District 622 e-news
January 31, 2023

February 14, 2023
District 622 e-News available in accessible format
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Upcoming Events
In-person Pre-K and Kindergarten Information Nights
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
6:30 p.m. at each elementary school
Use our searchable boundary map to determine which school your child will attend based on your home address.
Points of Pride
Skyview students help with proposed Pedestrian and Bike Plan
The City of Oakdale asked Skyview’s student citizens to weigh in on a proposed Bike and Pedestrian Plan for the city. Students completed a survey indicating areas they currently walk and bike and highlighting areas that could be safer or easier to navigate. Thank you for including us, Oakdale!
Skyview student's poem chosen for publication
Congratulations to Skyview sixth grader Oluwatariresimi "Tari" Agunloye whose poetry was chosen for publication in a book of student writings! Tari learned that she is also in the running for best submission. Winners will be chosen in May. Read a sample of her work!
For just awhile
I feel weightless and free
For just awhile
I feel I can be me
For just awhile
I swim and I sink
For just awhile
We want to eat and drink
For just awhile
They shame and shun
For just awhile
We want to run
For just awhile
We feel respected
For just awhile
We want to be protected
For just awhile
We see our imperfections.
Our rolls and folds and stretch marks too,
We cover them up, so we can be like you.
To fit in is all we want, too
What's so different between me and you?
For just awhile.
North Senior signs letter of intent
North Senior William Coborn has signed a National Letter of Intent to Swim at the University of St. Thomas. Congratulations!
Tartan Senior signs letter of intent
Tartan Senior Allen Pearson, Jr. has signed a Letter of Intent to play football at theu University of Minnesota Duluth. Congratulations!
Tartan DECA Award
Oakdale –The DECA Store, the school-based enterprise at Tartan High School, was among 461 school-based enterprises (SBE) achieving Gold Level Re-Certification for the 2022-2023 school year and will be recognized during DECA’s International Career Development Conference in Orlando, FL.
The Tartan High School DECA members who contributed to the certification were Yupheng Lee (12) and Kayleen Xiong (11), with the assistance of their DECA chapter advisor, Craig Spreiter. The SBE at Tartan has operated for 17 years and is to be commended for this achievement.
DECA’s School-based Enterprise Certification Program provides recognition for outstanding achievement by school-based enterprises and to motivate SBEs to strive for excellence and growth. SBEs can be certified at three levels: bronze, silver or gold. In order to apply for the certification, SBEs must submit extensive documentation that explains how the SBE demonstrates the practice of various marketing and retail standards. A review committee evaluates the documentation to determine which level of certification has been achieved. DECA’s School-based Enterprise programs are sponsored by Intuit and Otis Spunkmeyer Inc.
Sweetheart Dance
The Students in Tartan's National Honor Society put on a heartwarming event last week at the Gladstone Senior Center. This was the first time that any of these students were involved in this annual event due to Covid, but they pulled it off beautifully! Punch and dessert was served, bingo was played, door prizes given away, and of course, lots of dancing to the wonderful "Golden Tones" band. We were even honored by a vocal performance by NHS member Macey Franzwa who sang "Can't help Falling in Love"
Community Education
Winter Activities
Sign up for a Winter 2023 activity with 622 Community Education today! We have a variety of classes: Video Production for YouTube, Game Coding; Pokemon/Minecraft/Mario Kart, Floor Hockey, Flag Football, Self Defense and Safety Awareness and more! Plus, 50% off Youth classes for district families who qualify for free/reduced lunch!
Register today at https://isd622.ce.eleyo.com/
Friday Fun for Pre-K (on days Pre-K class is not in session)
Have your little one join us for a Friday arts and crafts fun-filled morning at the end of each month when classes aren’t in session! Adults are not required to stay with students for class.
Location: Gladstone Community Center
Ages: 3-5
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cost: $40 ($20 for those who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch)
For More detailed class info visit here: https://www.smore.com/gpc24
February 24th: Date with a Dino
March 31st: Squishmallows
28th: Calling all Robloxians
Community Partner
Award of Excellence nominations are open
Nominations are now open for the 622 Education Foundation Award of Excellence.
Graduating seniors who possess one or more of the following characteristics is eligible for this award: community, courage, imagination, achievement, integrity, and resilience.
Nominations are due by Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Staff, peers, community members, and businesses can nominate students.
NOTE: Parents/guardians cannot nominate their own child.
Alumni News
North Alum honored for music
The College of Saint Benedict and St. John's University Wind Ensemble has been selected to participate in the Small Band Program showcase at the biennial convention of the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) on Feb. 18. North Alum Madison Kubik plays clarinet in the ensemble and is featured in the article here.
Peachjar electronic flyers
Visit the Peachjar electronic flyer page and click on your school's name to see what's happening at your school and in our community.
Join the 622 team!
We're Hiring! Join ISD 622!
We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. Join our team and become a Paraeducator, Substitute Teacher, or School Bus Driver (we'll help you get your CDL)!
Please visit our careers site for a list of open positions.
For more information please contact Human Resources at (651) 748-7421.
Email: communications@isd622.org
Website: www.isd622.org
Location: 2520 12th Avenue East, North St. Paul, MN
Facebook: facebook.com/isd622
Twitter: @isd622
Instagram: @isd622
Please direct your questions or comments to communications@isd622.org