Bear Cave Newsletter
Week of 10/23/2023
From the Desk of Principal Lam
Hello Bloomingdale Bear Families!
4 e's (Enrollment, Employment, Enlistment, and Entrepreneurship): It's truly remarkable how the groundwork for a child's successful future commences during their elementary school years. Recently, I had the privilege of engaging with several prominent local businesses, including Delta Metals, Hyundai Motor Group, HMG Suppliers, and Gulfstream. These industry leaders emphasized their active recruitment efforts, both presently and in anticipation of future job opportunities. Many of these positions offer starting wages in the range of $18 to $22 per hour, underscoring the abundant prospects available to our families today and, even more so, to our students in the years ahead.
At Bloomingdale, our primary objective is to equip our students with the tools to compete effectively for these roles. This entails not only ensuring that they possess a solid foundation in literacy and numeracy but also nurturing what we term "soft skills" that employers value in their candidates. These soft skills encompass consistent punctuality, collaborative teamwork, adept problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills. I was struck by the insights shared by the business leaders I met with, who emphasized that these soft skills often outweigh industry-specific knowledge in their hiring decisions.
Families can play a pivotal role in preparing their children for success by instilling these skills early on. This includes emphasizing the importance of regular school attendance, fostering independence and responsibility, and teaching students how to communicate professionally and respectfully. Together, we can ensure that our students are not only academically proficient but also well-prepared to excel in the workforce and beyond.
Parent Center: We have tons of resources available for all families (PK - 5) in our parent center. We would love to see more families take advantage of these resources. Please stop between 9am - 3pm each day to see Ms. Dubarie and check out the Parent Center!
On and ever upward,
Principal Lam
E-Learning Half Day
Tuesday, Nov 7, 2023, 08:30 AM
No School: Veteran's Day
Friday, Nov 10, 2023, 08:30 AM
PAWS for Success
Attendance Matters!
Trunk or Treat
Send in Candy Donations for Trunk or Treat!
Trunk or Treat
Friday, Oct 27, 2023, 5:00 – 7:00 p
Bloomingdale Recreation Department at Taylor Park, Pine Barren Road, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Bloomingdale @ Ghost Pirates
Bell Times
District News
Get on the Bus
Here Comes the Bus
The Transportation Department has completed distribution of barcoded student cards for initiation of the Synovia/Here Comes The Bus Student Pass Program. Parents/Guardians can download the Here Comes the Bus (HCTB) app to track their child's bus. We highly encourage families to take advantage of this resource. You may find the code and more information here: Here Comes the Bus FAQs.pdf (
Each SCCPSS bus is equipped with a tablet to validate students when loading and unloading. Parents are able to monitor their child’s scans using the HCTB parent app. For parents already utilizing the HCTB app to monitor the bus, student scans will automatically populate in the app. Students should be reminded to keep their card with them for morning and afternoon transportation.
Routing updates are occurring on a continuous basis as transportation information is received through exports. As students are added to routes, Transportation will generate barcoded cards for these students.
Families who reside in Bloomingdale’s attendance zone, if you are interested in your child riding the bus, please complete this form. A member of our team will review your information and contact you with route information and a start date. (Does NOT apply to students currently riding the bus & students on administrative placement).
Healthy Connections
Carpool Reminders
- Remain in the same lane—do not switch over after number is recorded.
- Cell-Phone FREE zone
- School Zone - Watch your speed
- After 4:00 PM—late pick up.
Morning drop-off has improved dramatically since the beginning of the year! We appreciate your willingness to be flexible and patient while we work on the safest way to start the day with our kids.
We have a few updates and reminders....
Students may enter the building at 8:15 AM. School staff begin assisting students out of vehicles and into the building earlier.
The school day officially begins at 8:40 AM. All students and staff should be in their classrooms by 8:40 AM, which includes staff on car rider duty.
At 8:40 AM there will only be 1 drop off lane open, the outside lane will be blocked off, and duty staff will no longer be assisting students in getting out of the vehicle. Two staff members will remain to control traffic and direct parents to drive all the way down to the crosswalk and assist their children in getting out of the vehicle.
If parents arrive at 8:45 AM or later, they must park their vehicles and walk their children into the building to sign them in for the day.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and making the car rider line great!