Hall's Corner
February 18, 2022
Dear, BHS Families and Students
Have a safe, healthy, and restful vacation with family and friends.
Students in The News - So Much to Applaud, Check It Out!
BSU Hosts Inaugural Black History Month Assembly
Attention Seniors: Class of 2022 Timeline
Spring Drivers' Education
Ham Jam Talent Show - Cancelled
In Counseling
Athletic News
Calendar of Future Events – Check this out!
- New Entrance/Exit Procedures & Open Campus Reminders
- Driving to School Reminders for Student Drivers
SAT Prep Classes
Rochester Peer Tutoring
- Junior Prom
- Peak Experience Adventure
FEV Tutoring Support
Safe Schools Helpline
KUDOS to Senior Kiara Anglin for becoming the All-Time Leading Scorer in Brighton for Girls Basketball!!!
Congratulations to Kiara Anglin on becoming the all-time leading scorer in Brighton school history for girls basketball. She now has 1,091 points, passing Assistant Coach Brooke Wolff (1,085 points).
This is a wonderful achievement and milestone in her career. Please join the Brighton basketball family as we wish Kiki and her family congratulations! Kiki will be continuing her academic and basketball career at Nazareth College next year.
Girls Nordic Skiing Wins Fourth Straight Section V Championship!
The Brighton girls Nordic skiing team won a fourth straight Section V championship and Cate Anzellotti won the overall individual Section V championship at Bristol Mountain on Monday, Feb. 15.
Anzellotti won the distance race with a time of 19:31 at Harriet Hollister Spencer State Park on Feb. 12. Teammate Emelia Jordan finished second (19:47), Bridget Mousaw finished ninth (22:50), Elizabeth Norris finished 12th (23:23), Bella Bucci finished 14th (23:50), and Lucia Samper finished 34th (25:58). The trio of Anzellotti, Jordan, and Mousaw also won the relay race by more than three minutes on Feb. 15.
The Brighton boys finished third as a team. Miles Mattern finished third (27:06) in the distance race, Filip Stefankovic finished eighth (30:34), Sam Anzellotti finished 19th (32:14), Elliot Raynor finished 22nd (33:07), Gio Bucci finished 27th (34:19), and Heath Ashley finished 42nd (37:17). The relay team of Raynor, Mattern, and Stefankovic placed third.
Cate Anzellotti, Jordan, Mousaw, Norris, Mattern, and Stefankovic qualified for the state meet.
The Brighton girls Nordic skiing team
Cate Anzellotti won the distance race on Feb. 12.
The Brighton girls Nordic skiing team wins Section V championship.
Brighton Girls Win Alpine Skiing Championship, Comeau Wins Boys Combined Championship
The Brighton High School girls alpine skiing team won the Section V Class A team championship on Wednesday, Feb. 16 and senior Ben Comeau won the Section V boys combined championship on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Hunt Hollow.
Bruin Madeline Stodgell placed fourth in the giant slalom and fifth in the slalom, teammate Beenie Lucas placed 10th in the giant slalom and fourth in the slalom, and Ava Millard placed 11th in the giant slalom and ninth in the slalom.
Comeau placed first in the giant slalom and first in the slalom to finish as the overall individual winner for all of Section V.
The boys team finished second overall in Class A. Logan Serve finished 23rd in the giant slalom and 16th in the slalom, Trevor Serve finished 11th in the slalom, Nate Ruchlin finished 21st in the slalom, and Brendan Mariano finished 33rd in the giant slalom.
Stodgell, Lucas, Millard, and Comeau will represent Section V at the state meet on Feb. 28 and March 1 at Gore Mountain.
The Brighton High School girls alpine skiing team
Ben Comeau
Comeau placed first in the giant slalom and first in the slalom to finish as the overall individual winner for all of Section V.
The Brighton High School boys alpine Skiing team
German Students commended for participating in the 2022 AATG National German Exam for HS students.
Every year the German Department offers to their German students the National German Exam given by the American Association of Teachers of German. Students are encouraged to take this exam as a way to see what they have learned so far in German, to see how they compare nationwide to other German students, and to review at the half way mark in the school year. The National German Exam is administered electronically each year to over 11,900 high school students. The questions on the AATG National German Exam are made using authentic video, audio and written sources in German therefore students can also learn about current culture from the exam. After successful completion students receive gold, silver, bronze and achievement certificates and medals. Students in level 3 and 4 who score in the 90th percentile are eligible for the AATG/PAD Study Trip Award, a four-week study trip program to Germany with all expenses paid. Brighton has had 19 student winners of this prestigious prize since 1986!
BSU Hosts Inaugural Black History Month Assembly
Brighton High School’s Black Student Union (BSU) hosted its inaugural Black History Month Assembly (formerly the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Assembly) on Friday, Feb. 11. East High School Superintendent Dr. Shaun Nelms was the event’s guest speaker. Nelms is the superintendent of East High School in Rochester, a professor at the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester, and directs the University’s Center for Urban Education Success.
BSU presented Nelms with the Truth and Action Recognition Award for continuing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s commitment to social justice, education, action, and community building.
Afterwards, the Womba Africa Drumming Group from Ghana performed for students. BSU members saw Womba perform at Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s keynote address at Rochester Institute of Technology and invited them to come to BHS. Womba previously appeared on America’s Got Talent.
BSU President Tafari Atkins, Vice President Amar Alligood, and club members Ezri Effah, Ben Opoku, Marley Goldberg, and Ionna Kadiatu all spoke, introduced speakers, and presented the award.
Registration for Spring Drivers Education will be March 8 at 8:00 p.m.!
Attention Class of 2022
Check out the updated Timeline of Senior Events,
Class of 2022 Upcoming EventsHam Jam Talent Show - Cancelled
Due to lack of interest Ham Jam the senior class fundraiser planned for March 11, has been cancelled.
The senior class in exploring different fun-filled fundraisers that will pique the interest of more students.
Counseling Groups are Back
February: Counseling Corner
Check out this website for the most up to date athletic schedules
Follow Brighton Sports on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/BCSDSports
Calendar of Events
New Procedures for Students/Visitor Entering BHS after 7:40 AM
Starting on Monday, February 7, 2022, DOOR 20 (near tennis courts) will be accessible by students and visitors from 7:00 AM to 7:40 AM. After 7:40 AM, students and visitors will need to enter & exit through Door 1 ONLY (Winton Road entrance).
Students/visitors with mobility and accessibility needs will continue to enter through door 20.
Students will be required to sign out of the building at DOOR 1 (not DOOR 20) during free periods and for all appointments taking place during the school day. Students with appointments will be given a pass at the attendance office to show security at DOOR 1. After 2:47 PM, DOOR 20 will be accessible to all students and visitors.
Students are NOT allowed to leave campus during FLEX unless they have an approved appointment. A TENT will constructed behind BHS in April.
Open Campus Reminders & Updates
BHS has had an open campus policy for over 50 years, due to its unique location in Brighton and for being so close to 12 Corners businesses. OPEN CAMPUS is available to ALL students periods 5-7. Students with free periods during this time are welcome to leave campus and walk to 12 Corners businesses for lunch. Our 12 Corners businesses love seeing our students, but they do not want to deal with issues or misbehaviors on a daily basis. OPEN CAMPUS is a privilege and not a right. Students needing additional academic supports and/or having behavioral issues may have their open campus privileges revoked.
Students will be required to sign out of the building at DOOR 1 (not DOOR 20) during free periods and for all appointments taking place during the school day. They will also be required to sign back in at DOOR 1.
As of February 7, 2022, OPEN CAMPUS for SENIORS ONLY will be extended to periods 1-3, in addition to 5-7 as a test pilot. Student drivers are not allowed to transport other students in cars during the school day (7:40 AM to 2:47 PM) and students are NOT allowed to ride in other student’s cars off campus during the school day. Students found violating this policy, drivers or passengers, will lose open campus privileges and may also lose driving privileges. We do NOT permit student drivers to transport other students during the school day. Students with appointments during the school day must sign out in the attendance office first, and then provide a pass to security at Door 1.
During periods 4, FLEX, and 8, the campus is closed and students should remain on the high school campus. The campus borders extend to the creek, the back fields, and Winton Road.
IMPORTANT – Families not wanting their students to sign out of the building for OPEN CAMPUS, may contact their child’s assistant principal to eliminate their ability to sign out.
- Students with last names A-G, Mr. Comeau at matt_comeau@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
- Students with last names H-O, Ms. Mosher at Teresa_mosher@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
- Students with last names P-Z, Ms. Edwards at Ashley_edwards@bcsd.org or 242-5000 ext. 0
Driving to School Reminders – please review with your students
SAT Prep Classes
Are you taking the SAT exam in March? After taking a BHS college exam preparation class, walk into the exam with confidence! The SAT Prep class will help you become comfortable with the exam format and style and provide tips for achieving your most successful outcome. You will practice the three sections of the exam, Reading, Writing & Language, and Math, and complete at least one practice exam in class. Each class session meets for a total of twelve hours. There are various class times to choose from – with the first class starting February 19th. Ms. Mary Jo Jepson, a retired BHS teacher who has led PSAT, SAT, and ACT Exam Prep classes at Brighton High School for more than 20 years, will teach this class remotely using Zoom. The fee for the class is $99. Financial assistance is available through the BHS Counseling Office. Complete class details and registration are available at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net/rw-online-classes.
Rochester Peer Tutoring is looking for more tutors
Hello, we hope you are doing well! Our names are Delia Zhangfeng and Bhuvana Chimmiri, and we are the co-founders of Rochester Peer Tutoring. Our mission is to connect students to peers who can help guide them throughout their learning journey.
To give you more background about Rochester Peer Tutoring, we are an organization created last year with the intent to provide struggling students with extra support. With the pandemic hitting, we know that many students may feel overwhelmed with their challenging courses and heavy workloads. While our mission does extend beyond the COVID situation, we know that students need, now more than ever, easily accessible resources and support.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at rocpeertutor@gmail.com.
Class of 2023's Junior Prom
Due to many circumstances beyond our control and the ever changing guidelines with COVID-19, JUNIOR PROM 2022 is being moved from April to Saturday, June 11th from 8-11 PM. June will allow for much warmer weather.
More information to follow from your Class Council.
We are planning for an incredible night of music, dancing, FOOD, and FUN!
Peak Experience Adventure. Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
This summer, from July 5th through July 12th, Brighton students will have an opportunity to travel to Gunnison National Forest in Colorado for an eight-day adventure. Over the course of the trip, students will white water raft, rock climb, participate in low and high ropes course activities, and backpack. Rope course activities include zip lines, power poles, repelling, and “The Screamer”. The three-day backpack traverses through the Gunnison National Forest where we will climb mountains over 13,000 feet high. Weather permitting, one of our peak ascents will be at dawn, which is a truly amazing experience. Current eighth graders through juniors are eligible for the trip, and spots are limited. If you are interested in joining the group and would like more information on the activities and cost of the trip, please contact Jamie Porta (the Outdoor Club advisor) at jamie_porta@bcsd.org.
FEV Tutoring Support for 3-12 grade students
Does your child need support with school work outside of the school day? Is homework a challenge at times? Does your child wish that their teacher was available for a quick instructional question?
Great news! This school year, Brighton has chosen to partner with FEV Tutor to provide you with free, school-sponsored, 1:1 online tutoring as a support. This virtual service will be available to students from 3pm-10pm daily and also on weekends as needed. By logging in to student accounts through Class Link, students will be able to request to work with a tutor in minutes for an On-Demand session. On the FEV platform, students will be able to upload and share files directly with their tutors so that they can provide support with specific assignments or projects.
If you have any questions about this free virtual tutoring program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at: support@fevtutor.com or call 855-763-2607. FEV's Support Team is happy to answer any questions and work with you to create a personalized tutoring experience that best suits your learner! Are you wondering how to help your child get started? Click this link to learn more: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQd96eSEuYLIhdszrn4AM18mpz4GKxCq/view
SAFESCHOOLS HELPLINE 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
Examples of safety concerns that you may want to report anonymously include:
- potential acts or threats of violence
- weapons
- sexual harassment/abuse/assault
- bullying/cyber bullying
- concern for someone’s mental or emotional health and well-being
- concerns about suicide/students making concerning comments about hurting themselves
- drug or alcohol use/abuse
- theft
You may also submit an anonymous report through the Safe School website at www.safeschoolhelpline.com or via text by messaging 66746 and
then typing “TIPS” to begin the reporting process.