Herd Happenings
Bradley Elementary Newsletter
This week at Bradley
Wednesday-Herd Hero Assembly
Friday-Early Release
Counselor's Corner
Hi parents,
I hope everyone had a wonderful break and practiced some gratitude with your families. We are changing gears a bit and turning to this month’s focus to empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
Kindergarten through 5th grade car riders need to use the back car loop for drop off and pick up.
As we enter the winter months more students will likely be using the car loop for arrival and dismissal. Please remember that all Kindergarten through 5th grade students who are car riders need to use the back car loop. I know that the carline gets long in the winter months so please plan accordingly. We ask that parents wait until you are at the front of the car line where the adults are opening doors before letting students out to ensure the safety of all. The front loop is reserved for our preschool students (and their siblings). Preschool parents must get out of the car and see their students into the building. We appreciate your cooperation with the arrival and dismissal procedures as they are in place to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
All walkers in grades 1st through 5th grade are released to walk independently from the front of the building. If you are meeting walkers please remember that the cross walks should be used and all bikes and scooters should be walked while on school property. If parents are driving up and meeting "walkers" you must park in a parking spot, or on the street. There is no parking/ curb pickup for Kindergarten through 5th grade students in the front of the building.
Again thank you to all for observing our outlined arrival and dismissal procedures that are in place to ensure the safety of all.
Upcoming Events
12/1-Early Release
12/7-5th grade musical 6:30
12/15-1/2 day 11:30 Dismissal/ No Preschool
12/18-1/2-=Winter Break/ No School
Kristin Holland
Email: kholland@usd207.org