Tuscany Times
168th Lighthouse School in the Nation, Building Leaders
Our Mission Statement
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to LEAD, HONOR, and EXCEL today!
Message from Administration
We hope that everyone had a great weekend! Please checkout the information below to see upcoming events, flyers, and pictures from happenings this past week!
Proud Principal,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Library Volunteer Orientation- Monday, Sept. 17th @ 10:30am
Box Tops Contest- September 24th- October 5th
Eat for a Cause Chickfila- Tuesday, Sept. 25th @ 4-9pm
Bike Drop-off- Thursday, October 4th @ 4-6pm and Friday, October 5th @ 7:00-7:45am- Gym#1 Coach Kaufman
Bike Rodeo -Friday, October 5th, from 7:45 until 11:30am
EARLY RELEASE- Friday, October 5th @ 12:55pm
Student Holiday/Staff Development Day- Monday, October 8th- No School for Students
EARLY RELEASE- Wednesday, October 17th and Thursday, October 18th @ 12:55pm
Fall Picture Retakes- Thursday, October 19th
PTA Winter Spirit Orders- October 26th
PTA Reflections Deadline- October 31st
Run for the Heights Boosterthon- November 6th- 16th
Eat For A Cause at Chick-fil-A – Tuesday 9/25
Grab a yummy dinner at the Stoneridge Chick-fil-A on Tuesday 9/25 from 5:30-8:30 and support Tuscany Heights! Chick-fil-A will donate up to 20% of sales back to our school, so forget cooking and come on out and join us! Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Leon and some of our amazing teachers will be there to greet our Tuscany Heights families and help out in the dining room. Don’t forget your flyer, see you there!
Box Tops Contest – 9/24-10/5
HEB is running a Box Tops promotion from 9/5 – 9/18, get a 100 bonus box tops coupon (worth $10) with the purchase of 15 qualifying Box Tops products, and/or a 60 bonus Box Tops coupon (worth $6) with the purchase of 10 qualifying products. Start collecting those Box Tops now! We have fun prizes lined up for the class who collects the most Box Tops in each grade level and also for our top two collectors school wide, flyers are coming home in backpacks this week!
Tuscany Heights LOVES our Library Volunteers!
Ever wondered what it’s like to volunteer in the library? Come join Mrs. Johnson for our library Volunteer orientation on Monday 9/17 at 10:30am.
T.H.E. presents.....Bike Rodeo!
Our Bike Rodeo will be on Friday, October 5th, from 7:45 until 11:30am. We will start with 5th grade, then Kindergarten through 4th grade. Bike drop-off will be Thursday, 10/4 from 4-6 pm and Friday, 10/5 from 7-7:45 in Gym #1. Parents and families can come to be a spectator or a volunteer for this fun event, all are welcome! More information will be coming soon.
PTA Reflections Art Contest
Keep an eye out for details on the PTA Reflections Art Contest. This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” Students of all ages/grade levels can submit an original work of art inspired by “Heroes Around Me” in the category of visual arts, literature, musical composition, photography, dance choreography or film production. The deadline for entries is 10/31. Contest rules and guidelines, and entry forms will be coming home soon.
Run For The Heights with Boosterthon – Nov 6-16
Save the date! Our schoolwide fundraiser with Boosterthon will take place in November this year! We are looking for sponsors, if you own a business or know someone who owns a business that may be interested in sponsoring our school please contact Christine Baratta at runfortheheights@tuscanyheightspta.org. Be on the lookout for more information as the date gets closer.
You can still go online and order your THE Spirit Gear, donate to Greenbacks and join PTA. Go to www.TuscanyHeightsPTA.org and click on the WELCOME BACK AND SPIRIT STORE section! Some quantities are limited so order today. Our Greenbacks goal for this year is $5,000 and we are currently over half way there. If we meet our goal the students get to send Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Leon through a student constructed car wash! Our donation levels are:
$200 and up-Tiger, $150-Platinum, $100-Gold, $50-Silver, $25-Bronze
Lost and Found!
Be Proactive for the 2018-19 school year! Please label your child's belongings (lunch boxes, water bottles, sweaters and backpacks). That way if they happen to end up in the LOST and FOUND, we can return them to their owner.
Calling all Student Volunteers!
Does your student volunteer at Tuscany Heights through patrols, broadcasting, library lifesavers or any other leadership position? Does your student do community service through scouts or your church? Does your student volunteer at any organizations such as a food bank or animal shelter? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, we want to know so we can acknowledge your child! If you already have an account at the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) website then don't forget to log your child's hours. If you are new to logging hours, please create a PVSA account for your Tiger so you can start logging. Full instructions can be found on the Tuscany Heights PTA website: http://www.tuscanyheightspta.org/presidential-volunteer-service-award.html Check the weekly eBlasts for information on community service activities offered at Tuscany Heights during the school year. Please contact Kelly Cardenas at communityservice@tuscanyheightspta.org with any questions.
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org