Schwenksville Family Newsletter
November 8, 2023
Important Information Below
This newsletter contains important information regarding the scheduling of conferences & parent/guardian visits for American Education Week on November 15th. Please do not hesitate to contact Schwenksville's main office at 484-961-7064 with any questions.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Venza, Principal
Scheduling of conferences in ParentVUE opened yesterday for all parents/guardians.
For some people who attempted to schedule through the phone app a glitch was identified where they could only schedule conferences with our special area teachers and Dr. Tara Parr. Our student information system is helping us to make the corrections. In the meantime, please see below for important information on how to schedule your conference:
- If you click on the class with Dr. Parr's name listed, you should then see the name of your child’s teacher and can schedule your conference.
- The conferences for the special area teachers have been removed. If you would like to meet with one or more of the special area teachers on conference days, please email them directly to schedule a time.
- We have also learned that there may be issues when using the ParentVUE app to schedule. Please use a computer/laptop if possible.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Parent/teacher conferences will be held Monday, November 20th, and Tuesday, November 21st.
Parents/guardians will schedule using the conference module in the ParentVUE portal on Tuesday, November 7th. View Instructions for how to schedule a conference are located here for assistance. Please note the conference module referenced will not be viewable until November 7th.
If you do not have a ParentVUE account, you will need to create one in order to access the conference scheduling module. To set up your account, please contact the helpdesk@pvsd.org
Raptor System Registration
We are looking forward to seeing you in our schools during American Education Week on November 15, 2023.
As part of our safety and security procedures, all visitors to our schools are expected to have their license scanned by the Raptor System upon entrance and before moving through the building. In an effort to decrease the number of parents needing to scan their license on November 15, we are inviting you to stop into the office on Monday, November 6, Wednesday, November 8, or Thursday, November 9 between the hours of 9:00-11:30 or 12:30-3:30 to scan your license and prepare your visitor's badge. This avoids the need for you to scan on November 15 when there will likely be a lot of people visiting the school to attend their child's classroom.
If you have already scanned in this year using the Raptor System or come in on November 6th, 8th, or 9th to scan your ID in the Raptor System AND you RSVP (below) we will have your ID sticker preprinted for you when you arrive on November 15th for the visitation day.
Please know it is not mandatory that you come into school next week to have your license scanned, but we are encouraging you to do so (if you have not already scanned in using the Raptor System this year). Otherwise, you will be obligated to scan your license in the Raptor System on November 15 which could take time away from your classroom visit.
Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you for your consideration.
Kindly RSVP for American Education Week Visitation November 15th.
American Education Week Visitation Day 11/15/23 RSVP Form. If you have more than one child, please complete the form for each child.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already visited our school this year and scanned in using our RAPTOR System AND you complete this form, you do not need to stop in next week to scan your ID in the system.
Thank you very much!
Visitation Day Q&A
A: Please complete the RSVP form by 11/13. We will have your ID sticker preprinted for you when you arrive on November 15th.
Q: What do I have to do if I have NOT scanned in with the Raptor System this year and I want to come to American Education Week Visitation Day on November 15th?
A: Please complete the RSVP form by 11/13 AND visit school on 11/6, 11/8, or 11/9 during the designated times (listed above) to scan in the Raptor System OR plan to scan in before entering the building on November 15 on the visitation day. Please note you may need to wait in line to do so on the 15th. If you come in on 11/6, 11/8, or 11/9 to scan your ID in the Raptor System and you completed the RSVP form by 11/13 we will have your ID sticker preprinted for you when you arrive on November 15th.
PLEASE NOTE: Regardless of if you have registered through the Raptor System previously or not you must show your ID when you arrive to school. Thank you!
Translation of Newsletter
Please note that this newsletter may be translated into any language by choosing the language you need in the box to the right.
Tenga en cuenta que este boletín se puede traducir a cualquier idioma eligiendo el idioma que necesita en el cuadro a la derecha.
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Veuillez noter que cette newsletter peut être traduite dans n'importe quelle langue en choisissant la langue dont vous avez besoin dans la case à droite.
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لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که این خبرنامه ممکن است با انتخاب زبان مورد نیاز خود در کادر سمت راست به هر زبانی ترجمه شود.
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