Panther Press
APRIL 2021
Prairie Lane Elementary
11444 Hascall Street
Office 402-390-6470
Day Care/Club 66 402-390-8209
Thank you!
Please Drive Safely!
Arrival and Dismissal
Dear Prairie Lane Families,
Thank you for your patience as we continue to update procedures. Overall, things are going well and we continue to problem solve to make dismissal orderly and safe for students, staff and families!
Supervision and breakfast begins at 8:10 am with the first bell for students to enter the building at 8:20 am. The second bell rings at 8:30 am and students are considered tardy after the second bell. All students will enter DOOR 1.
● Walkers:
○ Students walking will be directed to cross at the crosswalks where designated staff and
safety patrol students will assist as we transition to the new routines.
● Car Drop off:
○ Use the new dropoff lane and stay in the right lane.
○ Stay in the line and do not pass other cars
○ Follow the lead of the staff and safety patrol
○ Keep crosswalks clear for crossing
● No parking along Hascall Street
● No parking in the Prairie Lane Parking Lot during arrival except for ECC families
● You will be directed to go straight or turn right out of the parking lot.
We will dismiss Walkers and bus students at 3:25. Club66 and car riders will dismiss at the 3:30 bell.
● ● ● ●
Students are considered "Walkers" if they are meeting their ride parked along side streets
○ We will have many crossing guards and staff to assist walkers
○ We ask parents picking up walkers to wait along the sidewalk next to Hascall Street at the
parking lot entrance or along 114th St.
○ Students will be walking to those areas to alleviate congestion at the car and bus loading
Dismissal is at 3:30 M, T, Th, F and 3:00 on Wednesday
○ Please do not arrive before 3:25 (2:55 on Wednesday)
No parking along Hascall Street
No parking in the Prairie Lane Parking Lot during dismissal except for ECC families
You will be directed to go straight or turn right out of the parking lot.
See the attached map for loading/unloading zones, crosswalks and marked areas for students walking to/from school.
See traffic flow map below.
Spring Calendar
15 Kindergarten Parent Meeting
22 District 6 Gr Solo/Ensemble Volunteer Concert
27 PLCC Meeting 6:30 – 7:30pm
6 PL Don & Millie's Night
7 Spirit Day
7 Kindergarten Roundup
18 PLCC Meeting 6:30 – 7:30pm19 Prairie Lane Day of Awesomeness
18 6:00 pm 5th Gr Band Concert WHS
18 7:30 pm 6th Gr Band Concert WHS
20 6:00 pm 5th Gr Strings Concert WHS
20 7:30 pm 6th Gr Strings Concert WHS
27 Last Day of School 1:00 pm Dismissal
You can link to the calendar at:
Elementary Instrumental Music Celebration Concerts!
Band and String Families, we are excited to announce our district wide end of the year celebration concerts! Each performer may have 4 guests in attendance with them at these events! Info about safety requirements and practices will be sent home as the dates approach. Please add the appropriate date and time for your student to your family calendars and reserve the night for this event! We can not wait to gather together for a live performance to celebrate all that these students have accomplished as musicians throughout this unprecedented year!
Mrs. CJ, Mr. Freeman, Mrs. Matheson and Dr. Meints
Fifth Grade Band Students
Tuesday, May 18, 6:00 pm, Westside High School Gym
Sixth Grade Band Students
Tuesday, May 18, 7:30 pm, Westside High School Gym
Fifth Grade String Students
Thursday, May 20, 6:00 pm, Westside High School Gym
Sixth Grade String Students
Thursday, May 20, 7:30 pm, Westside High School Gym
Nebraska State Pilot Assessment Grades 3-6
We begin our State Assessments next week! This year is a pilot assessment much like our Map Growth assessment so students have had practice and have shown growth even during a pandemic year!
Encourage your child to do his/her best work. Effort! Stamina! Grit! We believe our Prairie Lane students will do awesome even during a pandemic and will show what they have learned this year.
Grades 3-6 State Testing:
Please mark your calendars for the following dates.
April 15th - English Language Arts (ELA)
April 20th - Math
April 22nd - 5th Grade Science
Please contact your child’s teacher if your child will be absent on these dates so we can make arrangements to assess before the absence.
We Are Now Composting!
In 4 days, Prairie Lane students composted 65% of the overall waste that came from the lunch room. That’s 179.5 pounds vs 95.7 that went to landfill.
Given the average of daily composting, we could assume the weekly total would have been 223.5 pounds. Take that times 36 weeks of school (assuming that’s how many you have) and your school is set to compost over 8,000 pounds in a school year. Or the weight of two cars!
Brent Crampton
Director of Partnerships
transforming trash into a resource
If you'd like your child to eat breakfast at school, we ask that they be here between 8:10 - 8:15 am, so they do not miss out on important school time.
- All Meals Are Currently Free of Charge.
- Please note: There is a charge for EXTRAS, WATERS and second MILKS
- Below is next week's Breakfast menu. A new Breakfast Menu coming soon!
We're Here For You
We realize many families might be facing stressful situations financially as a result of the global pandemic. Our social worker, April Anderson, has many resources available to families including assistance for the internet or a hot spot, food bank information and more.
Please click HERE to find valuable information and resource links:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to her if you feel you could use some assistance.
Mrs. Westfall
April Anderson, LCSW
School Social Worker
Westside Community Schools
402-408-8914 office
402-680-2409 cell
Need Tech Support?
Have a Safe, Respectful, Responsible!