Hope Valley School SUMMER UPDATE
Thursday, August 6, 2020
From Superintendent Picard
Dear Chariho Community,
Please take some time to review our August E-Update. There is an abundance of information regarding School Reopening. You will find:
- A Registration form if you would like to be included in our Distance Learning Option for the fall. DEADLINE is Friday, August 7th (TOMORROW).
- The Chariho Reopening District FAQ
- Our Revised Reopening Plan
From Mr. G
I understand the deadline to opt into distance learning is tomorrow (Aug 7) and I know some parents still have questions. The reason for the Aug 7th deadline is so that the district can plan classrooms, teacher schedules, and bussing. We are 3 weeks away to the start of the school year (how time flies).
If you are contemplating a distance learning approach and still have questions, you can join the Richmond School Forum TONIGHT at 5:30 pm or the Chariho High School Forum TONIGHT at 7:30 pm. You do not have to be a Richmond or CHS parent. Anyone can join these forums and ask questions. The Zoom links for each school are below. Just click on the blue link.
Richmond School Forum Zoom Link at 5:30 pm (8/6)
Chariho High School Forum Zoom Link at 7:30 pm (8/6)
This past Monday evening, there was an Ashaway/Hope Valley School Forum with the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. I could not be part of it because I am dealing with a family medical emergency. You can view recorded school forum on the Home Page of the website under “Headlines”. The direct link to the recorded forum is HERE.
Here is the link again to register for distance learning: Registration form.
I am sure some of you may wonder what distance learning will look like if you choose to go this route. I wish I had a crystal ball but ultimately it will depend on how many parents decided on distance learning for their children. Here is what I do know. The main platform that will be used for distance learning will be Google Classroom. Teachers will use Google Meets and other programs/resources to assist with instruction. Regarding technology, parents will have the option to borrow a Chromebook from the technology department if your child will participate in distance learning. Most likely, the distance learning instruction will be delivered by your child's teacher from Hope Valley School. However, there is a possibility (and depending on the numbers), your child's teacher may be another grade-level Chariho teacher. Once the final plan is approved, we will share with you ASAP.
Other Topics
- If your child will be riding the bus to school, be sure you have registered for the bus by clicking HERE.
- Buses will drop off students in the back of the school like they have always done.
- Breakfast students get off the bus at 8:25am and will get a grab and go breakfast which will need to be eaten in the classroom.
- Beginning at 8:35, all other students get off buses slowly one bus at a time and will enter through the back office door staggered by bus pods. School staff members will be outside monitoring as students exit the buses. Other staff members will be located throughout the building to greet students and adhere that they are following the guidelines.
- Masks will be worn as students walk directly to their classroom to wash and/or sanitize hands.
Buses will pick up students on Locustville Road (in front of the school at the bottom of the stairs).
School staff members will monitor the stairs to ensure safety of students while they walk to the buses. All students and staff must wear masks.
Students are dismissed by their classroom pod as buses arrive. Teachers will walk students out to the top of the stairs and the remaining staff on the stairs will ensure the students get on the bus safely.
Please notify the school if your child will be a CONSISTENT parent pick-up at dismissal time. Consistent parent pick-up families will be issued name cards to hang in their vehicles. At the end of the school day, students will be dismissed to the gym by PODS. Students must wear a mask walking to the gym, in the gym, and until they enter the parents vehicle. Parents will loop around the back parking lot and stop at the gym door. PLEASE always have your ID on you.
If a parent is requesting to pick up their child on occasion or in an emergency situation, those students will exit a different door (library door) than the regular parent pick-up children. Please be sure to inform the school by using one of the parent pick-up slips that will be sent home on the first day of school. A note is preferred but in an emergency, you can call the office.
Early morning care will be available BUT only for those families that will use the program consistently. The morning program cannot exceed 25 students due to space and social distancing guidelines. You may be asking yourself, well I don't need it every day but need it 3 days a week. In this case, families can utilize the program for those 3 days every week. As long as they are using the program consistently every week for those 3 days, this is allowed since they will be part of the stable group. UNFORTUNATELY, WE WILL NOT ALLOW FAMILIES TO USE THE MORNING PROGRAM ON A DAY-BY-DAY BASIS. If you will be using the morning program, please contact the school at 401-539-2321 and inform Ms. Donna.
The YMCA will plan to offer after-school care. We are waiting for guidance from the YMCA regarding after-school care. Once more information is received, I will share with you. Please contact the YMCA if you have any questions about this program at 539-2306.
from previous updates
Summer Reading and Summer Math
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. I wanted to start with a topic of high importance and that is SUMMER WORK. I expect that the students are working on their summer math and reading activities. In case your child has not started, it's not too late. Please click on the links below. With the end of last year ending the way it did, I cannot stress how important it is to get your child to complete these math and reading activities to stay focused and continue their learning. I fear the summer slide or summer regression for our children, but by doing this work it will help to maintain where students left off in the Spring. For those that hand in their forms by Sept 4, students will get a little surprise as well.
Click here to access the Summer Reading Activities
Click here to access the Summer Math Menu
For our newest students Entering Kindergarten
Below is a link to a document where you can find some information of what Kindergarten will look like. Check out the articles on the document and identify skills your child may want to work on before the start of school! Of course, the skills can be worked on at home during the school year as well.
Message from the Superintendent
Please take some time to review the Superintendents August E-Update. There is an abundance of information regarding School Reopening.
You will find:
A Registration form if you would like to be included in our Distance Learning Option for the fall. (planning is underway)
Virtual Reopening Forums for Families to ask additional questions. All Zoom links are located on the E Update. On August 3rd at 7:30pm will be Ashaway and Hope Valley School's reopening forum.
While we recognize there are still many uncertainties remaining, the district is continuing to prepare for the potential full reopening of our schools as early as August 31st.
Our current understanding is that the Governor will be announcing her decisions on school reopening no later than August 17th. She will be guided by the metrics announced this week and could announce anything from a full reopening statewide to partial openings reflective of local community conditions, to a full statewide resumption of distance learning to begin the school year.
Our school administrators, teachers and support staff will do their absolute best to be prepared for all scenarios. We thank you for your continued support.
Gina M. Picard
Update from Mr. G
Class lists are still being revised. This is the craziest of summers working on the reopening plans, so please be patient as I will try to finalize the lists by mid-August.
Below are two new additions to the reopening plans for all Chariho schools:
- Virtual Learning Option: The district has had several families reach out because they would like a distance learning option due to concerns with the pandemic. Rhode Island has been and remains a leader in ensuring education continues during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the approach we are taking with the Rhode Island Department of Health and RIDE keeps the focus right where it should be: Making sure our children are learning – and doing it as safely as possible for everyone. With that being said Chariho is developing a Distance Learning Option for families who are concerned about returning. If you prefer our Distance Learning Option for the fall, please fill out this Registration form.
- Mask Information: Masks will be required for staff and students. Teaches will work with students to build mask tolerance. Supervised periodic mask breaks will be held when students can socially distance, preferably outside. Masks can also be removed when eating or when staff are alone. See Chariho Guidance.
A message to all students, staff and families:
- Please have your child come to school every day with a mask. Disposable masks are available at school in case someone doesn't have one or forgets it.
- It is important to have students practice masks before the school year begins. Let your child get in the habit of wearing a mask.
- Hand washing / Sanitizing hands will be done often and regularly.
- Teachers will be asked to keep windows open for fresh air. Doors will be left open when children are in the classroom as well.
- Outdoor learning spaces will be encouraged.
- Here is mask etiquette information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html
Information from RIDE and Governor Raimondo
RIDE unveiled a new website Back 2 School. The Governor spoke about Reopening the other day and rolled out 5 metrics she is using to plan for reopening (see image below). Both the Governor and Commissioner will also take part in a weekly reopening forum on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. You can find a link to this forum on Governor Raimondo’s Facebook page.
RIDE FAQ Updated July 31, 2020
Message from Governor Gina Raimondo regarding SCHOOL REOPENING METRICS
As with every decision we've made during this crisis, our efforts to reopen our schools will be driven by science and data. We’ve identified a clear, comprehensive set of benchmarks we need to hit in order to be confident we’re ready to fully reopen schools. Those metrics are: statewide readiness, municipal readiness, testing readiness, supply readiness, and operational readiness. And we’ve assembled a team of local and national health experts to guide us during this process. The week of August 16, we’ll make a determination about the start of this school year.
It's our job to work day and night to get to a point where we can say with confidence we check every box on this list. If not, then it means we’re not ready to fully reopen on August 31. Every school district must be prepared with both in-person and remote learning options, and parents will be able to choose the option they’re most comfortable with.
We're all in this together.
-Gina Raimondo
P.S.: Information is our greatest weapon in the fight against COVID-19. If you or someone you know wants to sign up to receive update emails, you can use this link.
Reopening Plan (from the July Update)
Here is an update on our district’s work towards planning our return to school. We are carefully considering safety, student/staff emotional well-being, teaching and learning, and governance/operations. We are following guidance from the RI Department of Education and the RI Department of Health. Below you will be able to view the reopening plan for Hope Valley School.
- RIDE and RIDOH has been collaborating with a consulting group, superintendents, administrators and union leadership across the state to develop guidance to assist districts in planning our return to school.
- Chariho established a steering committee led by our new Superintendent Gina Picard, Jane Daly, administrators, union presidents, the AD, and central office staff to coordinate the efforts of three subcommittees (governance, teaching and learning and health and wellness). Each subcommittee has been charged with working out the plan for in-person, partial and distance learning scenarios. The subcommittees consist of administrators, teachers, support staff and parents. Many thanks to 3 members of our School Improvement Team for representing Hope Valley: Kim St. Clair, Fran Smith, and Lela Smith!
- A ton of hours have been invested creating our school reopening plan. The SIT team, Gina Picard (Superintendent), the Chariho Subcommittee Planning Team, Katie Kirakosian (Chariho Development Officer), and most recently parents have reviewed the plan and gave good feedback. The draft of the Reopening Plan submitted to the state on July 17th can be found by clicking on the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yGytwk5s91Zd3aYy0JSTToG9ZnJwERpU-lZs9WIAX7s/edit?usp=sharing
- The entire districts reopening plan can be found here: https://www.chariho.k12.ri.us/news/what_s_new/c_r_s_d_reopening_schools_plan___d_r_a_f_t_
Social Media Outlets
use #HopeValleyHawks
About Hope Valley Elementary School
The mission of the Hope Valley Elementary School is to work in partnership with our colleagues, students and families. We are committed to creating a learning environment where children are expected to achieve their full potential.
Email: ggen@chariho.k12.ri.us
Website: hopevalley.chariho.k12.ri.us
Location: 15 Thelma Drive, Hope Valley, RI, United States
Phone: 401-539-2321
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mr.Gencarelli/?ref=br_rs
Twitter: @JoeGencarelli1