Sharing the Good News and Good Work of Students and Staff
November/December 2019 Edition
Message from the Superintendent
Dear Team PUSD,
The end of the year brings a time of reflection, on all that we have accomplished and also all that we hope for the future. I had a chance to reflect on this, as my staff and I prepared for the 2019 PUSD 2nd Annual State of the District last month. (You can see coverage of this wonderful event in the newsletter below.)
As we look forward to the year 2020, what does the future of PUSD hold? There is no question that looking back, 2019 was a successful year, full of students, staff, school, and District achievements, many of which were featured in this newsletter. But we know we can’t rest on our laurels. One of my favorite experts on leadership, John C. Maxwell has said, “Of all the things a leader should fear, complacency heads the list.” As educators, we must always look to make positive progress with a sense of urgency.
One of our most urgent needs is to address the challenges we are facing with our aging facilities, while addressing growth and safety needs as well as providing a future-ready, high-quality education. Since 2018, we have been engaging in long-term facilities master planning, starting with a school safety and security assessment, followed by a facilities condition assessment, and then finally school and community meetings. What we found is that 62% of our campuses will be considered in “poor” condition by the year 2023. This is unacceptable. Given that PUSD is the lowest funded unified school district in San Diego County, and the state DOES NOT provide any funding for facilities, it has become increasingly difficult for us to meet our facilities needs. Pursuing a bond measure is the ONLY way to address the increasing facility needs of our aging schools. If our community passes Measure P for Poway Unified schools by 55% of the vote in March, Measure P would:
Ensure Safety:
- Remove hazardous materials like asbestos and lead paint where needed
- Repair or replace leaky roofs, rusty plumbing, failing sewer lines and outdated electrical systems
- Upgrade older schools so they meet the same academic and safety standards as newer schools
Ensure Security:
- Improve student safety and campus security systems including security fencing, security cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers
Ensure Success:
- Provide the classrooms, facilities and technology needed to support high quality instruction in science, technology, engineering, arts and math
- Provide modern labs and career-training facilities so students are prepared for college and in-demand careers in fields like health sciences, engineering, technology, robotics and skilled trades
PUSD's new leadership team will ensure the District will not issue any capital appreciation bonds (CABs) and will keep the bond repayment ratio well below 2.5 to 1.
Our team has spent the past few years cleaning up the past, and now we can focus on moving forward towards an even brighter future. These fiscally responsible strategies laid the groundwork that has allowed us to be in the best position possible as we pursue the bond measure. I truly believe that PUSD is turning a corner by:
- Creating and updating District policies to ensure stricter accountability and oversight
- Refinancing previous bonds, saving taxpayers over $18 million over time
- Increasing the District’s credit rating to AA+ by Standard & Poor’s due to strong District economics and new leadership
- Enhancing internal controls to improve transparency and fiscal management
- Resolving deficiencies identified in audits
- Reducing District debt liability from over $7 million to less the $2 million
We will continue to push forward in the areas of innovation and achievement by equipping and redesigning our classrooms to support differentiated learning and innovation and provide cutting edge and leading professional development for all staff, including:
- Embedded coaching and support for staff to incorporate more student choice and technology into the classroom
- Digital citizenship lessons
- Expanded foreign language opportunities
- Expanded access to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) and VAPA (visual and performing arts)
- The option of open educational resources, which includes updated, digital/online materials where textbooks might be outdated
We will leverage existing partnerships and forge new ones with our businesses and communities to enhance students’ learning opportunities outside of the classroom with:
- More CTE (career technical education) pathways
- Internship fairs to place students with local businesses
- Career technical education annual student expo
- Expanded student access to job shadowing, guest speakers, and mentoring with businesses
We will create more inclusive and personalized learning for all students by expanding relevant experiences and addressing student wellness and inclusive campus cultures through:
- Specialized Academic Instruction for students in special education to experience learning in a general education setting
- Mindful Moment every morning to help students prepare their minds for a day of learning
- Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Weeks to educate students about the importance of mental health and reduce the stigma around these topics
- Partnerships with the Anti-Defamation League and Sandy Hook Promise
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, where the focus is prevention, not punishment to encourage good behavior at school.
- Anonymous Tipline: 1-844-PUSD-TIP for situations requiring immediate attention, including any type of physical threat of harm to self or others
This is important work. Thank you for entrusting me to lead Poway Unified through this work now and into the future.
I hope you have a restful and joyous holiday season with your loved ones. We’ll see you in 2020!
Marian Kim Phelps, Ed.D.
Second Annual State of the District Event
Watch our student interns' report on the 2nd Annual State of the District in the video below:
Superintendent Marian Kim Phelps
Adobe Bluffs Performance
Poway High Emerald Brigade
SSAC Ushers
Student Leadership
Westview NJROTC
Studio 701 Excellence in Education Series: "Abraxas Transition Program"
In November, student interns highlighted the Transition program at Abraxas High School. The program teaches students ages 18-22 with developmental disabilities necessary job and life skills, all while building confidence and independence. To watch, click below.
Student, School, & Staff News and Achievements
Poway Unified Schools Named in Niche.com's Top 25 "Best Public Schools" Lists for SD
Additionally, all #PowayUnified middle schools were ranked in the top 25 of Niche.com's list "2020 Best Public Middle Schools in the San Diego Area."
And finally, all #PowayUnified comprehensive high schools were ranked in the top 25 of Niche.com's list "2020 Best Public High Schools in the San Diego Area."
The rankings are based on state test scores, student-teacher ratio, student diversity, teacher quality, school ratings, and the overall quality of the school district. Click to see where your elementary, middle, and high school ranks!
Palomar Council PTA's 50th Annual Reflections Art Show
The Palomar Council PTA received over 300 pieces of artwork from students throughout #PowayUnified for the 50th annual "Reflections Art Show." The theme this year is "Look Within." After submitting works in one or all of the six categories (Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts) the winners go on to compete at the 9th District, State and National PTAs for judging. Well done and best of luck!
Ann Auten, Turtleback ES Principal, Announces Retirement
From starting as a student teacher at Chaparral Elementary, Mrs. Auten has worn many hats within PUSD such as teacher, assistant principal, and principal. After confirming the news at an all-principal professional development summit, Mrs. Auten received a standing ovation from colleagues. She was also gifted a golden bell from Carol Osborne and Kimberlie Rens of Learning Support Services, as well as Superintendent Phelps. We will miss Mrs. Auten and wish her a blissful retirement, where she says she will spend time with her grandchildren.
Westview NJROTC Advances to Championships
Two Poway Unified Teachers Awarded Grants from North Island Credit Union
Ms. Mougel
Second Period BioMed Class
Ms. Craig
Fall Sports Season Ends in Multiple CIF Championships
Mt. Carmel Girl's Cross Country
Del Norte Girl's Field Hockey
Poway High Boy's Cross Country
Westview Boys Water Polo
Westview Tennis Singles
Poway HS Cheer
Pomerado Elementary Students Featured in Best-Selling Series on Kindness
Kindness Matters
Best Friends
Unselfish Kids
Kiwanis Club Student of the Month
San Diego County Esports Competition
Esports: it’s one of the newest types of competitions to be considered a CIF sport, and Westview High School is home to the newest champions in the league. The SD County Office of Education recently held its first competition, part of the growing initiative to use video games in classroom curriculum.
Watch below to learn more about Westview’s team, and click here for more info on video gaming scholarships: http://bit.ly/38q8cSv
National College Signing Day
Top Prize in LEGO Tech Competition Awarded to PUSD Team
These kids are 'building' the future of communication technologies with the help of Lego. A collaborative robotics project from #PowayUnified 5th grade and middle school students is aiming to provide parents with real-time drone footage from an app during campus operating hours.
Team "STEL" took home a top prize during the 'FIRST Lego League' competition this month. The group is slated to compete at the regional competition at Legoland on Dec. 8, and is looking to expand upon their project and turn it into reality. Congrats to Team STEL on this innovative project!
Westview Gold Band Takes Home ... Gold!
Award-winning Otters
Del Norte Claims Awards at DECA Conference
Congratulations to these Nighthawks that brought home awards from the California DECA Fall Leadership Conference! California DECA is a non-profit student organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in areas such as finance, marketing, hospitality, etc. They inspire students to innovate and work together to discover new methods of learning.
Just another way #PowayUnified kids are paving their own path toward college and career readiness!
A Generous Gift to Rolling Hills from San Diego Scottish Rite
Fun Photos & Videos
Broncos Team Manager Runs First Career Play
Building Wheelchairs for Rehab Clinics in Mexico
"Ability Awareness" with Abraxas Transitions Students
Increased Independence
Jeremiah Convery and Anthony Azar
A lot in common
Del Norte HOSA Toiletries Drive
As we head into the season of giving, it's #actsofkindness like this that remind us why we're so grateful for #TeamPUSD. Jake Todd, student at Del Norte, collected hundreds of toiletry items to fill hand-decorated care packages for the Youth in Transition Program - just in time for the holidays. Check out this video for a recap, and share the love!
Video by PR Interns Sumedh and Jovanna.
Meadowbrook MS Service Project
We can’t hit the ‘like’ button enough on this one! In this season of #thankfullness and #giving, we love seeing #PowayUnified kids step up to educate peers about resources in the community For a service project, Yasmin from Meadowbrook Middle School shared information about beneficial resources like charities, that can aid families in need. Yasmin was a former house guest of the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House, and told her story of being supported through a difficult medical time in her life.
"I felt as if I was being cared for... and I was more distracted than stressed [about] what was going to happen. I got to meet friends, same as my mom..." (via @losangelesrmh on Instagram)
Tenderness Totes
"Kicking Butts' with Mt. Carmel S.A.D.D. Club
Bernardo Heights MS Mental Health Clubs Tackle Stigma
Red Ribbon Week Luncheon
Veteran's Day Throughout the District
In addition to this, Mt. Carmel High School hosted a flag-raising with our local VFW and the Westview Navy Junior ROTC presented the colors during Rancho Bernardo Veterans Military Association event at Webb Lake Park November 11th. Thank you, veterans!
Tidepool Fun with Garden Road Elementary
6th Grade Camp
PUSD Gives Thanks
Tierra Bonita Elementary
Sunset Hills Elementary
Monterey Ridge Elementary
Adopt-A-Family donations have been coming in across the District, for the 525 PUSD families that have been “adopted” for the holidays. The gifts are part of each family’s wish list, and will be wrapped and delivered by volunteers before the holidays. At Canyon View Elementary School (right), SDPD's SWAT team joined in the effort to deliver gifts. Check out some of our volunteers hard at work, in the video below!
Winter Performances
Oak Valley Choir Performance
RBHS Dance Program
Twin Peaks/Bernardo Heights Orchestra
Wetview HS Orchestra
Mesa Verde MS Choir
Del Sur ES Band/Orchestra
Happy Holidays from Poway Unified!
PUSD Tipline
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Poway Unified School District
Email: cpaik@powayusd.com
Website: www.powayusd.com
Location: 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA, United States
Phone: (858) 521-2700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PowayUSD
Twitter: @PowayUSD