Peirce Update
September 18, 2021
Common Documents
COVID Protocol Updates
COVID Case Update
Peirce currently has 1 classroom in the flip to remote status - we are waiting for the contact tracing team to complete their process before determining when that class can return for in person learning.
There have been no other students/classrooms required to quarantine due to COVID at Peirce.
Flip to Remote Clarification
When there is a known covid positive case, principals have the ability to flip classrooms to remote while following district guidance until the contact tracing team has completed the contact tracing process. Please note that in these instances, there is not school-wide notification that goes out immediately, rather only those individuals who have been temporarily identified as closet contacts are notified and informed to quarantine. Once the contact tracing team has completed their intake process, school-wide notification will be sent.
Also, it is important to note that in some instances, a class will be flipped to remote and then flipped back within a few days. This may happen in instances when there is a rapid COVID test that indicates a positive test result, but then the PCR test comes out negative.
Class Cleaning
When a student is sent to the Care Room because they are demonstrating COVID symptoms, the school has to temporarily move the classroom to an alternate location while the classroom is cleaned. You may hear your child talking about changes in classroom environments, but know that just because a child is sent to the Care Room, it does not mean that there is a COVID positive case in the classroom. The school will notify any family if a child has been identified as a close contact to a COVID positive case.
Siblings & Sick Student Protocols
If a student is sent to the care room and then sent home due to COVID symptoms, siblings will also be sent home until there is confirmation that the student does not have COVID or an alternative diagnosis received from a doctor.
Only unvaccinated, direct contacts to COVID positive cases will be notified to quarantine. Siblings of students under quarantine due to exposure to a COVID positive case are considered secondary contacts. Secondary contacts do not have to quarantine since they have not been directly exposed to COVID.
Peirce will begin weekly COVID testing on Monday, September 20th. Staff from Thermo Fisher will be onsite to facilitate the testing process for students and staff. Currently, we are scheduled to test on Mondays, although the date may change as the schedule for Thermo Fisher is worked out.
Parents/guardians will need to complete the COVID-19 Testing Consent Form that was emailed to all parents and guardians from CPSnoreply@cps.edu on Friday, August 27, 2021 if you want your child tested.
If you did not receive the email from CPS, you can complete the paper version and return to your child's teacher.
Click here for the online registration form
Open House
Open House Schedule
Classroom Sessions - choose one to attend
5:00 - 5:45pm Session 1
5:45 - 6:30pm Session 2
School-wide sessions - choose as many as you are able to attend
- Specials teachers will host 15 minute sessions to learn more about their content areas starting at 5:00pm and re-starting every 15 minutes until 6:30pm.
- There will be a New Family Orientation session that focuses on IB, Case Management and Counseling Supports at 5pm and 5:45pm
- Want to know more about how we support students with interventions, supports for students who are enrolled as English Language Learners or Technology? Join the drop in room to ask a member of the school leadership team questions you may have.
Nutrition Support Services Job Fair
Saturday, September 18th
8:00am - 2:00pm, Walk ins accepted until 12pm
Gale Elementary School
7650 N Marshfield
Chicago, IL 60626
We're hiring for the following positions:
Cooks (HS Diploma and Sanitation license required)
Porters (HS Diploma and Sanitation license required)
Lunchroom Attendants (Food Handlers License required)
Starting pay rates for positions range from $15-$16 an hour with benefits. No evenings or weekends.
Pre-Registration Requested:
Applicants must bring a printed resume and a printed copy of a valid City of Chicago sanitation license or food handler's license. All employees will be required to be fully vaccinated upon hiring: which is a mandatory requirement for hiring.
Social Distancing Guidelines will be enforced. All applicants must wear a mask to enter the building and while meeting with representatives.
Restorative Practices Information Session
Restorative Practices & Social Emotional Supports
Friday, September 24, 2021
Parents are invited to attend this session to learn more about restorative practices and social emotional supports in school.
Any questions please contact:
Shelton Jackson - Restorative Practices Coach
Anne Park - School Counselor
Bilingual Advisory Council Meeting
Bilingual Advisory Committee (BAC)
Organizational Meeting
5:00 - 6:00
Learn more about bilingual and ESL programs at Peirce!
Elect this year’s BAC President, Vice President, Secretary, and Reps!
Find out how you can get involved throughout the year!
The meeting will be held in Spanish with English interpretation.
Speakers of all languages are welcome!
Join us with Google Meet:
Join us by Phone:
+1 617-675-4444 PIN: 742 281 657 2713#
Sick Student Protocol
If your child is sick with any COVID-19 Symptoms please do the following:
Call your child's healthcare provider and get the child tested for COVID-19. Your child should stay home while waiting for results. If you are unable to get your child tested, your child must stay home until they are symptom-free without medication for 24 hours.
- Siblings should stay home until a negative test result or alternative diagnosis is received for the symptomatic child.
- If the child is negative student should stay home until...
- Illness is over
- Symptoms have steadily improved
- Fever-free for 24hrs without medication
- No uncontrollable cough
- No vomiting or diarrhea for 24hrs
- If a child is positive
- COVID-19 case must isolate for 10 days from the start of illness; non fully vaccinated household members must Quarantine 14 days (from date of last contact or end of case’s isolation)
- ** CPS Cases should SELF-REPORT to cps.edu/covidresults. Parents or guardians report on behalf of their own children.
Mask Wearing at Peirce
Students can also remove their masks outdoors when they are able to maintain at least 3 feet of social distancing and are within their same cohort. Please know that there are few instances when this is applicable, therefore, many students will keep their mask on the duration of the day.
Upcoming Calendar Dates
21st Open House, 5:00pm (VIRTUAL)
23rd Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
24th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, 1401 W Hollywood
24th Restorative Practices Information Session, 9:00am
28th Friends of Peirce Day at Chipotle, 5224 N. Broadway from 4:00 - 8:00pm
1st Custodian Appreciation Day
1st Progress Reports Distributed
8th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:15am, 1401 W. Hollywood
8th Virtual School Tour, 9:00am
11th No School - Indigenous Peoples Day
12th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm
15th Special Education Information Session, 9:00am
19th PYP IB Behind the Scenes: An Introduction to the PYP, 9:00am
21st Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
29th Virtual Coffee with the Principal, 9:00am
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Email: lzaimi@cps.edu
Website: peirce.cps.edu
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440
Facebook: facebook.com/peircecps