Leopards News
September 2022
October 2023
Dates to Remember
10/4 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
10/9 NO SCHOOL, Progress Reports
10/11 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
10/11 Board Meeting, DO Board Room, 6:30 p.m.
10/12 School Picture Day
10/18 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
10/20 Move-A-Thon
10/23-10/31 Fall Book Fair, Library
10/25 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
10/30-10/31 NO SCHOOL, Parent Conferences
11/1 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
11/3 PFO Movie Night, Main Gym, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
11/5 Daylight Savings Time Ends
Notes from the Principal
Dear JWE Friends and Families,
It is hard to believe we have already completed our first month of school. The students are off to a great start and it has been exciting to see them back in class. While the first month is often full of new routines and getting to know classmates, our students have also been hard at work learning new content. As we enter October, we will be measuring and sharing student progress with you. You should expect your child’s first progress report by mid October and we will hold parent teacher conferences at the end of the month. We are proud of our students’ efforts and look forward to sharing this information with you soon! In the meantime if there is ever anything you need, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our school appreciates your continued partnership and look forward to the month ahead.
John McAndrews
Important News
Picture Day is Coming
Mark your calendars now for student picture day on October 12th. Retake day will be November 16th.
Move-A-Thon - October 20th
Hello John Wetten Elementary Parents and Guardians!
It’s time to gear up for the Move-A-Thon on October 20th!! The Move-A-Thon is one of John Wetten’s largest fundraising events with funds being raised for field trips, school dances, spring carnival, school supplies, classroom technology, grade level curriculum and other student centered programs or items requested by the school. The Move-A-Thon fundraising starts September 29th and goes until October 22nd. This year the school wide goal is $40,000 and if achieved there will be an all school ice cream party!!!
Make your donations now on the Fund Hub site (www.getmovinfundhub.com - use school identifier: 5f904544d9986) or drop off cash or checks (payable to Gladstone School District) at the school. The deadline to make donations is October 22nd.
Students will be eligible for the following prizes (see website for pictures):
3D Eraser
JWE T-Shirt
Galaxy Slime
Invisible Ink Pen
Koosh Ball
Build Your Own Sand Character
Yo-Yo Ball
The class with the most donations gets breakfast in class with the Principal!
There are also several school-wide goals listed on the website.
Spectators are welcome and encouraged to join us to cheer on their children behind the field fence line at the Move-A-Thon on October 20th. The PFO will have a sign making station for extra fun and encouragement! Grade level time starts for the Move-A-Thon will be posted at a later date. We are looking forward to another successful Move-A-Thon fundraiser with all of you!!!
Thank you,
The John Wetten PFO
Dental Screenings Coming to JWE
All Smiles Community Oral Health will be providing students with free dental screenings, sealants, and fluoride at JWE the week of October 16th, 2023. If you would like your child to receive these free services, please return the permission slip (sent home in the mail on 9/20) to the main office prior to October 16th or click this link to sign the permission form for your child online. If you have any questions, please call All Smiles Community Health at 503-521-7166 or the district nurse, Emma Utterback at 503-656-6564 ext. 226.
Gladstone Food Pantry
The Gladstone Food Pantry is excited to announce a new program this Fall specifically for GSD families. On the second Thursday of each month, they will have a special shopping time from 1230-130p for GSD families only. Please watch the district newsletter for a reminder each month. Families will need to bring proof of enrollment to qualify for this special time. Please see the attached flyer for this months shopping date.
End of Day Transportation Changes - Walker, Pick-Up or Bus Rider
Is your child scheduled to be be a Walker, Pick-Up or Bus Rider? Here's the difference:
Walker - required to leave campus without adult supervision.
Pick-Up - required to stay on campus to be picked up by an authorized adult
-- Car Pick Up is when someone will be driving through the turn around
-- Walk Up is when someone parks and walks up to the school
Bus Rider - required to ride the bus home or to designated location
Every student has a pre-determined plan for the end of the each day. If you have any change to your child's end of day transportation plan please email us at jwetransportation@gladstone.k12.or.us no later than 12 noon (M, T, Th, F) or 11:00 a.m. (W). We will reply to your message by 2:00 p.m. or 1:00 (W) to confirm receipt of your message. Please include the student's name, teacher and details of the plan.
Please note: We cannot accommodate last minute phone calls to change your child's plan.
New Meal Payment App!
Gladstone School District is no longer using MealTime for managing your student's meal account. We are now using LINQ Connect for this purpose. If you plan to deposit money to your student's meal account, please download this app. All account balances that were in MealTime have been transferred to the student's LINQ account. Please note there is a small processing fee applied to online payments. To avoid the processing fee, you can deposit cash or checks (Payable to Gladstone School District) at the school office.
Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) News
Welcome back JWE Parents and Guardians!!!
We are the PFO (Parent-Faculty Organization)! The PFO helps support the schools community by fundraising and organizing school events. We organize and run events like the dances, movie nights and staff appreciation. We are solely run by parent/guardian volunteers and are continually looking to add more volunteers to our organization and would love to have YOU!!
You can volunteer as little or as much as you’d like. You can even join a specific committee like yearbook, Move-A-Thon, Carnival and etc. If you are interested in becoming a member of the PFO please join the email loop at jwepfo@gmail.com
The PFO is looking forward to another fun and event-filled year with you all!!
Thank you,
The John Wetten PFO
State Testing
2022-2023 State Assessment Reports in English Language Arts, Math, and Science are now posted in the Documents tab of ParentVue and StudentVue.
If you would like to request hard copies of the assessment reports to be mailed to you, please email Petra Hoghova at hoghovap@gladstone.k12.or.us or call at 503-974-5076.
The 2023-24 Annual Notice for Statewide Tests has been posted on the school and district websites.
Gladstone Shows Up
Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss two to four days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. That’s why the Gladstone School District is launching its first-ever attendance campaign, “Gladstone Shows Up!” Let’s do what Gladstone does best- taking pride in our community and showing up! To learn more about the benefits of attending school or needing support, visit https://www.gladstone.k12.or.us/page/attendance. We can’t wait to see you!
Updated Exclusion Chart
Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Department of Education have updated the Symptom-Based Exclusion Chart. Please take a look so you know when to keep your student home and when they can return to school. If you have questions please contact our school nurse at utterbacke@gladstone.k12.or.us.
Platinum Level Sponsors ($500+)
Mosley Dental
O'Neill Family
Gold Level Sponsors ($250 - $499)
Carlson Family
Silver Level Sponsors ($150 - $249)
Johnston Family
Bronze Level Sponsors ($75 - $149)
Bell Schedule
- 7:30 a.m. - Building Opens for Breakfast
- 7:50 a.m. - Classrooms Open to Students
- 8:00 a.m. - Learning Begins
- 1:20 p.m. - Early Release (Wednesday's ONLY)
- 2:20 p.m. - Dismissal (M, T, Th, F)
Gladstone, OR 97027