Spring NEWSLETTER - March/April/May
Neurosurgical Simulation Research & Training Centre
Montréal, QC, Canada H3A 2B4
+1 (514) 934-1934 ext. 36733
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Neurosurgical-Simulation-Research-Center-687915744597628
Twitter: @NeuroSimCenter
Announcing the Neurosurgical Simulation Research & Training Centre Spring Newsletter
We are pleased to announce the first issue of the Neurosurgical Simulation Research & Training Centre's Spring Newsletter. In this issue, we feature a few items related to simulation events, lectures, presentations and congratulations associated with our group. These highlights are disseminated to enlighten you of various events associated with the Neurosurgical Simulation Research & Training Centre at McGill.
We would like to thank each of you for your continuous support as we work to integrate virtual reality simulation into the mainstream educational thinking and curriculum development associated with neurosurgical training. We welcome any comments and/or ideas that you may have related to improving the newsletter and would be more than pleased to highlight other contributions to neurosurgical simulation virtual reality research.
Please contact us at neurosimlab@gmail.com
Dr. Rolando Del Maestro
Director of Neurosurgical Simulation Research & Training Centre
Aden Deitcher
CAE purchases NeuroTouch
NeuroSim Centre move to RHV
3801 University Street, Room E2.89 (RVH)
Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A 2B4
Simulation Research Roundtable
Visit from Hopital Foch
12th Annual Franco Di Giovanni Foundation Fundraiser
Visit from Thought Technology
Lectures and Presentations
Presentation at the Universidad de Antioquia
Neuro-Oncology Conference in Bogota
In the middle: Dr. Isabel Cristina Almonacid - neuropathologist
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Bogotá, Colombia
On the right: Dr. Rolando Del Maestro
Lecture at Destiny Quebec Conference
Dr. Sabbagh at the 6th Neurosurgery Update Symposium
Brain Tumour Month
Dr. Del Maestro honoured by Valtarese Foundation
Dr. Del Maestro elected to American Osler Society
Dr. Khalid Bajunaid
published on line by the Journal of Neurosurgery on March 11, 2016. Publication.
This publication was also accompanied by an Editorial by Dr. Bob Carter from the University of California, San Diego and our Authors Response. Editorial.
And another congratulations also for being awarded the Western University Neurovascular Drake Fellowship!
Dr. Alexander Winkler-Schwartz
And another congratulations for obtaining 2nd place in clinical research at the H.B. Williams Paediatric Surgery research day.