Secondary Counselor Newsletter
#9 - April 3rd, 2023
Greetings Campbell!
Spring is here and we're ready for it!
The days are getting longer and warmer.
It's time to head outside and soak up the sun!
....................STAAR/EOC Testing Schedule................
Parents, please don't schedule any appointments on STAAR/EOC days. It is very important that your child is here on test days so we can avoid make-ups.
Thank you for your cooperation!
3rd-8th RLA - Tuesday, April 18th
English I - Wednesday, April 19th
English II - Thursday, April 20th
5th - 8th Science - Tuesday, April 25th
Biology 9th - Wednesday, April 26th
Social Studies - 8th Thursday, April 27th
U.S. History 11th - Tuesday, May 2nd
3rd - 8th Math - Wednesday, May 3rd
Algebra I - Thursday, May 4th
Parent Resource ✨ How to Help Your Child Prepare for State Assessments
The Texas Assessment Website: Gather information about state assessments in Texas and find resources for your child. Click here to learn more.
Campbell Board of Trustees - paper in the Counselor's office - April 3rd
Greenville Rotary Club - paper in the Counselor's office - April 12th
Farmers Electric Cooperativehttps://farmerselectric.coop/community-involvement/ - April 14th
Texas Builders Associationhttps://www.texasbuildersfoundation.org/scholarships-grants/ - April 21st **Builders only**
Charlean Tanton - paper in the Counselor's office - April 28th
Jr/Sr Prom - April 15th!
Please refer to the email that was sent by Mrs. Casselton for instructions.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
This makes it the perfect time to teach your students about body safety. A great tool to check out is called the “Fight! Child Abuse Program". The website has a lot of great talking points, activities and videos for grades K-12.
April is World Autism Month! The annual World Autism Month initiatives drive understanding and acceptance each April, connecting with more than 2.8 million social followers, and the Autism Speaks Walk, the largest autism fundraising and awareness event in North America, brings communities together in support of people with autism and their families. With your support, we continue to impact the lives of people with autism in meaningful ways.
Check out the link below for information about autism and how we can teach our children to be inclusive of all people with disabilities and learning styles.
🗓 April Events Calendar 🗓
Brandy Clifton, School Counselor
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/Page/47
Phone: 903-246-9305