Julius Corsini
Family Center News - December 2023
Upcoming Events!
ParentSquare step-by-step activation
Register using your phone number or email.
Current sizes available: YS, YM, YL, AM & AL.
Registrese aqui
Bilingual Citizenship classes
Literacy by 5th grade Initiative
The Riverside County Office of Education is offering the bilingual Footsteps2Brilliance Reading Apps FREE for all families to help their children, birth to 5th grade, succeed in school.
Register FREE:
Think Together Afterschool Program
For more information call (442)-280-5182
Email: juliuscorsinies.psusd@thinktogether.org
Site Coordinator: Ms. Amanda
You can scan the QR Code or register at: https://forms.office.com/r/pLyry87Nzz
Welcome back to school!
Click to learn more
The Coyote Family Center offers a variety of resources, services, and information for families at Julius Corsini.
Ms. Jazmin
Please feel free to call or email with your thoughts, questions, or concerns. I am happy to help, Go Coyotes!
Email: jrosario@psusd.us
Website: https://www.psusd.us/domain/5324
Location: 68750 Hacienda Ave, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240, USA
Phone: (760) 251-7260
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corsinicoyotes/
Appointments w/Ms. Jazmin
Please be ready to sign in to your email to book an appointment!
PSUSD Family Center
For more events for Parents & Families check out our Family Center Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/tsg1d
Jazmin Rosario
Jazmin is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters