Brookside Bulletin
December 2024 Newsletter
Principal's Message
The holiday season is in full gear and the magic and excitement of the season can be felt throughout the school! What a special gift children have to see life through the lens of imagination and anticipation. How lucky we are to be surrounded by them each day.
My favorite part of the day is to visit classrooms and see your children learning and progressing. Thank you for all of the hard work you do at home to support our teachers, and for making it a priority to have your students here on time so they don't miss important instruction. It makes a huge difference!
As a reminder, our 2nd term SEP Conferences will be held on Thursday, December 5 from 3:45-8:30 pm. Your child's teacher will send you information on how to sign up for a time to visit.
Lastly, as the weather has turned cold, please make sure that your child comes to school each day dressed to be outside. We will be sending students outside for recess every day unless it is raining, snowing, or if the temperature is below 20 degrees.
I hope you have a very happy holiday season!
Ms. Grant
Important Upcoming Dates
December 2-6= Acadience Math and Reading testing
December 3= 5th Grade Discovery Gateway presentation
December 5= Parent Teacher Conferences
December 6= Tabitha's Way Food Drive Begins
December 6= Critical Incident/Lockdown Drill
December 13= 5th Grade Keyboarding Begins
December 18= PTA Meeting at 11:30
December 18= School Community Council Meeting at 12:30
December 19= Kindergarten and First Grade Christmas Program
December 20= School-wide Christmas Assembly
December 20= Last Day of Term 2
December 20= Dismiss at Noon
December 23 - January 3= Christmas Break
January 6= School Resumes
Cold Weather Procedures
Brookside Elementary School’s Cold and Inclement Weather Procedures
It's that time of year where we need to start thinking about cold weather. We almost always send students outside for recess. The fresh air and opportunity to run around helps them concentrate much better in class. We encourage students to wear a coat, hat, mittens, boots, etc., especially during snowy days and on days where temperatures are below 40 degrees.
Additional Reminders:
We recommend that students arrive at school no earlier than 8:45 am for supervision purposes. The building will be open for students to wait for the start of class beginning when buses arrive around 8:45 am.
Students should arrive at school dressed for the weather of the day so they can safely and comfortably enjoy recesses. In winter months, students are welcome to bring boots to change into for recess. All healthy students will be expected to go out for recess except in extreme weather conditions (wind chill, rain, snow, etc). A healthy dose of fresh air does wonders for children’s ability to learn!
If your child cannot participate in recess for health reasons, please send a note to this effect. Children may stay inside their classroom (grade level recess) or in the Skill Building room (during lunch recess) to read quietly each day they have a note.
All students will remain inside in extreme weather conditions such as: very cold temperatures (below 20 degrees) and wind chill, heavy rain and snowfall, unhealthy air/inversions (we check the air quality daily).
Please label all coats, jackets, hoodies and other gear with your child’s name so that items can be easily returned when dropped or misplaced.
Please be considerate and safety conscious as you drop off and pick up students at school. The winter months see an increase in the number of cars. Remember to continue to pull forward in the pick-up / drop-off zone in front of the school.
In the event of a major weather event (severe storm, power outage…), the District’s ParentLink system will be used to notify parents of any changes to the normal school day. This can be in the form of an automated phone call, text message, or email. For this information to reach you, it is important that you keep your contact information current within the online Infinite Campus system. Information will also be posted and updated on the district web page