The Cub Hub
Notes from the Den | Volume 1 : Issue 22 - January 19, 2021
Principal's Message
Happy Monday Bear Creek Cubs,
Thank you again for all of your support during these unprecedented times. We welcomed back approximately 240 students to campus today which is down from the week of January 5 by about 30 students.
AJ and David
Department Newsletters
Week Of January 25, 2021
As we have shared repeatedly we are receiving information at approximately the same time you are so I would expect to see something from the district office on Thursday regarding recommendations from the Travis County Health Authority, Austin Public Health and city and county officials.
Friday, January 29 - Asynchronous Learning Day
Friday, January 29, 2021 is a district wide asynchronous learning day.
We will dig deeper into our core values of connection, resilience, courage, empathy, and integrity.
There will be more specific information coming soon.
Sidewalk Construction
The work is complete so that should really help out in regards to safety and convenience. Thank you for your patience and input as we are navigating traffic and infrastructure
Calendar Updates
Let me know if we are missing something.
We will start utilizing BOTH the website and this newsletter for dates.
The Cub Hub will focus on smaller blocks of time while the website will be more of a semester at a glance view.
Fall Picture Retakes - Thursday, January 28, 2021
Fall Picture Retake day is Thursday, January 28th. Pictures will be from 8:30am - 11:00am in the Community Room.
If you would like your child to have their picture retaken please send in the original picture package you received with your student on January 28th. They will give the package to the photographer when their picture is taken.
Student's new to Bear Creek may get their picture taken at this time to be in the yearbook. Go to the Lifetouch website below and use the order code below. If you missed ordering pictures the first time you may also use this code to order now.
Order Code/Event Number: EVTCM8VJ2
Remote learners my sign up at the link below.
What To Do If You Child Is Not Feeling Well
If your child is ill with symptoms consistent (cough, sore throat, stomach issues, headaches, fatigue, congestion, etc ...) with Covid-19 contact Mr. Crissey and your child's teacher and then the following protocols must be followed:
Students May Return After
10 days have passed since symptoms started, and improvement in overall symptoms, and 24 hours have passed without fever and use of fever-reducing medication.
Provide doctor’s note to campus health room staff stating that symptoms are not COVID-19-related and student can return to school.
Provide a negative COVID-19 test.
As an FYI the same holds true for staff members.
Technology Assistance
If you need assistance please contact the AISD Student Help Desk at 512-414-4357. If they are unable to assist please reach out to me at david.crissey@austinisd.org.
District Devices
We have several iPads and a small supply (6) of Chromebooks. If you are using your own device please let me know.
Additionally we have received some hotspots which were a hot item in the late fall so if you have needs please reach out.
Counselor's Corner
Dear Bear Creek Families.
From school routine, to the pandemic, to events in our nation's capital, there is a lot weighing on all our minds as adults. This is also true of our children. Sometimes it can be hard to navigate a conversation with children amidst our own concerns and confusion. There is help and there are resources.
I would encourage you to look at the article "Helping Children Cope with Frightening News" from the Child Mind Institute that include steps that apply to loss, grief, fear, and all the confusing, unknowns our children may face in their young lives. Simple tools for your parenting toolbelt.
On a bright note, I was able to enjoy a beautiful lesson with a 3rd grade class last week that filled my heart with hope and love as they shared an extensive list on how to be a good friend, accept differences, and how to be kind. Their visual representations and words proved that our children are lighthouses in a storm ready to lead us adults back to what matters. They look to us, but we too can look to them for peace and grounding.
As always, I am here. If you or your child need some guidance or help, don't hesitate to reach out. Just a Zoom away!:)
Alyssa Sheeran
School Counselor
Yearbook News
2020-2021 Yearbooks are on sale you can order yours today at:
Parents, we need your help to fill our yearbook! Please start emailing photos of your child (to your room parent) that you would like to see commemorated in the yearbook. We are looking to fill the following page categories:
5 Core Values (Connection, Resilience, Integrity, Empathy, Courage)
- Make homemade signs using the core values. Perhaps have your child/children hold them up for photo ops
Winter Break Family Fun!
- Send in family photos from your Winter Break
Spotted Around Austin
- Send in photos in and around Austin! Perhaps spotted in Bear Creek spirit gear at Austin top spots!
Hunter 5K
- Let’s showcase our community support during the Hunter 5k
- Send in your favorite costume photos!
- Photos and memories both in class (teachers please help!) and at home (parents please help!)
Selfie Page
- Who doesn’t love a good selfie? Send in your child’s favorites!
Pets/Stuffed Animals
- Let’s show off all our furry friends (both real and stuffed)
Snow Day
- Send in fun photos from our awesome snow day event!
Email pictures to your room parent/class yearbook volunteer!
What to do if you didn't get Lifetouch photos taken:
- Take your child's photo in well-lit room, with light behind the photo taker (ie the window faces your child)
- Take photo with your child in front of a blank wall (light-colored if possible)
- Take photo standing roughly 4 foot apart from your child · Please email the full size photo bcyearbookphotos@gmail.com with your child's full name, grade level, and teacher.
5th Grade Ads
We will be giving every 5th grade student a FREE 1/2 page ad in this year's yearbook. It would be great to get 100% participation! Submit your ad info to your room parent. The ads are due on Feb. 1, 2021 but can be submitted earlier.
Any questions? Email us at bcyearbookteam@gmail.com
Thank you.
PTA Paw Prints
Mark Your Calendar!
The next PTA General Membership Meeting is Tuesday February 23rd from 5:00-6:30 pm. After a brief update on PTA items, we are thrilled to welcome Bandingo, who will host Bear Creek families in a virtual game of musical trivia BINGO. This is fun for the whole family, and you won't want to miss it!
Winter Spiritwear is Here!
Our winter spiritwear is here and we are so excited to get your order to you. The PTA will host a quick and easy drive-through pickup on Saturday 1/30 from 10am- Noon at Bear Creek. Just come through the drive through lane and we will have your order bagged and ready to hand to you. Need to make alternative arrangements for a porch pick-up or delivery? Email us at: bearcreekatxpta@gmail.com
Missed the order and want some winter Bear Creek swag? Once all orders have been delivered, we hope to have a few extras for sale. Stay tuned!
Middle Of The Year Q & A
Topic: Bear Creek Middle Of Year Q & A
Time: Jan 28, 2021 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 935 8178 2801
Passcode: 142977
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,93581782801#,,,,*142977# US (Houston)