Message From Central Road School
Mrs. Joanna Shostachuk, School Principal
A Note from Mrs. Shostachuk 08/14/2022
Dear Central Road Families:
As the new school year is upon us, I would like to welcome everyone to the 2022-2023 school year. Whether you are a returning family or a new one to Central Road, we welcome you. I enter the 2022-2023 school with hope and optimism for a positive year for all. Mrs. Green and I look forward to continuing our work with your families and our staff for the good of our school community. We thank you all in advance for your flexibility, patience, and partnership. Our door(s) continue to always be open to listen and work together.
Joanna Shostachuk
Our Kindergarten Playdate!
Our Kindergarten Playdate!
Our Kindergarten Playdate!
Change the World Summer Project
Change the World Summer Project
Change the World Summer Project
Important Upcoming Information
The Central Road Elementary staff has been working very hard to prepare for another upcoming school year. Both August 15th and 16th are dedicated to professional development for our teaching staff. We will be focused on preparing our students for academic, social-emotional, and functional preparedness. We are committed to providing the best possible educational experience for your child(ren). We will be welcoming all of our students back with open arms!
Teacher/classroom assignments are now viewable by parents/guardians in Infinite Campus.
The First Day of School for students in Grades 1-6 will be a 1/2 day from 9:15-12:15 pm on Wedneday, August 17th. Lunch will not be served on this day. All kindergarten students will begin on Thursday, August 18th at 9:15 am. Drop off will begin at 9:00am each day.
NEW School Hours for 2022-2023
9:15-3:55 pm
9:15-3:05 pm
Noon Hour 12:20-1:20 pm
AM KDG hours are as follows;
M-Th 9:15-11:50 am
Fridays 9:15-11:25 am
PM KDG hours are as follows;
M-Th 1:20-3:55 pm
Fridays 12:55-3:05 pm
Morning drop off will begin at 9:00 am each day.
Meet the Teacher Opportunity
Assignment notebooks are $5.00
Calculators are:
TI-108 for Grades K-4 #571153 - $4.00
TI-15 Math Explorer for Grades 5-8 #571161 - $15.00
TI-34 Math Explorer Multi-view for Grades 7-8 & OL 5-6 #571145 - $18.00
New Faces at Central Road School
Mrs. Aguilar, Office Clerical
Mrs. Fuglestad, School Psychologist
Mrs. Gehrke, Reading Teacher
Mrs. Chong, Academic Interventionist
Mrs. Welch, Special Education Teacher
Mrs. Hackl-Blumstein, Special Education Coordinator
Ms. Harder, ESL Teacher
Mrs. Cloud, Instructional Coach
Mrs. Walsh, OT
Mrs. Kassal, Social Worker
Ms. Annerino, Building Subsitute
Mr. Marcucci, Speech and Language Pathologist
Mrs. Caballero, School Nurse
Mrs. Golz, Program Assistant
Ms. Tamburo, Grade 6 Teacher
Mrs. Ruhl, Grade 6 Teacher
Tentative Teaching Line-Up for 2022-2023
Bilingual Kindergarten- Ms. Sarli
Grade 1-Mrs. Divizio & Mrs. Stiens
Bilingual Grade 1-Ms. Schellinger & Mrs. Dlatt
Grade 2-Mrs. Pusateri, Mr. Taylor & Mr. Pistorious
Bilingual Grade 2-Ms. Torres
Grade 3-Ms. Holmes & Ms. Marchetto
Bilingual Grade 3-Ms. Cortes
Grade 4-Mrs. Brinkman & Mrs. Zielinski
Bilingual Grade 4-Ms. Cabrera & Ms. Conrad
Grade 5-Mrs. Laabs, Mrs. Fink & Mrs. Fior
Gifted 5/6-Mr. Brents
Grade 6-Mrs. Gonzalez, Ms. Tamburo, Mrs. Ruhl
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Both breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students at Central Road School who would like to eat the food served each day. Students at CR are offered FREE breakfast and lunch daily starting the first day of school as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, funded by the federal government. Students may bring a lunch from home if they prefer to do so.
What does this mean for families attending the CEP school like Central Road?
Again, all enrolled students will receive a free breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household. Your child(ren) will be able to participate without having to pay a fee, but we ask that you still complete the Fee Waiver form here (Spanish form) to determine if your family qualifies for other financial assistance such as school fees, athletic, and activity fee waivers. Again, completing the application is still necessary for other programs and assists with funding for educational programs in District 15.
Information from our Nutritional Services Department may be found HERE for your review.
Incoming 6th Grade Students and Families
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Parents who drop off or pick up students must form a single file line in the front drop off lane against the long, narrow grassy island. Please have your child exit the vehicle on the passenger side and then walk along the island to the crossing guard.
All Student who cross Central Road, must cross with Miss Kathy, the crossing guard.
Walker will enter in Door 4. Students that ride the bus will enter at Door 1.
Students will be dismissed at the bell. Mon.-Thur. at 3:55pm & Fridays at 3:05 pm
Back to School Event Sponsored by our PTA
Picture Day
D15 Parent Partners Volunteer
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite Campus' Campus Parent is designed to provide parents real-time access to student information. The easy-to-use design displays what is currently happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in your child’s educational experience.
This portal also provides parents access to check for teacher placement and student schedules once their student is registered. District 15 has also used IC to gather parent survey responses. Make sure you have your account set up for the new school year! To learn how to set up your account, watch tutorials, or access a help center, please visit our website.
A Note from the Central Road Health Office
All students new to District 15 will require a current physical exam with all immunizations up to date (Certificate of Child Health Examination), and students new to the State of Illinois will require an eye examination. This form is available in the school office, online, and here: State of Illinois Eye Examination Report.
All students should provide proof of immunizations by October 15, 2022 or the student will be excluded from school. The list of current immunizations can be found on the district website here: IDPH Health Requirements.
Students with health conditions such as asthma, epilepsy/seizures, severe allergies, and diabetes require the emergency action plan completed by their physician along with the Medication Administration Forms, signed by the physician and parent, for any medications required at school. Please bring these forms and medications on or before the first day of school. These forms are available in the school office, online, and here.
Diabetic Medical Management Plans must be brought in along with medication and supplies prior to or on the first day of school in order for the student to attend. If your child requires any of these health documents and you have not done so already, please kindly make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the above requirements, you may contact our new school office.
New School Nurse Contact Information-Mrs. Caballero
Contact Information for Central Road School
Welcome to Central Road Elementary School, Home of the Wolves!
We are located at 3800 Central Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-2554.
Our main office phone number is 847-963-5100. Our Absence Line is 847-963-5101.
Principal: Mrs. Shostachuk 847-963-5105
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Green 847-963-5104
Elementary Secretary: Mrs. Rogers 847-963-5180
Office Clerical: Mrs. Aguilar
School Nurse: Mrs. Caballero
Save the Date-Parent Orientation Night
Important Dates and Information to Remember
- Monday, August 15th-Institute Day for Teachers
- Tuesday, August 16th-Institute Day for Teachers
- Wednesday, August 17th-First Day of School for Grades 1-6 Time-9:15-12:15 pm ONLY
- Thursday, August 18th-First Day of School for Kindergarten Students
- Wednesday, August 31st-Parent Orientation-Time TBD
- Wednesday, August 31st- Smile-Picture Day at School
Community Outreach and/or PTA
About Us
Address: 3800 Central Road Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-2554
Phone Number: 847-963-5100
Absence Line: 847-963-5101Fax Number: 847-963-5106
Twitter: @central_road