CCMR and CTE News
A Publication of ESC Region 11 • January 2023
ESC Region 11 CTE
A Note from Chelsea and Lisa
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is New Year's Day." — Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Hello, CTE Friends, and Happy New Year!
It is exciting to begin 2023 with its twelve fresh chapters and 365 new pages — the opportunities are endless! This is so true as we prepare students for their futures, the world of work is before them, and their endless opportunities.
We hope all of you had time over the break to recharge and provide you the energy to move forward to that next pause, Spring Break. Many of you are ramping up for CTSO competitions and travel, starting your new semester, and planning for CTE month. This is a fun and exciting time of the year, and we look forward to supporting you!
With sincere appreciation,
Chelsea and Lisa
January To-Do List
- Verify rosters for Semester II.
- Enter in PEIMS all Industry-Based Certifications earned in Semester 1.
- PEIMS Fall resubmission due date for LEAs: 01/19/23
- Check on WBL students' continued employment and update training plans as necessary.
- Plan for CTE Month.
- Plan for student competition travel.
- Plan for Spring CTE Advisory Committee Meeting
- Verify Perkins Reallocation and revisit budgets.
Helpful Information Straight from TEA!
Released January 2, 2023
The Preliminary 2023 A–F System Framework has continued to progress based on stakeholder feedback and detailed modeling since the updated version was released in November 2022. More recent updates are outlined in January Updates to Preliminary A–F Refresh Framework, including:
- STAAR proficiency cut scores remain unchanged from 2017 to account for COVID-19 and the STAAR redesign.
- STAAR growth measured in School Progress, Part A: Academic Growth has been updated to evaluate outcomes for accelerated learning as bonus points.
- The transition plan to integrate Program of Study requirements with industry-based certifications (IBCs) has been deferred one year; the transition plan maintains the Completer requirement when fully implemented.
- Sunsetting IBCs will continue to generate College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) credit, but a per-campus limit will be applied based on students who only qualify for CCMR credit via a sunsetting IBC. The limit ensures that districts offer their students multiple paths for postsecondary success and is set at five graduates, or 20 percent of graduates, whichever is higher. Based on modeled data, the sunsetting IBC limit will impact a very small number of campuses and ensures that cut scores are not unfairly driven up by high CCMR scores that rely heavily on sunsetting IBCs alone.
These updates have been incorporated into the released resources.
For additional information about the 2023 A–F system refresh, please visit the 2023 Accountability Development page. Specific questions and/or feedback on the A–F refresh can be submitted here.
Updated Industry-Based Certification List for Accountability
An updated IBC list is available here: 2022-24 Industry-Based Certification List for Public Accountability.
Certifying entities with an IBC submitted for review and not approved for the 2022-24 list had an opportunity to request re-evaluation between September 19 and October 14, 2022. The re-evaluation process for the 2022-24 Industry-Based Certification List for Public School Accountability is complete, and results are reflected in the updated list. No IBCs were removed from the list through this process. Thirty-six IBCs were added to the list.
In January, the TEA TE Team will publish an updated Crosswalk of IBCs to Aligned Programs of Study as well as updated Program of Study Framework documents incorporating the additional IBCs.
Committee Member Recommendations for TEKS Revision Workgroups
Deadline: January 6, 2023
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is contacting educators as well as business and industry stakeholders about an opportunity to apply to participate in the State Board of Education's review and revision process for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a selection of CTE courses this school year. Including qualified individuals in the review process is crucial to ensure that the state curriculum standards address current business and industry standards and prepare students for postsecondary education and career opportunities.
The following CTE courses are scheduled to be included in the upcoming TEKS review. This list includes both TEKS-based and innovative courses.
- Career Preparation I and II
- Extended Career Preparation
- Project-Based Research
- Entrepreneurship I
- Entrepreneurship II (innovative course)
- Practicum in Entrepreneurship (innovative course)
The review is also expected to include the development of a proposed new course in occupational safety and health.
We hope that you will consider applying. The TEKS are fundamental to ensuring that our state can support its workforce needs for a strong economic future and that our students have access to quality instruction that will prepare them for success beyond high school. Your participation would assist the state in achieving these goals. Additionally, if you have colleagues with similar qualifications and experience who we should consider for a workgroup, please let us know and provide their contact information and affiliation/school district. TEA will follow up with additional candidates directly.
The SBOE's review process calls for work groups to develop recommendations for revisions to the TEKS. We anticipate work groups will convene in the winter/spring of 2023 (February–April) for up to three in-person meetings in Austin and at least one virtual meeting. The meetings will be scheduled for two to three days and may include a Saturday. TEA will share meeting dates with applicants who are extended an invitation to participate. Additional abbreviated virtual work sessions may also be scheduled between in-person meetings depending on a work group's progress. They will be coordinated with workgroup members on an as-needed basis.
The 2022-2023 CTE TEKS review application is available at
Applications will be accepted through Friday, January 6.
Should you have any questions regarding the TEKS review process or the application, please contact the Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division by email at
2022-2023 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Reallocation
No action is required by the grantee at this time. TEA staff will initiate adjustments to the largest budgeted class/object code to incorporate the reallocation amounts. The grantee’s approved budget, reflected on Schedule BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support, will be the sum of the final amount and reallocation amount.
Once the reallocation process is completed, the grantee will receive an email notification of revisions to program budgets with the revised Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) attached to that email. Until those email notifications and attachments are distributed, TEA requests that LEAs and ESCs not submit any amendments to claim the reallocation funding.
If necessary, once a grantee receives email notification of the revised budget and NOGA, the grantee may file an amendment to revise the budget entered by TEA staff. Please refer to When to Amend the Application on the Amending an Application page to determine whether an amendment is necessary.The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, May 17, 2023.
Contact your assigned negotiator on the Grants Administration Contacts page for questions about the grant application.
Nominate a Student Volunteer for the 2023 Student Heroes Award
AUSTIN – December 8, 2022 – The State Board of Education (SBOE) is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Student Heroes Award.
Award requirements include the following:
- The service, assistance, and/or good deed must be voluntary and not part of any curriculum, graduation requirement, class, or community project.
- The service, assistance, and/or good deed must benefit other students in Texas, either individually or collectively.
- The benefit may be to students of one campus, district, or community.
Nominations will be accepted through March 31, 2023, at 5 p.m. (CST).
Recipients of the Student Heroes awards will be announced in June. A plaque and medal will be awarded to each Student Hero by their State Board of Education member.
Nomination forms and program guidelines are available at and-multimedia/awards/student-heroes-award. The online nomination form: nomination-form.
For more information, please email or call 512-463-9007.
TEA Announcements
Science Resources
The Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division has published 2017-2021 side-by-side comparison documents for K-12 science. In addition, vertical alignment documents have been developed to show the progression of K-12 concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics.
TEA Innovative Courses
The TEA innovative courses application cycle is underway. The deadline for new innovative course applications is Friday, January 13, 2023. For more details about the requirements, application materials, and a complete timeline, please review the New Innovative Courses – Timeline and Materials section of the Innovative Courses webpage.
Questions related to current innovative courses or the course application and approval process may be directed to
TEA’s Curriculum Division Launches Help Desk Requests
To better serve our constituents, TEA’s Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division has recently launched its own request link on the TEA Help Desk. The new ticketing system will allow Curriculum Division staff to receive and respond to inquiries more quickly.
STEM Toolkit Announced
Performance Reporting
A-F Accountability
An updated Preliminary 2023 Academic Accountability System Framework is now available on the 2023 Accountability Development Materials website. As part of the continuous improvement process, TEA spent more than two years consulting with stakeholders on enhancements to the accountability system. The proposed enhancements described in the updated preliminary framework are designed to provide parents, community members, and educators with the data essential to drive improved outcomes for all Texas children.
A two-page summary document provides an overview of the proposed adjustments and is intended to guide discussions and spur additional stakeholder feedback, which will be gathered through winter 2022. Additionally, a summary of stakeholder feedback and adjustments provides an overview of how stakeholder feedback has informed updates to the framework since the June release.
Please view November 9, 2022, To the Administrator Address letter for additional information.
Data shared from Advanced CTE
Texas Virtual Schools Network
Want More Information About TXVSN?
TXVSN Website:
TXVSN Help Desk:
To see the available CTE courses offered through TXVSN, please reference their CTE Flyer.
Advanced CTE
Achieving Inclusive CTE Goal-Setting Tool adds a new resource in the data toolbox for state and local CTE and career pathways leaders to assess learner group data in comparison to the broader student population. With this goal-setting tool, leaders can more intentionally plan to recruit, engage and support underrepresented learner groups to increase access to high-quality CTE programs and career pathways.
This resource consists of the following:
- An Excel workbook
- A Companion Manual that includes workbook tips, guiding questions, guidance on data entry, indicator definitions, and an action planning template to leverage analysis
- An introductory video
Watch the video to get started!
2022-2023 Professional Learning Opportunities
2022-2023 CCMR/CTE Leadership Meetings
- January 12, 2023 — Lunch with CTENT (Register with CTENT to be in lunch count)
- February 23, 2023
- March 23, 2023
- April 18, 2023 — Attend Expert-to-Expert (leader collaboration embedded)
- May 18, 2023
Ready, Set, GROW! Afternoon Small Group Sessions:
- February 23, 2023
- March 23, 2023
- May 18, 2023
Computer Science Professional Learning and All-Girls Competition
Texas Computer Science Teachers Association chapters are offering two events in one location. Please pass this along to your computer science and other related educators.
Teachers should register for Texas CSTA Chapters Conference 2023, and students should be registered by their coach/sponsor to attend Digital Divas 2023. Both events will occur on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX. There will also be some virtual options.
You can visit each event's website by clicking on the links below.
Texas CSTA Chapters Conference 2023 - Registration ends Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Digital Divas 2023 - Registration ends Wednesday, February 1, 2023
- All-Girls programming contest for 9-12 grade students
- All-girls workshops for 9-12 grade students
- All-girls workshops for middle school students
- This year the registration form is different for in-person versus virtual participants. Please be sure to collect t-shirt sizes, ethnicity data, team information (name and HackerrankID), and food allergies before completing the form.
Hotels are available for out-of-town participants. Here are the available options. Be sure to mention you are attending Digital Divas 2023 or Texas CSTA Chapters Conference 2023 hosted by the UNT Department of Engineering to get group rates.
If you would like to sponsor either event, please see the information within the links above.
Questions or concerns should be sent to
CTENT Meeting — January 12, 2023
The January CTENT meeting will follow the CTE Directors' meeting at ESC Region 11.
Lunch will be at noon, and the meeting will start at 12:30 p.m.
To register for lunch and the CTENT meeting, RSVP.
CTAT Winter brings together CTE administrators, career counselors, and ESC personnel for a three-day event showcasing best practices and strategies, comprehensive CTE program management, college and career guidance, effective business partnerships, and alignment with post-secondary and workforce opportunities.
January 30 — February 1, 2023
Galveston, Texas | REGISTER
2023 Expert to Expert CTE Summit
2023 Expert to Expert CTE Summit
For CTE Teachers and Leaders
April 18, 2023
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Call for Presenter Proposals
We have opened the call for proposals to present at the 2023 Expert to Expert: Connecting Industry Practitioners and Educators Summit. The ESC Region 11 Career and Technical Education Team is hosting its annual Expert to Expert Summit in collaboration with the Regional Industry Advisory Board.
The event will be held at ESC Region 11 on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Presentations will be 45 minutes in length, including time for Q&A, and presented live to a face-to-face audience of CTE teachers and leaders.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Watch for the release of CTE Counselor and Leader Trainings!
Coming Spring and Summer of 2023
For Counselors:
April 4, 2023 Module 1: CTE Programs - An Infrastructure for CCMR
April 6, 2023 Module 2: Effective Advising for CTE Programs - Ensuring Access and Removing Inequity
For Leaders:
August 16, 2023 Module 1: Data-Driven Decision Making
August 9, 2023 Module 2: Partnerships
August 2, 2023 Module 3: Program Design
July 24, 2023 Module 4: CTE Resources
Registration will open in the spring.
Accountability and CCMR
With Liz Schrader
Participants will learn how CCMR plays into the accountability system, from Student Achievement and Closing the Gaps Domain to outcome bonuses.
May 31, 2023
9:00 a.m. - noon
Differentiation with Technology
February 1, 2023 • 9:00 a.m. - noon • Face-to-Face
ESC Region 11 CTE Website
ESC Region 11 Resources
Other Resources
- CTAT Resources
- Connect CTAT Online Forum
- Resource Google Doc by Pathway
- Texas CTE powered by TEA
ESC Region 11 CTE
Lisa Harrison, M.Ed.
Administrator Coach for CTE and CCMR
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX 76108
Phone: (817) 740-7527
Twitter: @ESC11CTE
Chelsea Reeves, M.Ed.
CTE Coach
Email: creeves@esc11.nert
Location: 1451 South Cherry Lane, White Settlement, TX, USA
Phone: 817-740-7654
Twitter: @ESC11CTE