Saint Peter's Catholic School
Building A Foundation For Life
December 20, 2023
Updates from Mrs. Feltner
December 18, 2023
Dear Saint Peter’s Families and Friends.
A very special thank you to our music teacher, Mrs. Anna Rothermel, and our parish music director, Mrs. Leslie Gereghty, for working so meticulously with our children in creating our lovely Christmas program! Your children did a beautiful job and helped us all to experience the true Spirit of Christmas. We are so very blessed!
As we guide our children growing into Saints and Scholars, let us remember to turn to the Mary the Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, for assistance, comfort, and prayers. Let us ask for the grace to say “yes” to God as she did.
A Christmas Prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus:
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold.
In that hour vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayers and grant my desires through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother. Amen
We have hope and joy in the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus and remember what St. Paul tells us, “Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. The Lord himself is near, present your needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude” (Philippians 4:5-6). This is the way of all the saints.
I pray that this Christmas season brings joy, love, and hope to you, and your families. May the Lord God bestow upon you the peace of the Christ Child, which surpasses all human understanding.
Have a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and enjoy your time with family and friends!
Thank you and God bless,
Ann Feltner
Important Message from Nurse Becca
Have a Safe and Healthy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hello Saint Peter's Families,
Please remember that the link for our School Newsletter will be emailed to you every week. They are filled with information, important dates and events, announcements, and photos from the current week. Please read them all the way through so you don't miss anything.
Upcoming Dates For your Calendar
Dec. 21-Jan. 2- Christmas Break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dec. 31- Last Day to place a 6th grade/graduation ad in the yearbook
Jan. 3- Welcome Back to School!
Jan. 3- Re-enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year Opens
Jan. 11- Lion's Club Eye Exams
Jan. 28- Feb. 3- Catholic Schools Week
Feb. 1- Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year Opens to New Families
Mar. 1- Financial Assistance Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year Due
(you can even sync your google calendar to our school calendar and always be up to date on upcoming events!)
Have you ordered your lunches for next week? You can order a month at a time or for the whole year. You can also go back into your FACTS account and change it (as long as it is before the deadline for that week).
Drama Club- Rehearsal
There will be NO Rehearsals the first week back after Christmas Break.
What We Are Up To
We would love your help! Please take a look at the sign up genius and see if there is anything that you are able to help with. Thank you for helping us make our school great!
If you are interested in helping, please reach out to Helen Walker at
Basketball and Cheerleading Upcoming Games
1/8 Mon Holy Trinity Holy Trinity (2712 Jones Ave, Beaufort)
1/11 Thurs Saint Gregory the Great (38 St Gregory Dr, Bluffton, SC 29909)
1/16 Tues Bolden Laurel Bay (260 Elliot Drive, Beaufort 29906)
1/19 Friday Lowcountry Montessori YMCA Beaufort (1801 Richmond Ave, Port Royal, SC 29935)
Aftercare Employment Opportunity
Become a part of the St. Peter’s Catholic School Family! We are seeking a faith-filled applicant who is animated, caring, and creative.
Hours are 2:45 pm-5:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Even a couple, specific set days of the week can be an option.
Please feel free to reach out to anyone you may know who might be interested.
Ways to Volunteer
Cafeteria Tuesdays AND Thursdays!- Help with Lunch
Atrium- Volunteer Opportunity for 2023-2024 School Year
We are looking for parents willing to help our catechist during next year classes. Wednesday or Thursday sessions either in the 8:00-11:15 am or 1:00-2:30 pm sessions. If you are interested, please contact Sally or call 716-361-4071.
Peace and God Bless,
Sally Anne Leyda
Pastoral Associate
St. Peters Catholic Church
Beaufort, South Carolina
Library- Mondays and Wednesdays
Parents, if you are looking for volunteer hours, please contact Mrs. Coombes, our media center teacher at
Days- Mondays and/or Wednesdays.
Time- any length of time between 9:50 am and 2:45 pm
Helping for any length of time is always appreciated. Thank you.
Volunteer Requirements for In-School Activities
For the safety of all of our students and families, the Diocese of Charleston requires that all volunteers and employees complete a Safe Environment file.
There are 4 things needed:
- Legal first and last name
- Email address
An email from the Diocese will be sent to you to complete the background screening.
2 & 3- Complete and PRINT the certificate for 2 courses (in the required courses section)...
- Vulnerable Adults
- Safe Haven
4- Code of Conduct- Appendix II- page 8- signed and returned (see attachment)
5- (Optional) Driving Clearance (For Fieldtrips) - Please provide me with...
- Completed driving form (see attachment)
- A copy of your driver's license
- A copy of your insurance declaration page. This will list your coverage. Please note that an insurance card is not enough information. (the Diocese's requires a minimum coverage of $100,000/$300,000 for drivers)
Even if you are not able to volunteer in the near future, completing your file Now would eliminate the rush to get it completed when an opportunity you are interested arises.
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Ordering the Hot Lunch Option
Monday- Sabor de Casa
Tuesday- Upper Crust Pizza
Thursday- Chick-Fil-A
To Order:
- Go to
- Choose the “Parent Login” Tab
- Choose the “FACTS Family Portal”
- Login (our District Code is SPCS-SC)
- There will be a menu on the left-hand side
- Choose “Student”
- Choose “Lunch”
- “Create Web Order”
- Choose the item and quantity you want to order for the date desired
- Then hit Enter or Order
If you have multiple children, you will need order under each child’s name.
(You can verify that your order was place by looking on your lunch calendar. Any items ordered will be highlighted in blue)
Deadline to order for the week is the Sunday before the week starts-
This is different from last year. We are hoping to be able to have a count to the teachers more easily and further in advance to ensure that every student has either brought or bought a lunch for the day.
Have you ordered your lunches for next week? You can order a month at a time or for the whole year. You can also go back into your FACTS account and change it (as long as it is before the deadline for that week).
Wishing our Cardinals a very happy Birthday!
Frida Mendez
Elijah Muhlenbruch-Donjuan
Cooper Hinton
Baus McGregor
Francisco Ayuzo-Torres
Lilith Schwehr
Sophia Cruz Mejia
Nurse Becca
Mrs. Shepard's Pre-K4
This week in Mrs. Shepard's Pre-K4, it was a short but fun filled week! We had so many special treats and surprises. Thank you so much for all of your help making our brunch special!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from K5! 🎄🎅🏻🎄🤶🎄
4th Grade
The Spirit of Christmas is with 4th Grade!
5th Grade
Fun filled Christmas. Students enjoyed hot chocolate with one their favorite Christmas movies on the Pajama day. Mrs. Clause visited the classroom and explained about how important it is to attend mass on Christmas Day. A very special thanks to all the parents who helped us to arrange a delicious brunch and a special thanks goes to Mrs. Fannin for visiting fifth graders and reading a book about the history of candy cane.
We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
6th Grade
6th grade presented their projects after reading The Bronze Bow. They created their favorite scene and then wrote a sequel to the story. This week we also delivered our baby items to the Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Lowcountry. The center was very excited to receive the items and money we raised to purchase prenatal vitamins.
JPII is our Low Country Deanery for 7th grade, 8th grade, and high school which serves our Catholic students in Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head.
JPII Happenings, a weekly publication of calendar events and news for the John Paul II Catholic School community, is now available online. The hope is that JPII Happenings will serve as a reminder for the school's upcoming events as well as news about our wonderful students and community.
Visit their school website HERE
JPII- Wrestling Clinic- for Boys and Girls in Grades 2-6
Saint of the Week- Saint Dominic of Silos
The connection between Saint Dominic of Silos and Saint Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order, is a curious but interesting one. Separated by 100 years, the two men were linked by a prophecy given by Dominic of Silos to the mother of the other Dominic.