The Good News - April 23, 2023
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Third Sunday of Easter
Today's Gospel is the story of the Road to Emmaus, where Jesus revealed Himself to two of His disciples after His resurrection. This story shows us how Jesus is always with us, even when we don’t realize it, and how He can help guide us through our struggles. This story also emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus in our daily lives and walking with Him as our friend and Savior.
Recognizing Jesus in our daily lives can be difficult. Sometimes, He reveals Himself to us in unexpected ways, just like He did to the disciples on the road. Maybe it’s through the kindness of a stranger or a meaningful conversation with a friend. Whatever it may be, we need to be open to recognizing Jesus in these moments and allowing Him to guide us on our journey.
At St. John XXIII we are grateful for all the ways Jesus walks with us un our daily lives.
April 2023
Monday, April 24
- Faith Assembly 9am
- Grace contest entries due
- SAB Peer Mentors Visit
- Easter Mass at OLA 10am
- Secretary's Day ( We appreciate Mrs. Potter!)
- School Yard Clean Up
Thursday, April 27
- SAB Peer Mentors visit
- Hot Lunch
Friday, April 28
- Gr 3 swimming
May 3 - Early Dismissal 2:15, Crazy Hair Day
May 4 - JPII mentors visit grade 4, T Pet Gr 3 and Gr 4
May 5 - PD Day, no school for students
May 8 - Eva Stang visit, Gr 3, 4
May 9 - Spring Indiv. & Class Photos
May 10 - Spring Indiv. & Class Photos for KMW only, Hot Lunch
May 11 - Gr 4 going to St. JPII
May 12 - Gr 2 Edmonton Symphony
Nature Kindergarten - Registration Form is Now Open - LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE
For more information about this exciting program, visit the EICS Nature Kindergarten link.
To register in the Nature Kindergarten program at St. John XXIII, please follow the registration link, complete the Kindergarten registration form and then complete the Nature Kindergarten form. This program is offered on a first come, first served basis.
- Age requirement is 5 years old by December 31, 2023
- Nature Kindergarten will run Tuesdays, Thursdays and scheduled Fridays for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Fees: $425 per month
If you would like more information or have questions, please call the school at 780-998-7777.
2023 PSC Spring Plant Sale - Deadline to order is April 26th!
Let's get growing St. John XXIII families!
This spring we are offering a variety of beautiful, locally-grown flowers and plants to help raise money for our Parent School Council. This initiative will go towards providing a Fitset Ninja event at St. John XXIII
Please click on the link below for all of the details and to see all of the gorgeous options:
Orders must be placed and paid for online.
Feel free to share the link with friends and family to further support our school!
The website is now open for orders and will close at midnight Wednesday, April 26th.
Pick up will be Friday, May 12th from St. John XXIII School from 1-2pm & 6-7pm.
Thank you so much for your support! We couldn't do it without you.
St. John XXIII Catholic School Council
2022-2023 School Yearbook - New Arrival Date!
The St. John XXIII Catholic School Yearbook Committee is pleased to announce that this year you will be able to order and receive your yearbook before the end of this school year!
The order form will go live Monday, April 24th at noon and close May 15th at 11:59PM.
Please access the form through your online PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
For instructions on how to complete your purchase, please refer to the link found at the bottom of every newsletter.
April 22- Earth Day
Message from our SJXXIII Servant Leadership Squad: Earth Day/Week
Our planet is an amazing place, but it needs our help to thrive! That’s why each year on April 22, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day. Earth Day is a time to come together and support our environment’s protection from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking part in activities like picking up litter, making our lunches litter-less and using less power we are making our world a happier, healthier place to live.
Last Friday we made litter-less lunches and on this Wednesday we will do our school yard clean up.
Our environment has a large impact on our health and well being. Let's all pitch in and do our part in taking care of the environment.
Our Lady of Victory Camp
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Community Events and Bulletins
2023-2024 Registration Information
Kindergarten and NEW student registration is now open. The registration form allows parents to choose Kindergarten scheduling preferences. Please note these will be number dependent. Please register early as class placements will take into account: class sizes, student's needs, and scheduling requests.
- To go to the St. John XXIII Kindergarten webpage - please click here. This includes information about Nature Kindergarten, a Kindergarten calculator, programming and transportation information.
- Pre Kindergarten at St. John, screening information click here
- EICS Flexible Pathways Program here
- St. John XXIII Pathways Program click here
- EICS NEW Student Registration-click here
- To request transportation, click here
In addition to attending Kindergarten at their community school, EICS offers a supplemental Nature Kindergarten program which operates Tuesday/Thursday and some Fridays. This paid program offers students the opportunity to learn through explorative play, providing an option to attend kindergarten full time.
*Please note, you only need to register your child if they are entering Kindergarten or are brand new to St. John*
OLA Parish News:
OLA parish is preparing a pictorial directory for our parishioners at the church. The days that family photos will be taken at the church are Friday June 9th and Saturday June10th.
Each family will get a free 8x10 photo.
Please register for your family photo at the parish office by calling (780) 998-3288.
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII