The PAW Print
January 2, 2022
Happy New Year MBMS!!
Mark Your Calendars
January 3: School Reopen
January 17: Martin Luther King, Jr (Schools and offices are closed)
January 21: End of 2nd Marking Period (2-hour early dismissal)
SMCPS 2021-2022 School Calendar
Press for the monthly calendar of important SMCPS dates.
January Return to School
Please see the attached letter from the Superintendent. We look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday. Best wishes for a safe and healthy New Year!
8th Grade Veterans' Home Project
The 8th-grade students have been working hard on their annual Student Service Learning project. The students focused on communicating the needs of the veterans at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home to their neighbors, church members, sports teams, clubs, and any other organizations they are associated with as well as members of the general community. The students participated in a donation drive to collect supplies and monetary donations. Many of these veterans rely on donations from the local community to support their basic needs, including hygiene products, clothing, medical equipment, and funeral costs. Through the efforts of our 8th-grade students and their teachers, they were able to donate $4000 and, literally, a busload of boxed donations. We are so proud of the efforts of our 8th-grade students to support our local servicemen and servicewomen.
100% ID Check
Parents and Guardians, please be reminded that you must present photo identification when picking up a student from school.