Coyote Connection
September 1, 2023
Happy September
Happy Friday Twin Oaks Community.
What a great week! We had our first fire drill of the year this Wednesday and out Coyotes did fantastic. We will be having monthly fire drills as well as quarterly earthquake and lock-down drills.
Next Friday, we have our PTO sponsored Welcome Back Bash. I hope to see many of you here. It is a wonderful event. Our PTO not only sponsors family events for our community, they also support our school in other ways as well. This year, they have supported our teachers with classroom furniture, carpets and high/low desks. They even support us in the area of STEAM by providing our Coyotes with an art instructor. Our school is an awesome school because of our staff, students and wonderful community including our PTO. We are grateful.
Have a wonderful 3-day weeked Coyote Families. We will see you back on Tuesday.
Mrs. Barragan-Su
No School on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day!
Back to School Bash
Our ROCKIN' Back to School Bash is on Friday, September 9th from 6-8pm. Come dressed like a ROCKSTAR! $5 cover charge per student (cash & Venmo only). Adults are on the VIP list - no charge. Food trucks and snack bar will have food and treats available for purchase. DJ will be bumpin'. Photo backdrop for pics with the band. We cannot make these events happen without your help! Please sign up for a short volunteer shift: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c4dadab28a6ff2-rock#/
Family Service Night
Family Service Night is on Wednesday, September 12th from 5-6:30pm. This FREE event is a special night to work as a family completing 5 Acts of Kindness. No snackbar or food trucks at this event. Please come help us spread kindness in our community. Sign up for a short volunteer shift: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090C4DADAB28A6FF2-raise1#/
Birthday treats for Coyote Birthdays
Thank you!
Community Liaison at Twin Oaks Elementary
Fundraising through Kindness
A Kindness Fundraiser is coming our way! We can't wait to watch kindness take over Twin Oaks! Raise Craze kicks off on Friday, September 8th! Learn more at https://raisecraze.com/how-it-works-video or in Spanish at https://raisecraze.com/video-spanish.
Disabled Parking - Only available for those with a disabled license plate or placard
- Lending it to some else or knowingly allowing someone else to use it;1
- Displaying a disabled placard or plates that:
- have been canceled or revoked, or
- were issued to someone else;2 or
- Parking in a designated disabled parking space if you are not disabled.3e
- Lending it to some else or knowingly allowing someone else to use it;1
- Displaying a disabled placard or plates that:
- have been canceled or revoked, or
- were issued to someone else;2 or
- Parking in a designated disabled parking space if you are not disabled.3
Art Lessons Starting Soon
Spirit Wear
The Spirit Wear Store is NOW OPEN! Get your orders in by Tuesday, September 5th! Order online and your order will be delivered to your child's classroom in late-September. Please be advised that some items are backordered and will be delayed. https://toespto.onlineweb.shop/
Parking for Twin Oaks
The district is continuing to work on our parking concerns. As a reminder, please do not park past the cones at the church and the Ag Farm parking is now open for out community to use before and after school.
Thank you.
SMUSD is now on ParentSquare! Download the app today!
ParentSquare is the new way you will receive mass notifications, emergency alerts, communicate with your school and more! Download the ParentSquare app today so you don’t miss important updates and communication.
If you haven’t downloaded the app yet:
Car line
Do you qualify for free or reduced cost Internet Service?
The Affordable Connectivity Program helps to connect families and households struggling to afford internet service. This new benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers.
You can learn more about the benefit by clicking here, or to enroll please visit https://www.affordableconnectivity.gov/ or by calling 877-384-2575.
For the English flyer click here
For the Spanish flyer click hereCaring Coyotes
YES! I want to sign up to spoil a TOES Staff Member (or 2) with a $10-ish gift four times per year. I promise to do my best to be sneaky and not get caught! Caring Coyotes remain anonymous! Within a few weeks, you'll be assigned a staff member and will be given a cheat sheet of some of their favorite things. Thank you for helping to show our Staff Members just how appreciated they are!
For questions or more info, contact Angela at toesvolunteers@gmail.com or in Spanish at elac.toes@gmail.com.
Car Signs!
Class List
Don't forget to sign up to be on your classroom contact list! List will be shared with Room Parents so you are informed about class events. List will not be published in a directory. Click HERE to be included!
Skip the Drop-Off Line & Take the School Bus!
Did you know? Five elementary schools in SMUSD have expanded school bus service thanks to new State funding.
Joli Ann Leichtag Elementary, La Mirada Academy, Paloma Elementary School, San Marcos Elementary & Twin Oaks Elementary students all have the opportunity to ride the bus to school!
To submit an application for your student for free or low cost bus service to and from school, please click here for details!
PTO on Social Media
Stay up-to-date by following the PTO online!
Instagram @twinoakspto
Facebook: Twin Oaks Elementary School PTO