GRRR Gazette
A Pickerington Elementary update for you!
September 15, 2023
Pickerington Elementary
Upcoming important dates:
9/18 - 22nd Start with Hello Week
9/19/23 - APEX kick off
9/20/23 - Picture Day
Principal Email: dave_zwiebel@plsd.us | AP Email: chelsea_brown@plsd.us
Counselor: andrew_sells@plsd.us | Secretary: valerie_jackson@plsd.us
Location: 775 Long Road, Pickerington, OH, USA | Phone: 614-548-1400
Pickerington Elementary PTO: @PickElemPTO
PTO email 📨 pickelempto@gmail.com
Talking Points
Pickerington Elementary uses Talking Points to communicate with families about things going on in class, in the building, and to send reminders. Talking Points syncs with Infinite Campus so whoever is listed as priority 1 in Infinite Campus receives the Talking Points communication. Also, some families have selected to receive the communication via the Talking Points App instead of as a text message. You may want to login to Talking Points (https://app.talkingpts.org/login) to see your preferences. If you would like more than 1 parent to receive the Talking Points communications, please email me (dave_zwiebel@plsd), and I will add contacts to Talking Points.
Our school is on a Powerful journey to raise funds for student
programs, student support, and outdoor aesthetic improvements.
With the help of our friends at @apexleadershipco, our Fun Run
fundraiser will start on September 19! Our school Fun Run date is Thursday, September 28th. Stay tuned for more info on how to support us.
Our cultural celebration of Hispanic/Latinx Heritage month begins on September 15th. We will celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of Hispanic/Latinx persons in our country and around the world through October 15th!
Start With Hello Week
Pickerington Elementary will be celebrating Start With Hello Week from September 18-22. To celebrate this week, students and staff are invited to participate in a spirit week. To find out more information about what Start With Hello Week teaches and celebrates, please look at Counseling News for a link to their website.
Check Out What Is Happening In The Counseling Department
The Panorama window for Fall will be open from September 25- October 13. Your students will complete Panorama at some point during this timeframe. You can find more information about Panorama by clicking on the Panorama SEL Fall Survey.
Please Note: If you DO NOT want your student to participate in the Panorama testing, please fill out the form attached to the Panorama SEL Fall Survey document or email Mr. Sells at andrew_sells@plsd.us
Panorama SEL Fall Survey English 2023
Panorama SEL Otoño Survey Spanish 2023
Panorama SEL Fall Survey Nepali 2023
Counseling Check Out
BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL Care Programming
Registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year. At the time of registration, a $25/child registration fee will be charged to complete the registration.
Pickerington Before & After School Programming, 2023-2024 School Year
Phone: 614-425-8178
Email: garverregistrar@ymcacolumbus.org
Parents can register online here.
Click here to get involved with PES PTO.
If you need to contact the PTO please feel free to contact us at pickelempto@gmail.com We are excited to be your representatives next year!
Parent Volunteers
Please fill out form if you would like to be a VIP this year.
We are excited to bring back VIPs. What is a VIP? A VIP can be a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, ect... that has a level 2 background check done through the school district. They will be trained on the photocopier, laminator, and everything that might possibly be used in the workroom. We have a VIP coordinator Natalie Matney this year. She will be organizing the VIPs with the teachers. In the past teachers have used the VIPs for getting the Scholastic flyers ready to distribute, copies, bulletin boards/hallway projects, and any number of things. We ask if you would like to VIP please fill out the google form by Aug 31, so we can get teachers assigned.
Has a Pickerington Elementary staff member gone above the call of duty to ensure your child has had an amazing day, week, month or even a year? 😁 Please take a moment to let us know by completing the form below. Pickerington Elementary is very fortunate to have an outstanding staff that loves working with your children. We all need a little “pat on the back” from time to time. We will make certain that this commendation is delivered to the appropriate staff member and that they are properly recognized.