Goodness Grows News
June 2017
Newsletter #3
Welcome Summer!
It's the perfect time for Jungle Jam!
Summer Mission Trips Have Begun!
Changing Our World
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Through our partnership with Canfield Presbyterian Church, we have already had three different churches spend some of their Mission Trip time here. We thank the hard working folks of Valley Presbyterian and Bainbridge Community UCC, both from Chagrin Falls, OH and the Fellowship Reformed Church of Muskegon, MI. These groups poured their hearts and muscles into Goodness Grows. From weeding to digging, demolishing to building...they did it all! Their time and effort has provided us with more planting space, a better back greenhouse, neater flower beds, and so much more. It has been a pleasure to see how these young people, as well as their adult chaperones, work together and care about their world. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for spending time here, helping goodness to grow! We also look forward to meeting and working with the other groups that will be here soon!
It's Market Season!
Farmers Markets:
~ Austintown Farmers' Market at Austintown Township Park, 5-8pm Mondays, from June 12 to September 25.
~ South Ave. Market at Wedgewood Pizza, 5-8pm Mondays, June 19th to July 31. We may add on August, if June and July go well.
~ Howland Farmers Market at 8204 East Market Street in Warren, 9am-1pm Saturdays. We will be there the last Saturday of each month.
Firestone Farms in Columbiana is having a Summerfest on June 23 & 24. We will be a part of this family-friendly event showcasing the retailers and featuring live music, food trucks, and specialty vendors. There will be fun for the whole family!
Annual Family Fun Fest - Saturday, July 22 from 2pm - 5pm, right here at Goodness Grows. Come check out what is going on! Enjoy Dragonfly Balloons, The Green Team, our Bake Walk, food, a wagon ride, face painting, and more. Free admission. Bake Walk and food items for a small fee.
We will be at the Youngstown Flea on July 15, August 19, and September 16, from 11-4, next to the Covelli Centre.
Summer is a great time for car shows. We will be selling our jam at the Austintown Car Show at Hollywood Gaming on Wednesday, June 28, and again on September 13th, from 5pm to 8pm.
Saturday, July 29th brings the Lake Milton Legion Car Show, from 10-5 at the American Legion. Come check out the cars, Chinese Auction, and Jungle Jam!
RiverFest 2017
Family Fun Fest
Saturday, Jul 22, 2017, 02:00 PM
2310 West South Range Road, North Lima, OH, United States
Fun at last year's Family Fun Fest!
Check out our Website & Facebook page to learn more!
Goodness Grows is a faith-based non-profit that has grown out of the commitment of care to work creatively with community groups, congregations, workplaces, and individuals. Our mission is to inspire new hope by growing food locally and teaching sustainable vegetable production. Goodness Grows is committed to promoting human services through creation care, service, and education for people of all abilities.
Create. Cultivate. Thrive.
Email: kitty@goodnessgrows4all.org
Website: www.goodnessgrows4all.org
Location: 2310 West South Range Road, North Lima, OH, United States
Phone: 330-549-9408
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoodnessGrows4all/
Twitter: @GGrows