Paw Prints

Principal Corner
Last week I had the opportunity to chaperone Freshmen Camp. It was a great experience for many reasons. I witnessed students going out of their comfort zones during the 3 days we were there. Students participated in various activities that allowed them to face individual challenges that ranged from climbing walls to participating in a lip sync battle.
I was proud of the students and loved having the opportunity to get to know the Freshmen better. The highlight was the Lip Sync Battle! We have some talented students and staff!
- Mrs. Maxwell
Looking Ahead
Nov 8 - AP Test Registration Deadline
Nov. 14 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 15 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 16 - Exams/Half-Day
Nov. 17 - No School
Weekly Highlights
District Champs
Natural Light
After-School Support
Counseling Office Updates
Representatives from the Tech Center will visit OHS to share information with our students this Thursday. 10th graders will report to their 5th hours for attendance and get dismissed to the auditorium for the presentation. Students will learn about the many different programs offered at the Tech Center and receive information about Early College. If interested, they will be eligible to request any of these programs for their 11th and 12th grade course plans.
Sophomores will take a field trip to the Tech Center on November 30th to visit 3 programs of their choice. 10th and 11th graders will have the opportunity to request Tech Center Programs for the 24-25 school year through a google form that will be sent to their emails and the Paw Prints prior to Winter Break.
Link of the Week
NHS - Culvers
In need of a dinner idea this Monday, November 6th? Head over to Culvers on M-89 from 5-8 pm and get some great food while helping support Otsego's National Honor Society as they raise money for their Christmas project that provides local families with gifts so they can give their kids the best Christmas possible. You can do dine-in, drive-thru or carry-out.
Driver's Education
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Email: treed@otsegops.org
Website: ohs.otsegops.org
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otsegops