Inspiring Nuggets
From Annelies & Conduit for Change, LLC
Annelies M. Gentile, MA, PCC
Integrative Life & Leadership Coach
Consultant | Facilitator | Process Artist | Author | Speaker
Hello! I'm Annelies and I am glad you are here! From Broadway to blacksmithing to divorce, death and Dubai, I'm no stranger to change. How about you...What's your change story?
Through life's fire, we all learn to be resilient, adaptable and (hopefully) honor boundaries. Persistence not perfection. You're not broken in need of fixing nor is the world.
Are you open to seeing life differently?
Recently labeled a "creative evangelist", I help leaders love life again, helping them navigate change mindfully and creatively with courage and grace. It's different for each person. Some of our dialogue is about the sticky stuff like communication issues and culture shift at work. Much more is deeply personal... like being vulnerable, facing uncertainty and grief associated with change. The exciting bit is exploring what's next and ideation then taking brave bold steps forward. Regardless, it's all about creating with change verses distracting ourselves from it.
Busyness isn't always coping
nor an effective use of creativity.
What are you creating?
One-to-one, with groups and from the stage, I'm dedicated to you as an invaluable guide to resilience— sense, solace and sanity for our rapidly changing world. Let's explore, together.
I've just celebrated Conduit for Change, LLC's 14th year in business with a grand gala, An Evening with Annelies. Talk about a fresh perspective! Pics are fun! So is my Gala Thank You Video. Take a peek at both then take a breath, sit back and enjoy this season's Inspiring Nugget. Read through it fully. There's a special Out of the Frame Creativity Retreat Oct 29th. Info below!
Know you are tucked into my heart's pocket. Let me know what's new with you.
Love and light, Annelies
INSPIRING NUGGETS :: An Integrative Perspective
Inspiring Nuggets Newsletter comes five times a year and is written to help you build resiliency in the face of change. Teachings come through both my personal and professional experiences and the Chinese Five Elements philosophy of Wu Xing (wŭ ching) and Tao, among other philosophies and sciences which highlight and explore unique nature-based ways to understand the processes of change.
The five seasons/element model of Chinese Medicine is at the core of my transformative leadership training and masters's degree in Integrative Coaching. My goal is to help YOU better cope and create through change. Nature is an excellent lens to see life differently.
Find this newsletter useful? Be the gift that keeps giving, share it with a friend! Want to hear more? Invite me to speak at your next conference, place of business, networking or civic groups. Love it? Be a Conduit Angel! Funds go to support free or discounted coaching for under-served populations and to spread the value of coaching to help us all manage change. Thank you in advance! Keep reading!
We are nature and nature is us. We cannot separate our human condition from our work life. They're inseparable. When we try to separate our humanity from the tasks, lists and linear roles of the work-world we harden ourselves and become hard towards others. As life gives us a variety of challenges, exploring problem-solving through nature is an interesting and inspiring lens in which to see life differently!
According to Eastern tradition of Tao, there are five elements expressed through five seasons each represented by an element, color, varied qualities and an emotional characteristic. Here's a simplified explanation.
• Winter : Water : Blue : Stillness : Fear
• Spring : Wood : Green : Creativity : Anger
• Summer : Fire : Red : Connectivity : Joy
• Late Summer : Earth : Yellow : Transformation : Empathy
• Autumn : Metal : White : Acknowledgement : Grief
Autumn :: METAL
Autumn is related to element of METAL which represents the emotion of grief and informs a sense of awe, inspiration, loss, acknowledgement and letting go. Through the season of autumn, we are invited to honor the inherent qualities of change and reflect upon the aspects of life which are deeply sacred and transforming. It's impossible to move forward unless we acknowledge where we are in the first place. Autumn and the element of metal remind us to acknowledge what is.
The metaphor of metal is a reminder to "cut the crap", slice through the formalities and drama, right to the heart of what needs to be said, felt and released. It's a very powerful metaphor to acknowledge what needs to be known within and without. Thus, inspiration is a bi-product of being clear, upfront and honest. Say what needs to be said. Be impeccable with your word. Do what needs to be done. Release what needs to go. Capish?
That said, here's a truth bomb. We are all grieving to a certain extent. The world we knew before covid, before political unrest, before recession, before mental health crisis, the list goes on and on... is not the world we agreed to. There's no buy in. So there's a gap. And there's grief. That's a truth. Except not all of us recognize this. That's a problem.
The season of Autumn with it's Metal Element is a reminder to be honest with our feelings and with each other. Vulnerability is valuable in this case because it leads to a sense of freedom. Philosopher Micheal Meade says, "Descend past depression into grief and rage. Here you will find the doorway to joy." The path, dear ones... is creativity. Everything is connected.
Personal & Professional Transformation : Look Within
To integrate the element of METAL and season of AUTUMN in your life and work, I invite you to explore these questions.
- When was the last time you were inspired?
- What were you doing, who was around, what made it inspirational for you?
- What TRUTH needs to be acknowledged in life or work right now? Think: Truth telling on a deep level.
- What are you willing to let go?
- How will you tap into inspiration today?
"Annelies was exactly what I didn't know I absolutely needed." D.B.
Coach with Annelies
If you're wrestling change and want a superhero side-kick consider working one-on-one with me to address priority issues, de-stress, get clear, set and achieve goals. Coach with me for several months, longer or for a brief period of time. Coaching Immersions are custom designed to suite your needs, time and budget. Immersion packages range from half-day, full-day or more and can be local to Raleigh or destination. View Coaching packages here.
Invite Annelies to Speak
Moving through change has never been so interesting! Need a boost at the office, an educational experience or thoughtful retreat? Invite me to speak and/or facilitate a workshop or custom retreat. Learn about resilience, creative process, transform grief associated with change, build empathy and trust, learn mindfulness practices. View Speaker page here.
Contact Annelies
Email: annelies@conduitforchange.com
Website: www.conduitforchange.com
Phone: 919-345-8396
Find this newsletter useful? Be the gift that keeps giving, share it with a friend! Want to hear more? Invite me to speak at your next conference, place of business, networking or civic groups. Love it? Be a Conduit Angel! Funds go to support free or discounted coaching for under-served populations and to spread the value of coaching to help us all manage change. Thank you in advance!