ($20/each vs. normal $25/each) – and you can create your own team on the registration page.
Milton High School: Extended Love and Support!
A MILTON STUDENT NEEDS OUR SUPPORT! (Permission to share granted by the family of Will Hutchinson and Loran Cowen, RHS-PTSA Board Member)
Dear RHS Families,
We pride ourselves on standing by one another in times of need. Competitions with our zone schools are fun and rivalries are fierce, but through it all and at the end of the day we are OneFulton. We have created strong partnerships. We provide unyielding support to one another during our most difficult times of need. It is the spirit of humility, love and compassion that adds so much value to our community schools!
As you may or may not be aware, one of Milton High School students was involved in an accident last week. A 10th grader, Will Hutchison, was walking home last Wednesday evening and was hit by a car. Will was hospitalized with several injuries and is in critical condition.
Since the accident, Milton High School has received multiple requests asking how Will and his family can be supported during this very difficult time. Milton High School has released the following ways to provide support:
- Please keep Will and his mother and younger brother in your thoughts and well-wishes!
- If you are so inclined, please visit the following link for a Go Fund Me account to support Will and his family as they navigate this situation. Fundraiser by Loran Cowen : Will Hutchison (gofundme.com)
- For our RHS Students - Any student who knew Will and is need of support, we encourage you to visit your counselor for support. We are here to assist in any way we can.
Also, we know that Will had many strong friendships here at Milton and Roswell (middle school feeder schools and community relationships). In keeping a similar message shared by Brian Jones, Principal at Milton High School: If you see your student struggling with what has happened to Will, please know that we are prepared to provide assistance to our students and their families. Students, staff, and families will react in different ways to emergencies of this nature, so it will be important to have support available to assist both staff and students in need. Counselors and our School Social Worker are always available to assist students as they express their feelings related to Will's accident.
I personally am thankful that we are able to provide support for Milton during their time of need, as I know they will do the same for the Hornets.
For further information please contact: Loran Cowen, RHS-PTSA Board Member.
LaToya Miley, Principal
The Roswell Administration reserves the right to amend or change policies within this handbook.
Our mission is to create a positive and safe learning environment, to foster the development of each student's potential, and to provide pathways to success after graduation.
The consideration for gifted services may be reported or automatic as defined by the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. (Contact L. Kouns)
We Are Roswell: Go HORNETS!
Email: RoswellPrincipal@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/Roswellhs
Location: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075, USA
Phone: 470-254-4500
Twitter: @RoswellHighSch